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Working papers 

Cost-Sharing in Medical Care Can Increase Adult Mortality: Evidence from Colombia (joint with Javier Amaya-Nieto, Giancarlo Buitrago and G. Miller). NBER Working Paper 31908. CGDEV Working Paper.

The Role of Hospital Networks in Individual Mortality (joint with Giancarlo Buitrago, Paul Rodríguez-Lesmes, Natalia Serna). IFS Working Paper 24/21. CEPR Working Paper 19062.

Multitasking, Two-part Contracts, and Bunching: an Application to Doctors' Tasks and Incentive Contracts (joint with P. Rodríguez-Lesmes). 

Prioritization, Risk Selection, and Illness Severity in a Mixed Health Care System (joint with  Pau Olivella). IFS Working Paper 22/22. Revise & Resubmit.

Using Incentivised Games and Networks to Uncover Hidden Impacts: The Case of Community Driven Development Programs (joint with P. Rodríguez-Lesmes). CEPR Working Paper 18990.

More Powerful Cluster Randomized Control Trials (joint with B. McConnell) IFS Working Paper 22/22.

Monetary Incentives and Image Motivation: Evidence from a Large-Scale Experiment with Nigerian Midwives (joint with M. Holmlund, P. Jervis, F. Maniquet, P. Rosa-Dias). Revise & Resubmit.

Health Inequalities in Latin American and the Caribbean: Child, Adolescent, Reproductive, Metabolic Syndrome and Mental Health (joint with Antonella Bancalari, Samuel Berlinski,  Giancarlo Buitrago, M.F. García, D. De la Mata). IDB Working Paper 01523. LACIR WP.

Health Systems and Health Inequalities in Latin America (joint with Antonella Bancalari, Samuel Berlinski,  Giancarlo Buitrago, M.F. García, D. De la Mata). IDB Working Paper 01533. LACIR WP.

Testing Insurance Against Illness with Health Dependent Preferences. (joint with A. Galiano).

Work in progress

More to Live for: Health Investment Responses to Expected Retirement Wealth in Chile (joint with G. Miller and N. Valdés)

Peer Effects in Physicians’ Medical Practice: Evidence from Public Hospitals in Brazil (joint with A. de Paula and Paula Spinola)

Mental Health Spillovers in Primary Schools (joint with A. Balsa, M. Costa Dias, Anders Holm, Freja Thim)  

Subjective Entry Criteria and College Admissions (joint with Soledad Giardili)

Financing Health Providers: The Case of Universal Health Insurance in Perú (joint with Antonella Bancalari and Gabriela Smarrelli)