R Introduction for UCL PhDs

UCL 2013

Florian Oswald. email me at f.oswald@ucl.ac.uk

Welcome to R!


  1. Some basic R. Not (at all) exaustive.
    • These slides are designed to get you started.
    • Try this online R challenge at codeschool. Codeschool provides excellent tryouts IN YOUR BROWSER (you don’t need to install anything.
    • Have a look at many more resources about learning R on my UCL wiki
  2. Some quizzes
  3. Some example usage. We’ll be scratching the surface.
  4. A sample applied econometric project using the FES: reading, merging, analysing, transforming data, plots and regressions
  5. R and foreign Languages
  6. How to make this set of slides.

Getting R and RStudio

Why R?

Why not R?

Learning R if you know Matlab/Stata/other

Supplementary material

git clone git://github.com/floswald/R-demo.git

Using this set of slides

x <- 3.4
x  # print x to screen
## [1] 3.4

Getting help()


Assigning Values to Objects

x <- 3.4
## [1] 3.4

reassigning overwrites the current value:

x <- "now x is a character string."
## [1] "now x is a character string."
x <- c(3, 5, 2.1, 1001, 4.6)  # c() function combines single values into a vector.
## [1]    3.0    5.0    2.1 1001.0    4.6

The functions c(), str(x) and typeof(x)

## [1] "double"
y <- letters[10:20]  # letters number 10 trough 20 of the english alphabet
## [1] "character"
typeof(c(x, y))
## [1] "character"
str(c(x, y))  # compact display of structure of an object
##  chr [1:16] "3" "5" "2.1" "1001" "4.6" "j" "k" "l" ...

Subsetting a vector

x <- rnorm(n = 8)  # draw 8 random normal values
## [1]  0.4319 -0.9394 -0.2802 -0.8081  1.1112  0.1112 -0.5223 -0.6709
x[3:6]  # '3:6' produces c(3,4,5,6)
## [1] -0.2802 -0.8081  1.1112  0.1112
x[c(1, 5, 8)]  # elts 1,5 and 8
## [1]  0.4319  1.1112 -0.6709
x[-c(1, 5, 8)]  # all elts except 1,5 and 8
## [1] -0.9394 -0.2802 -0.8081  0.1112 -0.5223

Helper Functions for allocation: seq() and rep()

x <- seq(from = 1, to = 15, by = 3)  # also 'length' instead of 'by'. like matlab linspace()
## [1]  1  4  7 10 13
##  num [1:5] 1 4 7 10 13
y <- rep(1:3, c(2, 3, 4))
## [1] 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
z <- rep(c("oh my word"), 3)
## [1] "oh my word" "oh my word" "oh my word"

Your turn 1

Your solution 1

x <- seq(from = 0, to = 18, by = 3)
## [1]  0  3  6  9 12 15 18
## [1] "double"
y <- c("are", "my", "favourite", "numbers")
z <- c(x[c(6, 7)], y)  # R 'coerces' x and y to a common type. here: char
## [1] "15"        "18"        "are"       "my"        "favourite" "numbers"
## [1] "character"

Some Vector Arithmetic

x <- 1:3
y <- 4:6
x + y
## [1] 5 7 9
x <- 1:4
x + y  # recycling the shorter vector y. R gives a warning.
## Warning: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
## [1] 5 7 9 8


m1 <- matrix(data = 1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
m2 <- matrix(data = 1:12, nrow = 4, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    5    9
## [2,]    2    6   10
## [3,]    3    7   11
## [4,]    4    8   12

Combining matrices

rbind(m1, m2)  # glue together the last row of of m1 and first of m2
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9
## [4,]    1    5    9
## [5,]    2    6   10
## [6,]    3    7   11
## [7,]    4    8   12
cbind(m1, t(m2))  # glue last col of m1 and first of t(m2)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
## [1,]    1    2    3    1    2    3    4
## [2,]    4    5    6    5    6    7    8
## [3,]    7    8    9    9   10   11   12

