Christian Hennig - Software

Note: recent versions of the R-packages fpc, prabclus, smoothmest and trimcluster can be obtained as official R-packages via the Comprehensive R-Archives Network CRAN of the R-project .

C-Software for Fixed Point Cluster analysis

Fixed Point Cluster analysis is a new approach to cluster analysis. It can produce overlapping, non-exhaustive clusters. Fixed Point Clusters are data subsets which do not contain any outlier, but all other points of the data set are outliers w.r.t. the Fixed Point Cluster. For further explanations load the papers from my homepage. FIXMAHAL is a software for finding spherical shaped clusters by means of the Mahalanobis distance. FIXREG is a software for finding linear regression clusters. Both programs are written in C. At the moment, FIXREG is better implemented and tested than FIXMAHAL. The R-package fpc (see above) provides a more comfortable implementation with better functionality (much better for FIXMAHAL), but it is slower. The LINUX/UNIX-version is recommended. For a theoretical treatment see the Papers and Publications section of my homepage , especially Regression Fixed Point Clusters: Motivation, Consistency and Simulations ps.gz-file / pdf-file .

Download: Manuals (in pdf format; use free Adobe Acrobat reader)

FIXMAHAL User's manual

FIXREG User's manual

FIXREG Update June 2001 - supplementation to manual

UNIX/LINUX (and everywhere, where gzip and gc exist.)

fixmahal.tar.gz (FIXMAHAL Source code, makefile, data example, manual TEX-file. Unzip with "gzip -d fixmahal.tar.gz", "tar -xvf fixmahal.tar", make with e.g. "make -f fixmahgc.mak", for further explanations see user's manual.)

fixreg.tar.gz (FIXREG Source code, makefile, data example, manual TEX-file. Unzip with "gzip -d fixreg.tar.gz", "tar -xvf fixreg.tar", make with e.g. "make -f fixreggc.mak", for further explanations see user's manual.)


fixmahal.exe (FIXMAHAL executable file)

fixreg.exe (FIXREG executable file) (FIXMAHAL Source code, makefile, data example, manual.tex. Unzip with "unzip", make with e.g. "make -f fixmahbc.mak", for further explanations see user's manual.) (FIXREG Source code, makefile, data example, manual.tex. Unzip with "unzip", make with e.g. "make -f fixregbc.mak", for further explanations see user's manual.)

unzip.exe (MS-DOS unzip)

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chrish (at)