Beate Ehrhardt
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2018/09 - Royal Statistical Society 2018 International Conference, Cardiff, UK.
Presentation: A Bayesian statistical analysis to establish best practices for Organ-Chip experiments

2018/06 - The AI Summit, London, UK.
Participation in "The world's largest AI event for business"

2018/06 - BAYES2018, Cambridge, UK.
Participation in "Bayesian Biostatistics" conference


B. Ehrhardt and P. J. Wolfe (2018) "Network modularity in the presence of covariates". Accepted at SIAM Review

B. Franke, J.-F. Plante, R. Roscher, E.-A. Lee, C. Smyth, A. Hatefi, F. Chen, E. Gil, A.Schwing, A. Selvitella, M. M. Hoffman, R. Grosse, D. Hendricks, and N. Reid (2016)
"Statistical Inference, Learning and Models in Big Data". International Statistical Review,
doi: 10.1111/insr.12176

Awards and Honors

2015/01 - 03 Invited research stay at the Fields institute, Toronto, Canada.
Thematic Program on Statistical Inference, Learning, and Models for Big Data

2014/08 - Captain of the winning team of the Statistical Analytics Challenge

2014/06 - Mathematics Research Community on Network Science, Snowbird Resort, Utah, USA.

Invited Seminars and Talks

2016/01 - Seminar on Economic Risk, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
"Assessing community structure in large networks"

2015/04 - CABDyN Network Journal Club, Oxford, UK.
"Testing for Network Community Structure"

2015/03 - McGill University The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Montreal, Canada.
"Testing for Network Community Structure"

2014/09 - Royal Statistical Society 2014 International Conference, Sheffield, UK.
"Long-Range Spatiotemporal Dependence in fMRI Imaging Data"

Contributed Talks and Posters

2015/01 - Theory of Big Data Conference , London, UK.
Poster: Testing for Network Community Structure

2015/01 - MAPS Research Festival (UCL internal), London, UK.
Presentation: Understanding network structure

2014/04 - Research Students' Conference in Probability and Statistics , Nottingham, UK.
Presentation: Testing for Network Community Structure

2013/11 - Theoretical Foundations of Network Analysis, London, UK.
Presentation: Testing for Network Community Structure

2013/05 - Sunbelt XXXIII : The Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Hamburg, Germany.
Poster: Fundamental Limits for Network Community Detection

© 2018 Beate Ehrhardt - - last updated: May 19th, 2018