British Isles Graduate Workshop III


BIGWIII is the third edition of the annual summer workshop on themes in geometry. The previous two conferences studied "Higgs Bundles" (BIGWI) and "Singularities and Symplectic Topology" (BIGWII). The theme of this workshop will be "Gauge Theory with a View to Higher Dimensions". The workshop will be held in Jersey from June 9th to June 15th, 2019.

The goal is to bring together a group of approximately 25 graduate students to work on a specific topic under the guidance of three senior mathematicians. The majority of the talks will be given by the participants, and there will be time in the afternoons and evenings for further discussions and more informal sessions. The character of the workshop is expository in nature, starting with the basic ideas and leading to a survey of the most recent developments in the field; no prior knowledge of the topic will be assumed. Since both the participants and the mentors will be living in the same building, we hope to create an informal, yet mathematically intensive, atmosphere.


The topic for the workshop was gauge theory in higher dimensions. The workshop will be mentored by Derek Harland (Leeds University), Andriy Haydys (Freiburg University) and Yuuji Tanaka (Oxford University). We studied generalisations of classical gauge theory to new higher dimensional settings such as nearly Kähler 6-manifolds, G2 manifolds and Spin(7) manifolds. The following articles give an idea of the direction:

Benoit Charbonneau and Derek Harland - Deformations of nearly Kähler instantons, arXiv

Andriy Haydys - G2 instantons and the Seiberg-Witten monopoles, arXiv

Yuuji Tanaka - A construction of Spin(7)-instantons, arXiv


The schedule for the conference can be found below:


Notes for talks will be uploaded in the next few weeks.


	Andries Salm
	Andriy Haydys 
	Benjamin Aslan
	Ceren Ayse Deral
	Christoff Krüger
	Christopher Evans
	Corvin Paul
	Daniel Platt
	Derek Harland 
	Federico Zadra
	Gregory Parker
	Holly Mandel
	Jacob Gross
	Jaime Mendizabal
	Jakob Stein
	Jin Li
	Joe Driscoll
	Luya Wang
	Mateo Galdeano Solans 
	Matt Turner
	Panagiotis Angelinos
	Ragini Singhal
	Shubham Dwivedi
	Udhav Fowdar
	Vasileios Papoulias
	Yang Li
	Yikun Qiao
	Yuan Yao
	Yuuji Tanaka 

The organisers would like to thank all participants for making the workshop such an enjoyable experience.

Group photo


Benjamin Aslan, University College London

Christopher Evans, University College London

Daniel Platt, Imperial College London

Angela Wu, University College London

For questions or suggestions, please send an email to the organisers at

We gratefully acknowledge funding and support from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geometry and Number Theory, Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, University College London and Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics.
EPSRC             LSGNT

Heilbronn             Simons             UCL