Vincent Sterk
Department of Economics University College London Drayton House, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK Phone: +44 207 679 5877 E-mail:
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Research interests: Business Cycles, Monetary Policy, Firm Dynamics, Labor Markets, Housing Markets, and Inequality.
Working Papers Optimal Monetary Policy during a Cost of Living Crisis, with Alan Olivi and Dajana Xhani. Appendix. Revise & Resubmit, American Economic Review.
Startup Types and Macroeconomic Performance in Europe, with Ralph De Haas and Neeltje Van Horen (2022). CEPR DP17400.
The Dark Corners of the Labor Market (2016).
Work in Progress Household relief programs: a macroeconomic analysis, with Alan Olivi and Dajana Xhani.
Endogenous markup fluctuations and inequality over the business cycle, with Alan Olivi and Dajana Xhani.
The Marginal CPI: a new price index for macroeconomic analysis, with Alan Olivi and Dajana Xhani.
Early Exit, with Petr Sedlacek.
Publications Stock Market Participation, Inequality and Monetary Policy, with Davide Melcangi (2024), forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies.
"Expectations and Incomplete Markets." (2023), with Evi Pappa and Morten O. Ravn, Forthcoming, Chapter 19 (pp. 569-612) of Bachmann, Topa and van der Klaauw: Handbook of Economic Expectations, Academic Press (Elsevier).
Startups and Employment Following the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Calculator, with Cristiana Benedetti-Fasil and Petr Sedlacek (2022). Earlier version available in Covid Economics, issue 13. Economic Policy, Vol 37, Issue 111, pp 507-533. Earlier version in Covid Economics, Issue 13 and as CEPR DP 14671 Calculator United States: here. VoxEU column: here. Calculator EU member states: here.
Quantitative Easing with Heterogeneous Agents (2021), with Wei Cui, Journal Of Monetary Economics, Vol 123, pp 68-90. CEPR DP13322. 13322. VoxEU column.
Sterk, Vincent (r) Sedlacek, Petr (r), and Pugsley, Benjamin (2021). The Nature of Firm Growth , American Economic Review. Vol 111 (2), 547-579. Appendix. VoxEU column. Download autocovariance moments. Citation help.
Macroeconomic Fluctuations with HANK and SAM: an Analytical Approach, (2020), with Morten O. Ravn. Appendix. VoxEU column. Forthcoming, Journal of the European Economic Association. Also available as CFM Discussion Paper 2016-33 and CEPR Discussion Paper 11696.
Reviving American Entrepreneurship? Tax Reform and Business Dynamism, with Petr Sedlacek. Journal Of Monetary Economics, Vol 105, pp.94-108. Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Conference Series on Public Policy, (2019).
The Transmission of Monetary Policy Operations through Redistributions and Durable Purchases, with Silvana Tenreyro (2018), Vol. 99, pp. 124-137, Journal of Monetary Economics,
Comments on "The Forward Fiscal Guidance Puzzle and a Resolution" by M. Canzoneri, D. Cao, R. Cumby, B. Diba, and W. Luo (2018) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Gerzensee conference volume, 89(C), pp. 47-49.Link to publication.
The Growth Potential of Startups over the Business Cycle, (2017), Vol. 107 (10), pp. 3182-3210, American Economic Review, with Petr Sedlacek, appendix. Earlier version.
Job Uncertainty and Deep Recessions, (2017) , Vol. 57 (2), pp. 217-225 , Journal of Monetary Economics, with Morten O. Ravn,
Home Equity, Mobility, and Macroeconomic Fluctuations, (2015), Vol. 74, pp. 16-32, Journal of Monetary Economics.
The Myth of Financial Innovation and the Great Moderation (2011), Economic Journal, Vol. 121, Issue 335, pp. 707, with Wouter den Haan.
Credit Frictions and the Comovement between Durable and Non-durable Consumption (2010), Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 57 (2), pp. 217-225.
Policy reports
Benedetti Fasil, C., P. Sedláček and V. Sterk (2020), EU start-up calculator: impact of COVID-19 on aggregate employment. Scenario analysis for Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Spain Benedetti Fasil, C., P. Sedláček and V. Sterk (2020), EU start-up calculator: impact of COVID-19 on aggregate employment. Scenario analysis for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Sweden Benedetti Fasil, C., P. Sedláček and V. Sterk (2020), EU start-up calculator: impact of COVID-19 on aggregate employment. Scenario analysis for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia