Jonathan Wolff                                                 Political Philosophy: Term 2   2003-4

University College London


Liberalism, Perfectionism and Communitarianism


The five weeks of this course will look at the idea of liberal neutrality, and how, in the last two decades, it has been challenged by communitarian and perfectionist writers.


1. Introduction: Liberal neutrality and John Rawls.

2. Sandel versus Rawls.

3. MacIntyre’s Communitarianism.

4. Raz and Perfectionism.

5. Rawls’s Response: Political Liberalism.


The best way to begin reading for these lectures, assuming that you have a basic familiarity with Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, is with Sandel’s paper in Avineri and de-Shalit, then the papers by MacIntyre, Walzer, Gutman, Kymlicka and Rawls in that collection. Taylor’s paper is also important. Miller and Friedman’s papers will also be useful. Raz’s views are not easy to grasp at first and a good introduction is the chapter on Raz in Mulhall and Swift, which also covers all the other issues discussed in these lectures.



Avineri, S., and de-Shalit, A. (ed), Individualism and Communitarianism

Bell, D., Communitarianism and Its Critics

Caney, S. ‘Liberalism and Communitarianism: A Misconceived Debate’, Political Studies 1992.

Horton, J. and Mendus, S. After MacIntyre (esp intro, paper by Taylor and MacIntyre’s response to critics).

Kukathas, C. and Pettit, P., Rawls

Kymlicka, W., Contemporary Political Philosophy (ch 6)

Kymlicka, W., Liberalism, Communitarianism and Culture

MacIntyre, A., After Virtue

MacIntyre, A., Rational Dependent Animals

Mulhall, S. and Swift, A., Liberals and Communitarians (2nd Edition)

Nussbaum, M. Women and Human Development (see also Ethics October 2000 for symposium on this book)

Rawls, J., A Theory of Justice

Rawls, J., ‘Justice as Fairness: Political Not Metaphysical’ Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1985, also in Avineri and de-Shalit and John Rawls Collected Papers

Rawls, J., Political Liberalism

Raz, J., The Morality of Freedom

Sandel, M., Liberalism and the Limits of Justice

Walzer, M. Spheres of Justice

Taylor, C. Sources of the Self

Wolff, J. review of Horton and Mendus, Philosophical Books 1997