Joe Horton

Joe Horton

I am an associate professor in philosophy at University College London and an associate editor at Mind and Philosophy & Public Affairs.

I work mainly on issues in ethics and political philosophy, but I am also interested in rationality and epistemology. My recent work focuses on questions about interpersonal aggregation, suboptimal supererogation, exploitation and egalitarianism, the procreation asymmetry, and evaluative uncertainty.

You can contact me at You can find my CV here.

You can find my published work through the following links:

  1. Evaluative Uncertainty and Permissible Preference, The Philosophical Review (forthcoming)     ––with Jacob Ross––     (abstract)
  2. Evaluative Uncertainty, The Oxford Handbook of Normative Ethics (forthcoming)     ––with Jacob Ross––     (abstract)
  3. Supererogation, Conditional Obligation, and the All or Nothing Problem, Handbook of Supererogation (2023)     (abstract)
  4. New and Improvable LivesThe Journal of Philosophy 118 (2021): 486–503     (abstract)
  5. Partial Aggregation in EthicsPhilosophy Compass 16 (2021): 1–12     (abstract)
  6. Aggregation, Risk, and ReductioEthics 130 (2020): 514–529     (abstract)
  7. The Exploitation ProblemThe Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (2019): 469–479     (abstract)
  8. Always AggregatePhilosophy & Public Affairs 46 (2018): 160–174     (abstract)
  9. Aggregation, Complaints, and RiskPhilosophy & Public Affairs 45 (2017): 54–81     (abstract)
  10. The All or Nothing ProblemThe Journal of Philosophy 114 (2017): 94–104     (abstract)

I currently teach the following courses:

  1. Topics in Political Philosophy (2nd-year)     (description)
  2. Consequentialism, Kantianism, and the Ideal World (3rd-year, MA, MPhil)     (description)
  3. The Philosophy of Altruism (3rd-year, MA, MPhil)     (description)
  4. Recent Work in Moral Philosophy (MPhil)     (description)