
Most of the research projects happening in our lab are led by David Frost and his PhD students:  

  • Brexit & Social Climate: A longitudinal study examining how aspects of the post-Brexit social climate affect the lived experiences, health, and well-being of migrants living in the United Kingdom.
  • Emerging SexualitiesThis project explores identity, health, stress and resilience of plurisexual, i.e. pansexual, queer and bisexual emerging adults in the UK, and consists of 3 consecutive studies.
  • Legacies & FuturesThis project aims to gain a better understanding of pregnancy and birth outcomes using vulnerability and resilience as multi-level constructs.

Lab members are also involved in collaborative research projects in the UK and internationally:

  • The Generations Study: Five-year study examining identity, stress, health outcomes, and health care and services utilisation among three generations of sexual minority adults who came of age at different historical contexts.
  • Project SHARe: A mixed methods study of the rewards and challenges of being in a same-sex relationship. In particular, we are attempting to learn more about how the experiences that people have in the context of their intimate relationships are related to their well-being.