[1] Exhibitor in "Gravity and Cosmology 2018". Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Name of exposition:"Nonlocal Teleparallel Gravity" (01/03/2018)

[2] Exhibitor in "International Max Planck Research School" (IMPRS) on Gravitational Wave Astronomy", Hannover, Germany (01/03/2018)

[3] Exhibitor in "BritGrav 2018", University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK. Name of exposition: "Generalised teleparallel quintom dark energy non-minimally coupled with the scalar torsion and a boundary term" (18/04/2018)

[4] Exhibitor in "ComplexiLate 2018", London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, London, UK (30/05/2018).

[5] Exhibitor in "Teleparallel Gravity Workshop" University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Name of exposition: "Generalised teleparallel quintom dark energy non-minimally coupled with the scalar torsion and a boundary term" (27/06/2018).

[6] Exhibitor in "Marcel Grossman conference (MG15)", AT1 parallel session, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. Name of exposition: "Generalised Nonminimally Gravity-matter Coupled Theory" (02/07/2018).


[1] Exhibitor in the Theoretical Physics seminar at Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia. Name of the exposition: "Different cosmological behaviours for different frames of F(R) gravity" (28/02/2017).

[2] Exhibitor in the "Theoretical Physics seminar". "Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II", Naples, Italy (23/03/2017).

[3] Exhibitor in "UKCosmo meeting". University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK (05/04/2017)

[4] Exhibitor in "Geometric Foundations of Gravity". Name of exposition:"New classes of modified teleparallel gravity models". Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia (31/08/2017).

[5] Exhibitor in the "Particle and Fields seminar". Name of exposition:Teleparallel gravity and its modifications. Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel (04/12/2017).

[6] Exhibitor in "Revising Foundations of Physics workshop". University College London, London, UK (14/12/2017).


[1] Exhibitor in "21st International Summer School on Global Analysis and Applications". Name of the exposition: "Modified teleparallel theories of gravity". Institute of Stefan Nahalka, Catholic University, Poprad, Slovakia (15/08/2016).

[2] Exhibitor in "Quantum Structure of Spacetime and Gravity 2016". Name of the exposition: "Modified teleparallel theories of gravity". University of Belgrade, Serbia (26/08/2016).


[1] Exhibitor in "Postgraduate Seminars Mathematics UCL". Name of the exposition: "eleparallel quintessence with a nonminimal coupling to a boundary term". University College London, UK (05/11/2015).


[1] Exhibitor in "Cosmoconce 2013". Name of the exposition: "Dynamic wormholes supported by polytropic phantom matter". Universidad del Bío Bío, Concepción, Chile (15/03/2013).


[1] Poster presentation in Milky way workshop. Name of the poster: "Super-massive Blackhole in the center of the Milky Way".Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile (2010).