Dominik Bullach

About me
I'm a postdoc (EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow) in the Number Theory group at University College London.
Previously, I was a postdoc at King's College London, where I also did my PhD under the supervision of David Burns. During my PhD I was a member of the 2018 cohort of the London School of Number Theory and Geometry (LSGNT). Prior to that, I was at LMU Munich.

My primary mathematical interests are:
Jointly with Luis García, I am organising the London number theory seminar in the 2025 spring term. For more information on the seminar, including the schedule, see here.

Jointly with Daniel Macías Castillo, I organised a conference on the arithmetic of \(L\)-functions, which took place 22 -- 26 May 2023 at ICMAT in Madrid. The webpage for the conference can be found here and the conference booklet can be downloaded here.

Published research articles

Edited volumes

Upcoming research talks

Past research talks
Notes / Miscellaneous
Maybe the following are useful:
Department of Mathematics, University College London,
25 Gordon Street, WC1H 0AY, London, United Kingdom.