Research Background New Museum Sub Projects Origins of Agriculture in South India
Project Funding The Bellary District Archaeological Project has been generously funded by a various grants, especially the British Academy, and the Leverhulme Trust (project on the origins of agriculture in South India), with additional aid coming from the Society for South Asian Studies, Prehistoric Society, Karnatak University, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, LCHES, and UCL. Additional support for project conferences and workshops has come from the Ancient Indian and Iran Trust and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. And Thanks We would like to thank authorities of Karnatak University, the American Institute for Indian Studies, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Archaeological Survey of India, for institutional support and assitance with permits. We also thank our UK home institutions for their support, University College London and University of Cambridge. The project is grateful for the assistance of many individuals, both in India and the UK, including Rabi Mohanty, K. Paddayya, Rob Foley, Marta Lahr, Lorraine Fernandes, Peter Fernandes, Charly French, and Julie Boast. Ravi Korisettar would also like to thank the authorities of Karnatak University for providing encouragement and fieldwork support. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance and hospitality provided
by the residents of Sanganakallu and Kupgal, especially Ramdas
and Linganna of Sanganakallu village.