Discoid lupus is a chronic skin disease, which can affect
parts or multiple-parts of the body. This leads to scaring,
which most occur on the neck and the face. Other
side-effects may include hair loss, due to the fact that this
type of lupus damages the scalp. This type of lupus is
more prominent in women then men, Due to this, people
with DLE can't hang out in the sun too much, where
exposure to the cheeks would have a high probability of
causing the cheeks to rash. Unfortunately this type of
lupus is currently not treatable, so please donate and help
find a cure for it!!
Discoid Lupus
welcome to:
Lupus Awareness UCL
Seal - a musician who suffers from
DLE. Symptoms described can be
seen on his cheeks
Treatment for DLE:

The first treatment for DLE is taking corticosteriods which
decreases the body's immune system. Cream (Topical) is
also used to stop the spread of rashes around the skin.
Otherwise, sufferers should wear sun cream when going
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