Kisley Di Giuseppe

Kisley Di Giuseppe is a PhD student at University College London – Thomas Coram Research Unit interested in studying social marginalities, researching ethnic minority groups with issues such as: HIV prevention, Sexuality and Migration.

His research project uses a mixed-methods approach to investigate the impact of post-migration stressors on sexual and gender minority migrants’ mental health outcomes. Specifically, it explores whether it is possible to think that post-migration, particularly the heteronormative expectations presented within the current British asylum system, creates spaces of invisibility, and could also be a key factor in contributing to prolonged and increased distress following pre-migration and migration trauma. Furthermore, the project aims to explore whether social connectivity amongst sexual and gender minority migrants creates conditions for engaging with assimilation and gives opportunities for consciousness-raising effects. Specifically, Kisley is interested to investigate if becoming part of a specific queer community creates conditions for Queer Pedagogy, through which the migrants will re-adapt their own narratives within the process of seeking asylum, and whether this has an impact of their mental wellbeing.

Kisley has also published in peer-review journals:

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