Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics, PH3073, @StAndrews
- Course Outline and Lecture Notes
Equations of Motion |
- The Principle of Least Action
- Euler-Lagrange Equations
- Connection to Newtonian Mechanics
- General Properties of the Action
- Galilean Invariance
Conservation Laws
- Energy
- Momentum
- Angular Momentum
- Center of Mass
- Symmetries and Conservation Laws
Integration of Equations of Motion
- One-dimensional Motion
- Two-body Problem in 3D
- Kepler Problem / Planetary Motion
- Elastic Scattering by Central Forces
Chapter4(a), Chapter4(b) :
Canonical Formalism
- Hamilton-Jacobi Theory
- Relationship to Quantum Mechanics
- Hamilton's Equations
- Canonical Transformations
- Poisson Brackets
- Liouville's Theorem
- Books recommended as core/background reading
- Mechanics: Volume 1 (Course of Theoretical Physics), L. D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Butterworth-Heinemann
Very nice book and inexpensive!
- Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua, John Dirk Walecka, Alexander L. Fetter, Dover Publications Inc.
My personal favorite. Used to be very expensive but now availabe at Dover.
- Classical Mechanics, Herbert Goldstein, Charles P. Poole Jr., John L. Safko, Pearson Education