Subsetting a matrix

m1[2, ]  # row 2, all columns
## [1] 4 5 6
m2[, 1]  # all rows, column 1
## [1] 1 2 3 4
m1[c(1, 3), c(2, 3)]  # rows 1,3 and cols 2,3
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    2    3
## [2,]    8    9
colnames(m1) <- c("col1", "col2", "col3")
m1[, "col2"]
## [1] 2 5 8
colnames(m1) <- NULL  # remove colnames

basic matrix arithmetic

Again, +-/* are element-wise. Works only on equal sized matrices:

m1 + m2  # error
## Error: non-conformable arrays
m1 * m2  # error
## Error: non-conformable arrays

%*% is the matrix muliplication operation. matrices need to be conformable:

m2 %*% m1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]   84   99  114
## [2,]   96  114  132
## [3,]  108  129  150
## [4,]  120  144  168
m1 %*% t(m2)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]   38   44   50   56
## [2,]   83   98  113  128
## [3,]  128  152  176  200
m1 %*% m2
## Error: non-conformable arguments


df <- data.frame(cat.1 = rep(1:3, each = 2), cat.2 = 1:2, values = rnorm(6))
## [1] 6 3
##   cat.1 cat.2  values
## 1     1     1  0.8164
## 2     1     2  0.6714
## 3     2     1 -0.2564
## 4     2     2 -0.8258
## 5     3     1 -0.7887
## 6     3     2 -0.6103

Subsetting a data.frame

## [1]  0.8164  0.6714 -0.2564 -0.8258 -0.7887 -0.6103
df$new.col <- df$cat.1 + df$values
##   cat.1 cat.2  values new.col
## 1     1     1  0.8164   1.816
## 2     1     2  0.6714   1.671
## 3     2     1 -0.2564   1.744
## 4     2     2 -0.8258   1.174
## 5     3     1 -0.7887   2.211
## 6     3     2 -0.6103   2.390

subset() 1

subset(df, cat.1 == 1)  # select all obs were cat.1 equals 1
##   cat.1 cat.2 values new.col
## 1     1     1 0.8164   1.816
## 2     1     2 0.6714   1.671

subset() 2

subset(df, select = c(cat.2, values))  # selects columns 'cat.2' and 'values'
##   cat.2  values
## 1     1  0.8164
## 2     2  0.6714
## 3     1 -0.2564
## 4     2 -0.8258
## 5     1 -0.7887
## 6     2 -0.6103

Removing columns

remove a column with NULL:

df$new.col <- NULL
##   cat.1 cat.2  values
## 1     1     1  0.8164
## 2     1     2  0.6714
## 3     2     1 -0.2564
## 4     2     2 -0.8258
## 5     3     1 -0.7887
## 6     3     2 -0.6103

Appending Data: rbind

df2 <- df  # create df2 as an exact copy of df
df2$values <- 1:nrow(df)  # but change the entries for 'values'
rbind(df, df2)  # join them row-wise
##    cat.1 cat.2  values
## 1      1     1  0.8164
## 2      1     2  0.6714
## 3      2     1 -0.2564
## 4      2     2 -0.8258
## 5      3     1 -0.7887
## 6      3     2 -0.6103
## 7      1     1  1.0000
## 8      1     2  2.0000
## 9      2     1  3.0000
## 10     2     2  4.0000
## 11     3     1  5.0000
## 12     3     2  6.0000

