

In the high-intensity regime (I>1016W/cm2), Fermi's golden rule is fully inadequate for calculating ionization yields. Therefore, several alternative methods are used, some of which (mainly numerical) predict the existence of ``atomic stabilization'' (i.e the decrease of the ionization probability with the field intensity) for atoms subject to short-pulsed laser radiation [1]. The existence of this phenomenon is one of the most controversial issues of super-intense laser-atom physics, and, since there are no experiments in the intensity and frequency regimes for which stabilization may occur, the problem is not settled yet. The strongest experimental evidence is presented in [2], where the ionization probability as a function of the field strength appears to saturate towards a finite value smaller than one. However, these experiments are performed for much lower intensities than those for which the theoretical predictions are made. Not only its existence, but also the physical mechanisms originating this phenomenon and the conditions for its occurrence have raised considerable debate. Most numerical studies suggest that stabilization occurs for high-frequency pulses which are smoothly switched-on or off, but no rigorous criteria exist.

 Using analytical methods, we derive a rigorous proof for the existence of stabilization and establish mathematical criteria for its existence or absence. We show that stabilization exists when the classical momentum transfer from the field to the electron and the classical displacement vanish at the end of the pulse. Our methods are:

Furthermore, we establish alternative criteria for the existence or absence of stabilization from the scaling behavior of the ionization probability. References:
[1] For reviews, see e.g. J.H. Eberly and K. C. Kulander, Science 262, 1229 (1993); S. Geltman, Chem. Phys. Lett. 237, 286 (1995)
[2] N.J. van Druten et al, Phys. Rev. A 55, 622 (1997)