Dominik Bullach

About me
I'm a postdoc (EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow) in the Number Theory group at University College London.
Previously, I was a postdoc at King's College London, where I also did my PhD under the supervision of David Burns. During my PhD I was a member of the 2018 cohort of the London School of Number Theory and Geometry (LSGNT). Prior to that, I was at LMU Munich.

My primary mathematical interests are:
Jointly with Daniel Macías Castillo, I organised a conference on the arithmetic of \(L\)-functions, which took place 22 -- 26 May 2023 at ICMAT in Madrid. The webpage for the conference can be found here and the conference booklet can be downloaded here.

Published research articles

Past research talks
Notes / Miscellaneous
Maybe the following are useful:
Department of Mathematics, University College London,
25 Gordon Street, WC1H 0AY, London, United Kingdom.