Looking at data.frames

data(LifeCycleSavings)  # data() shows available built-in datasets
LS <- LifeCycleSavings
head(LS)  # show the first 6 rows of data.frame LifecycleSavings.
##              sr pop15 pop75    dpi ddpi
## Australia 11.43 29.35  2.87 2329.7 2.87
## Austria   12.07 23.32  4.41 1508.0 3.93
## Belgium   13.17 23.80  4.43 2108.5 3.82
## Bolivia    5.75 41.89  1.67  189.1 0.22
## Brazil    12.88 42.19  0.83  728.5 4.56
## Canada     8.79 31.72  2.85 2982.9 2.43
summary(LS)  # function summary()
##        sr            pop15          pop75           dpi      
##  Min.   : 0.60   Min.   :21.4   Min.   :0.56   Min.   :  89  
##  1st Qu.: 6.97   1st Qu.:26.2   1st Qu.:1.12   1st Qu.: 288  
##  Median :10.51   Median :32.6   Median :2.17   Median : 696  
##  Mean   : 9.67   Mean   :35.1   Mean   :2.29   Mean   :1107  
##  3rd Qu.:12.62   3rd Qu.:44.1   3rd Qu.:3.33   3rd Qu.:1796  
##  Max.   :21.10   Max.   :47.6   Max.   :4.70   Max.   :4002  
##       ddpi      
##  Min.   : 0.22  
##  1st Qu.: 2.00  
##  Median : 3.00  
##  Mean   : 3.76  
##  3rd Qu.: 4.48  
##  Max.   :16.71

ordering a data.frame

order(c(5, 2, 6, 1), decreasing = TRUE)
## [1] 3 1 2 4
save.ranking <- order(LS$sr, decreasing = TRUE)
head(LS[save.ranking, ])
##                sr pop15 pop75    dpi ddpi
## Japan       21.10 27.01  1.91 1257.3 8.21
## Zambia      18.56 45.25  0.56  138.3 5.14
## Denmark     16.85 24.42  3.93 2496.5 3.99
## Malta       15.48 32.54  2.47  601.0 8.12
## Netherlands 14.65 24.71  3.25 1740.7 7.66
## Italy       14.28 24.52  3.48 1390.0 3.54


finding packages

installing packages

library(ggplot2)  # now the content of ggplot2 (functions, data, etc) are 'visible'
cut_interval  # for example, here's the code to function 'cut_interval'
## function (x, n = NULL, length = NULL, ...) 
## {
##     cut(x, breaks(x, "width", n, length), include.lowest = TRUE, 
##         ...)
## }
## <environment: namespace:ggplot2>


## function (data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL) 
## {
##     if (is.object(data) || !is.atomic(data)) 
##         data <- as.vector(data)
##     .Internal(matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames, missing(nrow), 
##         missing(ncol)))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x100c40320>
## <environment: namespace:base>
span <- function(x) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(x))  # stops if x is not numeric
    r <- range(x)  # range() gives the range
    rval <- abs(r[2] - r[1])  # computes and returns the interval spanned by x
    return(rval)  # returns result
myvec <- rnorm(50)  # draws 50 values from the standard normal pdf
## [1] 4.163


l <- list(words = c("oh my word(s)"), mats = list(mat1 = m1, mat2 = m2), 
    funs = span)
## $words
## [1] "oh my word(s)"
## $mats
## $mats$mat1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9
## $mats$mat2
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    5    9
## [2,]    2    6   10
## [3,]    3    7   11
## [4,]    4    8   12
## $funs
## function (x) 
## {
##     stopifnot(is.numeric(x))
##     r <- range(x)
##     rval <- abs(r[2] - r[1])
##     return(rval)
## }

Working with Lists

l[[2]]  # second list element: 'mats'
## $mat1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9
## $mat2
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    5    9
## [2,]    2    6   10
## [3,]    3    7   11
## [4,]    4    8   12
l$mats$mat1  # of that element, the first element
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9
str(l[[1]])  # extract first element completely
##  chr "oh my word(s)"
str(l[1])  # extract first element as member of sublist
## List of 1
##  $ words: chr "oh my word(s)"

