Our Research

Dissolving Nanomaterials

Damage-free, scalable liquid phase processing of nanomaterials is possible by understanding the thermodynamics of solvent-nanomaterial interactions.

Covalent Functionalisation

Adding functional groups to nanomaterials can help assembly, introduce biocompatibility, or slightly change the electronics to better fit the needs of a device.

Energy Devices

Nanomaterials will play a critical role in addressing mankind's biggest current challenge. Our work uses nanomaterials as additives in classic systems (solar cells, supercapacitors) and new energy systems such as torsional energy storage.

Composite Materials

From optoelectronic components, to just making really strong and light plastics, there’s many reasons to make nanomaterial composites. We work with the best to make their materials even better across a range of applications.

Our Aims

Nanomaterials underpin the future of a wide range of next generation technologies from solar cells to airplane wings. To take advantage of their remarkable promise, we need to develop tools to control them at the molecular level, and our toolbox is chemistry.

Recent News

World's Thinnest Pasta

We electrospun pure flour, read all about it in Nanoscale Advances (or The Telegraph!)

Invited Talk at EMRS 2024 Fall

Spreading the word of AsP Nanoribbons at Europe's premier materials science conference

Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Group

Adam was elected to the RSC Nanoscience Committee

ISIS DMU Meeting

Adam and Mirka attended the ISIS Disordered Materials User Meeting, to talk thiophene, discuss software development, and shmooze

Mechanism of PNR synthesis in Nanoscale

Phosphorus Nanoribbons dont form during intercalation of black phosphorus, but after by interacting with solvents.

Visiting Rice University

Adam took a trip to Houston to embed with the Pasquali group to learn about frozen margaritas superacids.

Structure of Thiophene in PCCP

Using neutrons to find the structure of this smelly liquid, useful in electronics and Martian life

Benzene-Methanol Cooperativity in Nature Communications

Work with Neal Skipper, out now on how benzene-methanol bonding is more complex than you'd think

Arsenic-Phosphorus Nanoribbons in JACS

Newly developed materials which are conducting at room temperature (and they're magnetic too!)