Suppose you have an 0-indexed array h of nonnegative integers with length \(n\) and want to maximise the quantity (j-i) min(h[i:j]) over all \(0\leq i < j \leq n\). This is an old chestnut coding exercise found on all the algobashing sites, often called the “maximum area under a histogram” problem because if you consider the histogram which has a bar of height h[0] above the interval \([0, 1)\), a bar of height h[1] above \([1, 2)\), and so on, then this (j-i) min(h[i:j]) is the area of the largest rectangle sitting on the \(x\)-axis whose left-hand edge is part of the line \(x = i\) and whose right-hand edge is part of the line \(x=j\) and whose height is the minimum value in h between index i (inclusive) and j (exclusive), so that the rectangle is completely contained within the histogram.

If j is an index in the array h, its little sibling \(\operatorname{ls}(j)\) to be the maximal \(i<j\) such that h[i] < h[j]. Some people are only children, of course. The little sibling sequence starting at j is \(j, \operatorname{ls}(j), \operatorname{ls}(\operatorname{ls}(j)), \ldots\), continuing for as long as possible.

To solve the problem, let’s fix the value of j. In looking for the largest rectangle we’re going to consider all rectangles below the histogram whose right-hand edge is part of the line \(x=j\) (so the jth bar is not included). For these to have a chance of being the maximum area rectangle their height must be greater than h[j], otherwise they could be extended to the right. This height must also be at most h[j-1] if the rectangle is to stay beneath the histogram. Again, if these rectangles are to be as large as possible they should extend as far left as possible, which means the \(x\)-coordinate of the left-hand edge should be one more than the little sibling of the index of the height. So both the heights and the left-hand limits we need to consider arise from the little sibling sequence starting at j-1.

Suppose we keep a stack s, initially empty, and do the following:

for 0 <= i < n:
    while s is not empty and h[s.peek()] >= h[i]:

In other words, for each i, pop every index on the stack whose height is bigger than that of i or equal to that of i, then push i.

I claim that each time the for-loop body completes, the stack consists of the little sibling sequence starting at i. By induction, it’s enough to show that this holds at the top, that is, that after completing the loop body, the thing below i is the little sibling of i.

The little sibling m of i entered the stack when it was pushed at the end of iteration m of the loop. It can’t have been popped in the intervening time (steps m+1 up to i-1 inclusive) as the indices between m+1 and i-1 have height at least that of i, so bigger than that of m. At step i any indices coming after m get popped in the while loop as their height is at least that if i, so m really is next on the stack after i.

Notice that running this loop is \(O(n)\) because every index enters and leaves the stack at most once. By updating the best rectangle area every time something is popped we therefore solve the problem in \(O(n)\). The only annoying edge case is that we should consider i=n, but you can avoid this by adding a small element to the end of the array.