Adding and removing a new elements from a list

l$new.element <- rnorm(5)  # add a new element: 5 random draws from the standard normal
l$bool.value <- l$new.element > 0  # add a new element: previously drawn numbers positive?
l$new.element <- NULL  # delete an element
l$bool.value <- NULL
l$words <- NULL
l$funs <- NULL
## $mats
## $mats$mat1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9
## $mats$mat2
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    5    9
## [2,]    2    6   10
## [3,]    3    7   11
## [4,]    4    8   12

Your Turn 2

observation price quantity
1 1.3 2
2 4.8 5
3 8.9 10
## $apples
##   price quantity
## 1 3.594        4
## 2 2.632        1
## 3 1.772        3
## $pears
##   price quantity
## 1 1.748        1
## 2 3.635        4
## 3 2.773        2

Your Solution 2

apples <- data.frame(price=c(1.1,2.9,1.6),quantity=c(2,3,1))
apples <- data.frame(price = runif(min = 0, max = 4, n = 3), quantity = sample(1:4, 
    size = 3))
pears <- data.frame(price = runif(min = 0, max = 4, n = 3), quantity = sample(1:4, 
    size = 3))
fruit <- list()
fruit$apples <- apples
fruit$pears <- pears
# or all in one line:
fruit <- list(apples = data.frame(price = runif(min = 0, max = 4, 
    n = 3), quantity = sample(1:4, size = 3)), pears = data.frame(price = runif(min = 0, 
    max = 4, n = 3), quantity = sample(1:4, size = 3)))


new.fac <- factor(x = c(1, 1, 2, 5, 5, 5), labels = c("apples", "pears", 
## [1] apples apples pears  shoes  shoes  shoes 
## Levels: apples pears shoes
## new.fac
## apples  pears  shoes 
##      2      1      3
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Contingency Tables of multiple Factors

UCB <- as.data.frame(UCBAdmissions)  # load built-in data on Berkeley admissions
tail(UCB)  # this time, display the last 6 rows
##       Admit Gender Dept Freq
## 19 Admitted Female    E   94
## 20 Rejected Female    E  299
## 21 Admitted   Male    F   22
## 22 Rejected   Male    F  351
## 23 Admitted Female    F   24
## 24 Rejected Female    F  317
summary(UCB)  # notice how summary treats factors and numerics
##       Admit       Gender   Dept       Freq    
##  Admitted:12   Male  :12   A:4   Min.   :  8  
##  Rejected:12   Female:12   B:4   1st Qu.: 80  
##                            C:4   Median :170  
##                            D:4   Mean   :189  
##                            E:4   3rd Qu.:302  
##                            F:4   Max.   :512
table(UCB$Admit, UCB$Dept)  # table admit vs Dept?
##            A B C D E F
##   Admitted 2 2 2 2 2 2
##   Rejected 2 2 2 2 2 2

Contingency tables 2

xtabs(Freq ~ Admit + Dept, data = UCB)  # Freq is explained by Admit and Dept
##           Dept
## Admit        A   B   C   D   E   F
##   Admitted 601 370 322 269 147  46
##   Rejected 332 215 596 523 437 668
xtabs(Freq ~ Admit + Gender, data = UCB)
##           Gender
## Admit      Male Female
##   Admitted 1198    557
##   Rejected 1493   1278

Your turn 3

Your Solution 3

xtabs(Freq ~ Admit + Gender + Dept, data = UCB)
## , , Dept = A
##           Gender
## Admit      Male Female
##   Admitted  512     89
##   Rejected  313     19
## , , Dept = B
##           Gender
## Admit      Male Female
##   Admitted  353     17
##   Rejected  207      8
## , , Dept = C
##           Gender
## Admit      Male Female
##   Admitted  120    202
##   Rejected  205    391
## , , Dept = D
##           Gender
## Admit      Male Female
##   Admitted  138    131
##   Rejected  279    244
## , , Dept = E
##           Gender
## Admit      Male Female
##   Admitted   53     94
##   Rejected  138    299
## , , Dept = F
##           Gender
## Admit      Male Female
##   Admitted   22     24
##   Rejected  351    317


