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All code in this page is given without warranty and at the user's risk. I cannot accept any responsability for their use.

Click on the links below to download the GAUSS Code of some my papers

Are Tax Subsidies for Private Medical Insurance Self-financing? Evidence from a Microsimulation Model

Competition Among Differentiated Health Plans under Adverse Selection

Structural Estimation of a Principal-Agent Model: Moral Hazard in Medical Insurance

Counts with an Endogenous Dummy Regressor: A Series Expansion Approach

Click on the links below to download other GAUSS Code

Halton.src  Use this program to obtain Halton draws that can be used for simulation and simulation based estimation

Hessian.src This procedure computes the Hessian with higher accuracy than Hessp but it is slower

Mlogit_Endog This collection of programs allow you to estimate a Multinomial Logit with a Endogenous Dummy Variable by Simulated Maximum Likelihood (using either pseudo random number or Halton draws). It is a simpler model than the one used in "Are Tax Subsidies for Private Medical Insurance Self-Financing? Evidence from a Microsimulation Model"