J. Wolff                                                                                                          

Dept of Philosophy

University College


Office Hour Monday 11.30-1.00




Primary Sources


Hobbes:         Leviathan Pts 1 and 2 (esp. Chs 6, 10, 11, 13-21, 25-6, 29)

                        Supplementary: De Cive (Translated as 'The Citizen' or 'Philosophical Rudiments')


Secondary Sources:


Barry, B., ÔWarrender and his CriticsÕ, Philosophy 1968, reprinted in Hobbes and Rousseau ed. M. Cranston and R.S. Peters.

Brown, K.C., (ed.) Hobbes Studies

Gauthier, D., The Logic of Leviathan

Hampton, Jean, Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition

Kavka, G., Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory

Macpherson, C.B., The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke

Malcolm, Noel, Aspects of Hobbes

Martinich, A.P., A Hobbes Dictionary

Nagel, T., "Hobbes Theory of Obligation" Philosophical Review 1959,  reprinted inPhilosophy Through Its Past, (ed) Honderich

Oakeshott, M., "Introduction" to O.U.P. edition of Leviathan, reprinted in M. Oakeshott  Hobbes on Civil Association

Peters, R., Hobbes

Robertson, G.C., Hobbes

Skinner, Q., "The Ideological Context of Hobbes' Political Thought",  The Historical Journal  1966, reprinted in Hobbes and Rousseau ed. M. Cranston and R.S. Peters.

Skinner, Q., Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes

Sorrel, T., Hobbes

Sorrel, T., The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes

Tuck, R., Hobbes

Warrender, H., The Political Philosophy of Hobbes

Watkins, J.W.N., HobbesÕs System of Ideas