##  [1] "%ni%"             "apples"           "df"              
##  [4] "df2"              "fruit"            "l"               
##  [7] "LifeCycleSavings" "LS"               "m1"              
## [10] "m2"               "myvec"            "new.fac"         
## [13] "pears"            "save.ranking"     "span"            
## [16] "UCB"              "x"                "y"               
## [19] "z"
rm(df, m1, m2, "%ni%", fruit, l)  # remove objects
##  [1] "apples"           "df2"              "LifeCycleSavings"
##  [4] "LS"               "myvec"            "new.fac"         
##  [7] "pears"            "save.ranking"     "span"            
## [10] "UCB"              "x"                "y"               
## [13] "z"
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))  # remove all objects
## character(0)

A Sample Applied Econometric Project

Food and Expenditure Survey (FES)


  1. how to read different data
  2. how to merge data
  3. how to analyse data
    • with summary statistics (numerical variables)
    • in tables (categorical vars)
    • graphically
    • with statistical models
  4. how to report results

R does a lot of Econometrics

Reading Data Files

Read FES

setwd(dir = "~/git/R-demo/")  # set working directory
fesdat.csv <- read.csv(file = "data/fesdat.csv")  # read the data in csv format. Note that 'file' could also be a URL
fesinc.csv <- read.csv(file = "data/fesinc.csv")  # read the income data in csv format
library(foreign)  # load foreign to read stata data
fesdat.dta <- read.dta(file = "data/fesdat2005.dta")
fesinc.dta <- read.dta(file = "data/fesinc2005.dta")
head(fesdat.dta)  # do they look the same?
##   hhref year numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
## 1  2478 2005      2        0        2        0     0     0     0      0
## 2    53 2005      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
## 3  1085 2005      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
## 4  6399 2005      1        0        0        1     1     0     0      0
## 5  2441 2005      1        0        0        1     1     0     0      0
## 6  2431 2005      1        0        0        1     1     0     0      0
##   kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age sex
## 1       0        0        0     1      4  17   2
## 2       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 3       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 4       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 5       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 6       0        0        0     0      4  18   2
##                                  marstat ageced educ hours foodin foodout
## 1                             cohabiting     16    0    40  38.12  15.845
## 2 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    8     0  16.41  65.635
## 3 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0  21.39   3.300
## 4 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0  30.11   9.265
## 5 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     17    0     0   8.89   5.170
## 6 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0  15.74  19.620
##     alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc   ndex lndex
## 1  8.64 171.40  11.285    11.70  0.2087  0.08673 0.04729 182.69 5.208
## 2  3.00  97.51  23.490     0.00  0.1356  0.54244 0.02479 121.00 4.796
## 3 20.00 110.33   7.500     0.00  0.1815  0.02801 0.16974 117.83 4.769
## 4  0.00  79.78   0.875     3.85  0.3733  0.11488 0.00000  80.65 4.390
## 5  0.00  34.38  26.480     2.50  0.1461  0.08495 0.00000  60.86 4.109
## 6  9.32 103.85  14.500    71.54  0.1330  0.16577 0.07875 118.35 4.774
##   hhref year numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
## 1  2478 2005      2        0        2        0     0     0     0      0
## 2    53 2005      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
## 3  1085 2005      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
## 4  6399 2005      1        0        0        1     1     0     0      0
## 5  2441 2005      1        0        0        1     1     0     0      0
## 6  2431 2005      1        0        0        1     1     0     0      0
##   kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age sex
## 1       0        0        0     1      4  17   2
## 2       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 3       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 4       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 5       0        0        0     0      5  18   2
## 6       0        0        0     0      4  18   2
##                                  marstat ageced educ hours foodin foodout
## 1                             cohabiting     16    0    40  38.12  15.845
## 2 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    8     0  16.41  65.635
## 3 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0  21.39   3.300
## 4 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0  30.11   9.265
## 5 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     17    0     0   8.89   5.170
## 6 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0  15.74  19.620
##     alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc   ndex lndex
## 1  8.64 171.40  11.285    11.70  0.2087  0.08673 0.04729 182.69 5.208
## 2  3.00  97.51  23.490     0.00  0.1356  0.54244 0.02479 121.00 4.796
## 3 20.00 110.33   7.500     0.00  0.1815  0.02801 0.16974 117.83 4.769
## 4  0.00  79.78   0.875     3.85  0.3733  0.11488 0.00000  80.65 4.390
## 5  0.00  34.38  26.480     2.50  0.1461  0.08495 0.00000  60.86 4.109
## 6  9.32 103.85  14.500    71.54  0.1330  0.16577 0.07875 118.35 4.774


