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Public and Policy Engagement

Spanish Economic Association Panel on the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics to Professors Banerjee, Duflo, and Kremer.
Link to slides and audio, and interview (in Spanish)

I regularly write in Nada es Gratis, a blog of economics in Spanish.

Academic advisor to the annual flagship 2020 report on health and pension systems in Latin America by The Development Bank of Latin America. [Link to the report]

Co-authored chapter on health inequality in Latin America, part of the Inter-American Development Bank report "The Inequality Crisis: Latin America and the Caribbean at the Crossroads."

Blog: Poor Health, Poverty and the Challenges of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean (joint with & ) . Inter American Development Bank.

Training to civil servants of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office on evaluation of policy interventions.
I regularly collaborate with The World Bank and The Inter-American Development Bank.