BIOTRANSFORMATIONS: From science to industrial application



Registration Information
Main Page
24th March 2023
RSC, Burlington House, London, UK

The RSC Biotechnology Group welcome you to this exciting one-day symposium. This meeting will highlight recent achievements, future challenges and current trends in the use of biotransformations and biocatalysis in the industrial biotechnology sector. The focus is on the discovery, modification and industrial application of novel enzymes for biocatalysis. Analytical and process engineering, synthetic biology, computational biology, biochemistry, microbiology, and chemistry, are being harnessed to deliver new biocatalysts for the synthesis of chemical products.

Registration Information

Register simply by paying the fees via PayPal below.


Venue and Application
The conference will be held at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA. 
Refunds can only be made in respect of cancellations received before 9 March 2023. Substitutions are possible at any time.

Registration Fees

Payment may be made via the PayPal button below. Please include the delegate name in the instruction. The fees include attendance at the sessions, lunch and refreshments. The organisers are not registered for VAT and tax invoices cannot be issued.
RSC members £120
Non-members £150
Student/Retired members £70
Student/Retired non-members £85


Participants who would like to present their work as a poster are invited to submit an abstract by 17 February 2023. Please send a one-page abstract as an e-mail attachment to Dr Colin Bedford. Some of these will be selected by the organising committee for short oral presentations. Posters must be maximum A0 size (84cmx119cm) in portrait. Please arrive 10 mins earlier to put up your posters if you have been accepted to display one.

Additional Information
For additional information please contact the organisers by email: Prof Paul Dalby

Prof Paul A. Dalby (University College London:, Prof Paul Race (University of Bristol), Dr Stephen Wrigley (Hypha Discovery Ltd), and Dr. Colin T. Bedford (University College London), under the auspices of the Royal Society of Chemistry Biotechnology Interest Group.

The Biotechnology Group is the focal point within the RSC for members who have an academic or industrial interest in the chemical aspects of biotechnology.

The Group has annually run conferences or symposia on a diverse range of topics, including Biotransformations, Natural Products, Stem Cell Therapies, Neurological Disorders, Proteomics, and Glycomics.

For more information please feel free to contact the Chairman, Prof. Paul Dalby (, or the Secretary, Dr. Colin Bedford (

The event is yet to be sponsored. Please contact the organisers if you wish to sponsor the event.


If you require a hotel, some options are given in the links below but feel free to find alternatives.

Ambassador in Bloomsbury

Premier Inn in Euston/St Pancras

St Giles Hotel

Crescent Hotel

The Academy