A MathJax test
Here’s a test of my MathJax configuration.
Claim: you can’t have uncountably many nonintersecting T-shapes in \(\mathbb{R}^2\).
Proof: by contradiction. Consider the plane as a giant piece of squared paper, with the gridpoints being the points with integer coordinates. One of the squares contains uncountably many Ts.
In that square, let \(A_n\) be the set of all Ts with all branch lengths \(\geq 1/n\). One of these must be uncountable.
Finally observe that you can’t even have countably many Ts with bounded below branch length in a grid square. Consider the points where the horizontal and vertical branches of the Ts meet: it has to have a limit point.
MathJax allows you to use references to equations in the usual way. The
following equation has \tag{1}\label{a}
at the end
and (\ref{a})
without any dollar signs now produces (\ref{a}).
MathJax can be configured to number equations
(i.e. without having to use tag
) but it isn’t on by default.