dat <- fesdat.dta  # let's rename this to something shorter
inc <- fesinc.dta
##      hhref           year          numads       numadret    
##  Min.   :   1   Min.   :2005   Min.   :1.0   Min.   :0.000  
##  1st Qu.:1697   1st Qu.:2005   1st Qu.:1.0   1st Qu.:0.000  
##  Median :3393   Median :2005   Median :2.0   Median :0.000  
##  Mean   :3393   Mean   :2005   Mean   :1.8   Mean   :0.423  
##  3rd Qu.:5089   3rd Qu.:2005   3rd Qu.:2.0   3rd Qu.:1.000  
##  Max.   :6785   Max.   :2005   Max.   :9.0   Max.   :3.000  
##     numadern       numhhkid         kids0            kids1       
##  Min.   :0.00   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.00   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :1.00   Median :0.000   Median :0.0000   Median :0.0000  
##  Mean   :1.05   Mean   :0.573   Mean   :0.0292   Mean   :0.0283  
##  3rd Qu.:2.00   3rd Qu.:1.000   3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:0.0000  
##  Max.   :9.00   Max.   :8.000   Max.   :2.0000   Max.   :2.0000  
##      kids2            kids34         kids510         kids1116   
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.00  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.:0.00  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :0.000   Median :0.000   Median :0.00  
##  Mean   :0.0315   Mean   :0.059   Mean   :0.199   Mean   :0.19  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:0.000   3rd Qu.:0.000   3rd Qu.:0.00  
##  Max.   :2.0000   Max.   :5.000   Max.   :4.000   Max.   :4.00  
##     kids1718          ncars          nrooms          age      
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.00   Min.   :1.00   Min.   :17.0  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.00   1st Qu.:4.00   1st Qu.:38.0  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :1.00   Median :5.00   Median :51.0  
##  Mean   :0.0361   Mean   :1.08   Mean   :5.11   Mean   :51.9  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:2.00   3rd Qu.:6.00   3rd Qu.:66.0  
##  Max.   :2.0000   Max.   :7.00   Max.   :6.00   Max.   :80.0  
##       sex                                         marstat    
##  Min.   :1.00   Married spouse in household           :3349  
##  1st Qu.:1.00   Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91:1008  
##  Median :1.00   Widowed                               : 833  
##  Mean   :1.42   Divorced                              : 722  
##  3rd Qu.:2.00   cohabiting                            : 616  
##  Max.   :2.00   Separated                             : 252  
##                 (Other)                               :   5  
##      ageced          educ           hours           foodin     
##  Min.   : 0.0   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :  0.0   Min.   :  0.0  
##  1st Qu.:15.0   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.:  0.0   1st Qu.: 24.0  
##  Median :16.0   Median :0.000   Median :  0.0   Median : 40.0  
##  Mean   :16.8   Mean   :0.117   Mean   : 17.4   Mean   : 45.4  
##  3rd Qu.:18.0   3rd Qu.:0.000   3rd Qu.: 38.0   3rd Qu.: 60.9  
##  Max.   :97.0   Max.   :8.000   Max.   :104.0   Max.   :329.2  
##     foodout           alc            nondur         semidur     
##  Min.   :  0.0   Min.   :  0.0   Min.   :    0   Min.   :  0.0  
##  1st Qu.:  3.5   1st Qu.:  0.0   1st Qu.:  120   1st Qu.:  1.2  
##  Median : 13.0   Median :  6.0   Median :  203   Median : 15.0  
##  Mean   : 21.0   Mean   : 14.3   Mean   :  257   Mean   : 33.3  
##  3rd Qu.: 29.5   3rd Qu.: 20.0   3rd Qu.:  322   3rd Qu.: 43.0  
##  Max.   :390.2   Max.   :274.4   Max.   :10512   Max.   :811.9  
##     durables         wfoodin         wfoodout           walc       
##  Min.   :-243.2   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:   1.5   1st Qu.:0.117   1st Qu.:0.0201   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :  15.4   Median :0.184   Median :0.0565   Median :0.0250  
##  Mean   :  55.6   Mean   :0.202   Mean   :0.0701   Mean   :0.0498  
##  3rd Qu.:  60.2   3rd Qu.:0.263   3rd Qu.:0.1033   3rd Qu.:0.0715  
##  Max.   :2243.8   Max.   :0.882   Max.   :0.7741   Max.   :0.6427  
##                   NA's   :1       NA's   :1        NA's   :1       
##       ndex           lndex      
##  Min.   :    0   Min.   :0.837  
##  1st Qu.:  131   1st Qu.:4.876  
##  Median :  229   Median :5.432  
##  Mean   :  290   Mean   :5.380  
##  3rd Qu.:  368   3rd Qu.:5.908  
##  Max.   :10533   Max.   :9.262  
##                  NA's   :1
dat$year <- NULL  # we've only got one year, so useless info


