Special Relativity, PH2011/2A, @StAndrews
- Course Outline and Lecture Notes
Lecture |
Topics |
Lecture |
Topics |
SR1 |
From Galileo Galilei to Einstein
- Galilean Relativity
- Frames of Reference
- Galilean Transformation
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Galilean Invariance
- Light, Maxwell's Equations,
and the Aether
- Einstein's Postulates
SR2 |
Consequences of Einstein's Postulates from Simple Thought Experiments
- Constancy of Speed of
- Clock Synchronization
- Apparent Paradoxes
- Relative Simultaneity
- Time Dilation
- Length Contraction
SR3 |
The Lorentz Transformation
- Derivation of the Lorentz
- Galileo's Mistake
- Transformations in Matrix
SR4 |
Main Cosequences of Lorentz Transformation
- Relative Simultaneity
- Time Dilation
- Length Contraction
- Some Examples
- The Invariant Interval
SR5 |
The Doppler Effect
- Classical Doppler Effect
for Sound
- Doppler Shift for Light
- Small Velocity Approxi-
SR6 |
Velocity Transformations
- Addition of Velocities
in Classical (Newtonian) Mechanics
- Velocity Transformation in
Special Relativity
SR7 |
Relativistic Energy and Momentum
- Newtonian Force
and Momentum
- Non-Conservation of
Newtonianin Momentum in Special Relativity
- Relativistic Momentum
- Relativistic Energy
- Energy-Momentum Relation
SR8 |
Spacetime, Causality and Light Cones
- 4-Vectors
- Minkowski Metric
- Spacetime Diagrams
- Absolute Causality
- Light Cones
SR9 |
Resolving Paradoxes
- The Twin Paradox
- Outwards Journey
- Return Trip
- Resolution of Paradox
- Books recommended as core/background reading
- Nonclassical Physics (Beyond Newton’s View), R. Harris (Addison-Wesley)
Chapter 1 – course based strongly on the approach in this chapter
- Fundamentals of Physics, Haliday, Resnick, Walker (Wiley)
Chapter 38 - if you have this book, then reading this chapter will do no harm
- Special Relativity, A.P. French (Chapman and Hall)
Classic text - goes into much more depth than is possible in this course.
Slightly different approach. Useful source of reference.
- Relativity Visualized, Lewis Carroll Epstein (Insight Press)
Popular science book- lots of fun, easy to read, useful background on
developing intuition about special relativity
