Hugh Goodacre. Publications on economics.

Peer-reviewed periodical items:

“Limited liability and the wealth of ‘uncivilised nations’: Adam Smith and the limits to the European Enlightenment”. Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol 34, Issue No. 5. pp. 857-67. September 2010.
Abstract. Text.

“Technological progress and economic analysis from Petty to Smith”. European Journal for the History of Economic Thought. Vol. 17, Issue No. 5. Forthcoming, 2010. [Special issue on technology and economics with keynote article by Robert Solow.]

“From Petty to Ricardo up to Sraffa”. Review article on The Wealth of Ideas: a History of Economic Thought by Alessandro Roncaglia. Cambridge University Press, 2005. pp. xiv, 582. [Originally published in Italian in 2001 as La ricchezza delle idee.] Economic Issues 13 (1) March 2008. pp. 106-8.

Peer-reviewed book chapters:

“Economics, geography and colonialism in the writings of William Petty”. In Arena, Richard, Dow, Sheila, and Klaes, Matthias, eds. Open Economics: economics in relation to other disciplines. London: Routledge. 2009. pp. 233-46.

“Colonialism, displacement and cannibalism in early modern economic thought”. In Balfour, Robert, ed. 2010. The representation of capital 1700-2000: speculation and displacement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 16-34.

Commissioned items:

“William Petty and early colonial roots of development economics”. In Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, ed., 2005. Pioneers of Economic Development. New Delhi: Tulika Books; London: Zed Press. pp. 10-30.
AbstractView text.

“Development and geography: current debates in historical perspective”. In Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, and Fine, Ben, eds, 2005. The New Development Economics: after the Washington Consensus. New Delhi: Tulika Books; London: Zed Press. pp. 249-68.
Abstract. View text.

Further items under review :

“The William Petty problem and the Whig history of economics". Under review by the editors of a special issue of Cambridge Journal of Economics on “Whig history and the reinterpretation of economic theory”.

“Pluralism and the economic geography of development”. Under review for inclusion iIn Lee, Frederic, ed. Pluralism in economics.

“French Jesuits, English political economy, and a ‘most remarkable accident’”. Under review for inclusion in: Almodovar, António, ed. The popularisation of economic ideas.

“The practice of mathematical economists: a historical overview". Under review by the European Journal for the History of Economic Thought, for a special issue on “The practices of economists in the past and today”.

Book under revision for publication:

William Petty and the roots of economics: landspace, population and the fiscal-military state.

Formerly also published items on Middle Eastern and bibliographical subjects.