I am a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at University College London and my main research is related to modified theories of gravity and cosmology.

I started my career studying a Bachelor in Physics at Universidad de Concepción, Chile. After that, I realised that my interests were related to Gravity and Cosmology, so I continued my studies doing a Master of Science with a major in Physics in that topic. During my MSc I focused my studies on dynamical wormholes using General Relativity.

Once I finished my MSc, I worked for one and half years as a Physics Teaching Fellow at Universidad de Los Lagos (Chile). After that, I got a Chilean scholarship (BECAS CHILE) to study a PhD in Mathematics at University College London, United Kingdom.

Here at UCL I am working with my supervisor Christian G. Böhmer in two main subjects: gravity and cosmology and continuum mechanics. In the former, we are mainly interested in modified teleparallel theories of gravity focusing on cosmology. Additionally, I have been involved in some astrophysics projects related to black holes and wormholes. In continuum mechanics, we are currently working on micro-polar elasticity (or Cosserat Theory) which is a more general elasticity theory which contains more degrees of freedom related with the micro-rotations of the medium. It is interesting that this theory has some similitude in its equations with teleparallel gravity.