Mahir Hadžić


  1. (with Christopher Alexander and Matthew Schrecker) Supersonic Gravitational Collapse for Non-Isentropic Gaseous Stars.
    arXiv:2311.18795 , 43 pages (2023)

  2. (with Gerhard Rein, Matthew Schrecker and Christopher Straub) Damping versus oscillations for a gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system.
    arXiv:2301.07662 , 49 pages (2023)

  3. (with Juhi Jang and King Ming Lam) Nonradial stability of self-similarly expanding Goldreich-Weber stars.
    arXiv:2212.11420 , 64 pages (2022)

  4. Star dynamics: Collapse vs. expansion.
    Quarterly of Applied Math., 81 , 329-365 (2023)

  5. (with Yan Guo and Juhi Jang) Naked singularities in the Einstein-Euler system.
    Accepted, Annals of PDE
    arXiv:2112.10826 , 150 pages

  6. (with Yan Guo, Juhi Jang, and Matthew Schrecker) Gravitational Collapse for Polytropic Gaseous Stars: Self-similar Solutions.
    Archive Rat. Mech. Anal., 246, 957-1066 (2022)

  7. (with Gerhard Rein and Christopher Straub) On the existence of linearly oscillating galaxies.
    Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. (2021)
    arXiv:2102.11672 , 104 pages

  8. (with Yan Guo and Juhi Jang) Larson-Penston Self-similar Gravitational Collapse.
    Commun. Math. Phys., 386, 1551-1601 (2021)

  9. (with Zhiwu Lin) Turning point principle for relativistic stars.
    Commun. Math. Phys. 387 (2), 729-759 (2021), Online published version
    arXiv:2006.09749 , 33 pages

  10. (with Calum Rickard and Juhi Jang) Global existence of the nonisentropic compressible Euler equations with vacuum boundary surrounding a variable entropy state.
    Nonlinearity, 34(1), 33-91 (2021)

  11. (with Shrish Parmeshwar and Juhi Jang) Global expanding solutions of compressible Euler equations with small initial densities.
    Quart. Appl. Math., 79 , 273-334 (2021)

  12. (with Yan Guo and Juhi Jang) Continued gravitational collapse for Newtonian stars.
    Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 239 , 431-552 (2021)

  13. (with Zhiwu Lin and Gerhard Rein) Stability and instability of self-gravitating relativistic matter distributions.
    Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 241 , 1-89 (2021)
    arXiv:1810.00809 (the latest Arxiv version fixes a small inconsistency in the proof of Lemma 4.4)

  14. (with Juhi Jang) A class of global solutions to the Euler-Poisson system.
    Commun. Math. Phys., 370, no 2, 475-505 (2019)

  15. (with Juhi Jang) Expanding large global solutions of the equations of compressible fluid mechanics.
    Inventiones Math., 214, no. 3, 1205-1266 (2018)

  16. (with Andreas Seeger, Charles Smart, and Brian Street) Singular integrals and a problem on mixing flows.
    Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire 35, no. 4, 921-943 (2018)

  17. (with Juhi Jang) Nonlinear stability of expanding star solutions in the radially-symmetric mass-critical Euler-Poisson system.
    Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 71, no. 5, 827-891 (2018)

  18. (with Gustavo Navarro and Steve Shkoller) Local well-posedness and Global stability of the Two-Phase Stefan problem.
    SIAM J. Math. Anal., 49 6, 4942-5006 (2017)

  19. (with Steve Shkoller and Jared Speck) A priori estimates for solutions to the relativistic Euler equations with a moving vacuum boundary.
    Comm. PDE, 44, 859-906, (2019)

  20. (with Pierre Raphael) On melting and freezing for the 2d radial Stefan problem.
    Jour. Eur. Math. Soc., 21, Issue 11, 3259-3341 (2019)

  21. (with Steve Shkoller) Global stability and decay for the classical Stefan problem for general boundary shapes.
    Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A, 373, 2050 (2015)

  22. (with Gerhard Rein) On the small redshift limit of steady states of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system and their stability.
    Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 159, 529-546 (2015)

  23. (with Jared Speck) The Global Future Stability of the FLRW Solutions to the Dust-Einstein System with a Positive Cosmological Constant.
    Jour. Hyp. Diff. Eqns.,12, no.1 (2015), 87--188

  24. (with Steve Shkoller) Global stability and decay for the classical Stefan problem.
    Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 68 (2015) 689--757

  25. (with Gerhard Rein) Stability for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system - a coercivity estimate.
    Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 155, 529-556 (2013)

  26. (with Steve Shkoller) Well-posedness for the classical Stefan problem and the zero surface tension limit.
    Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 1-52, DOI: 10.1007/s00205-016-1041-8

  27. Orthogonality conditions and stability in the Stefan problem with surface tension.
    Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 203 (3), 719-745 (2012)

  28. (with Govind Menon) Gradient flow structure for domain relaxation in Langmuir films.
    Quart. Appl. Math., 70, 659-664, (2012)

  29. (with Yan Guo) Stability in the Stefan problem with surface tension (I).
    Commun. Partial Differential Eqns. 35 (2), 201-244 (2010)

  30. (with Gerhard Rein) Global existence and nonlinear stability for the relativistic Vlasov-Poisson system in the gravitational case.
    Indiana Univ. Math. J. 56, 2453-2488 (2007)
    The original publication is available here.

  31. A constraint variational problem arising in stellar dynamics.
    Quart. Appl. Math. 65, 145-153 (2007)


  1. (with Juhi Jang) Gravitational Collapse for Newtonian Stars.
    Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto (2022)

  2. (with Juhi Jang) Dynamics of expanding gases.
    Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto, K??ky??roku, No. 2038,
    Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics (2017)