Recent letters to the press on economic and financial issues (reverse chronological order).

Note: The titles are not my own; they were given by the editors. Also, the text is in a number of cases a rather severely edited version of what I actually wrote.

"Concentrating on macroeconomic policy won't solve history's problems". Financial Times. 25 January 2010.

"Smith's 'invisible hand' was an ideal, not a reality". Financial Times. 10 November 2009.

"Early Christians lived by communist principles". Financial Times. 23 November 2009.

"Academics languish behind the curve set by journalists". Financial Times, 5 June 2009.

On Terry Eagleton and John Milton. The Guardian. Wednesday 10 December 2008.

[On Gordon Brown and the surplus economies.] The Guardian. Friday October 31.

[On the IMF and the Arab countries.] The Independent. Friday 31 October 31.

"This time, the US can't rescue the world economy". The Independent. Friday, 24 October 2008.

"Where large-scale slavery began". Financial Times. Saturday October 11 2008.

"In praise of...". The Guardian. Thursday October 9 2008.

"Monetarist fallacies of an earlier era revived". Financial Times. Wednesday July 2 2008.

"All talk of consensus is becoming impractical". Financial Times. Wednesday May 7 2008.

"Has EU legislation secretly changed?" Financial Times. Friday February 1 2008.

"The bank never loses". The Guardian. Monday September 24 2007.

"The invisible hand guiding the chancellor". The Guardian. Wednesday March 21, 2007.