Marc E. D. Svensson

As a social psychologist my research interests centres around improving mental health and the general well-being of minority and marginalised groups. My research focuses on understanding and analysing minority identity formation in its social context, and its subsequent role in mental health outcomes. I am currently completing my PhD at UCL (University College London) where I am researching emerging adults (18-29) with a plurisexual identity (queer, pansexual or bisexual), as these groups report even lower general wellbeing and suffer from more mental health issues than their gay and lesbian peers within the sexual minority community. My research findings will be utilised to inform policy making, improve education and aid organisations or social media platforms that work to, or simply care about, improving mental health of minority and marginalised groups. 

I am also the founder of a digital start-up called Helsa. Helsa is an online platform where LGBTQ+ people can learn about their own mental health and connect with LGBTQ+ specialised therapists, online and in person. 
