On line sources relevant to archaeobotanical research in African are limited. A few useful sources are gathered below....Please alert us to others you think we have missed.
Dr Marijke van der Veen, Professor of Archaeobotany, University of Leicester
(with recent research in Egypt)
Dr. Catherine D'Andrea, Simon Fraser University includes some linked pages with info on ethnoarchaeology of emmer in Ethiopia and archaeobotany in Ghana
Archaeobotanical research and teaching resources, including numerous links for archaeobotany in general or of other regions (including a virtual phytolith reference collection, but mainly for Asian species). Also, see some links on historical linguistics, which include some relevant to Africa.
Ethnobotanical resources for Africa
AFLORA - An African Plant Utlilization Database from the Kyoto University Center for African Studies. (This incluydes quite a bit of data on Pgymy and !Kung plant use).
PROTA-base. The Database of written species in the Plant Resources of Tropical Africa project, hosted by Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.