Noteworthy News
- Career update: In 2024 I'll be joining the Department of Computer Science at The University of Manchester.
- Gave a talk at the AI-Fun Research Seminar, Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals, 29 Nov. 2023.
- Served as Area Chair (Meta-Reviewer) for ALT 2024 and AISTATS 2024.
- I was at the ML in PL 2023 conference, 26 - 29 October in Warsaw, where I gave a contributed talk.
- I was at the ELLIS Robust ML Workshop, 23 - 24 September in Espoo, Finland.
- I was at the Cambridge Ellis Unit Summer School on Probabilistic Machine Learning, 17 - 21 July 2023.
- I was at the workshop Numerical Methods for Mean Field Games and related PDE, 6 - 7 July 2023.
- I was at the Distance-based methods in Machine Learning workshop at UCL, 27 - 28 June 2023.
- I was at the seventh London Symposium of Information Theory (LSIT), 24 - 26 May 2023.
- Served as Area Chair (Meta-Reviewer) for UAI 2023.
- Check out the Sample Space podcast episode with Sam Tickle.
- (March 14) Celebrating "pi day" and the 1-year anniversary of my group Data, Environments, and Learners: Theory and Algorithms (DELTA).
- (Feb. 1st) 1-year anniversary in the post of IMSS Senior Research Fellow, Department of Statistical Science. Things are looking up!
- (Jan. 1st) Received the new year in the company of most outstanding visitors.
- Received and accepted an offer for the post of IMSS Senior Research Fellow with the Department of Statistical Science at UCL.
- Maria's paper
Progress in Self-Certified Neural Networks
(with Yours Truly, Emilio, Benjamin, and John)
is accepted in NeurIPS 2021 workshop
Bayesian Deep Learning
(November 1st).
- Agnieszka's paper
Towards better visual explanations for deep image classifiers
(with Amal, Yours Truly, and Andras)
is accepted in NeurIPS 2021 workshop
eXplainable AI
(October 17th).
- Joined UCL Mathematics as UCL EPSRC Research Associate in Mathematical Sciences (October 1st).
- Ilja's paper
On the Role of Optimization in Double Descent: A Least Squares Study
(with Csaba, Yours Truly, Amal, and Razvan)
is accepted in NeurIPS 2021
(September 28th).
- Maxime's paper
PAC-Bayes unleashed: generalisation bounds with unbounded losses
(with Benjamin, Yours Truly, and John)
is accepted in
(September 25th).
- Maria's paper
Tighter risk certificates for neural networks
(with Yours Truly, John, and Csaba)
is accepted in
(August 15th).
- Got notified that I am the successful applicant for UCL EPSRC Research Associate in Mathematical Sciences (August 12th).
- Left DeepMind (June 18th)
after my 3-year internship contract ended.
- I am a member of the
ELLIS society.
- Short paper
PAC-Bayes Analysis Beyond the usual Bounds
(with Ilja, Csaba, and John)
was presented at the NeurIPS 2019 workshop
Machine Learning with Guarantees.
- Relocated to the UK (November 11) and joined UCL (November 27) for research studies in machine learning, sponsored by DeepMind.