str(dat$marstat)  # marstat is already a factor
##  Factor w/ 8 levels "not recorded",..: 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 ...
## [1] "not recorded"                          
## [2] "Married spouse in household"           
## [3] "Married spouse not in household"       
## [4] "cohabiting"                            
## [5] "Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91"
## [6] "Widowed"                               
## [7] "Divorced"                              
## [8] "Separated"
dat$sex <- factor(dat$sex, labels = c("male", "female"))  # convert sex into a factor
summary(subset(dat, select = c(sex, marstat)))
##      sex                                         marstat    
##  male  :3958   Married spouse in household           :3349  
##  female:2827   Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91:1008  
##                Widowed                               : 833  
##                Divorced                              : 722  
##                cohabiting                            : 616  
##                Separated                             : 252  
##                (Other)                               :   5

Contingency Tables of Factors

attach(dat)  # attach(x) makes all cols of x visible on the search path
table(sex)  # otherwise I'd have to type dat$sex here
## sex
##   male female 
##   3958   2827
table(marstat, sex)
##                                         sex
## marstat                                  male female
##   not recorded                              0      0
##   Married spouse in household            2546    803
##   Married spouse not in household           4      1
##   cohabiting                              412    204
##   Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91  474    534
##   Widowed                                 220    613
##   Divorced                                224    498
##   Separated                                78    174

More complicated tables: xtabs()

f <- ~sex + kids0
class(f)  # formula with only RHS 'explaining' variables: just get a count
## [1] "formula"
##         kids0
## sex         0    1    2
##   male   3841  115    2
##   female 2749   77    1
xtabs(~kids0 + sex + nrooms)  # three way table
## , , nrooms = 1
##      sex
## kids0 male female
##     0    8      5
##     1    0      0
##     2    0      0
## , , nrooms = 2
##      sex
## kids0 male female
##     0   41     36
##     1    0      0
##     2    0      0
## , , nrooms = 3
##      sex
## kids0 male female
##     0  232    226
##     1    7      2
##     2    0      0
## , , nrooms = 4
##      sex
## kids0 male female
##     0  600    581
##     1   18     28
##     2    1      0
## , , nrooms = 5
##      sex
## kids0 male female
##     0  931    797
##     1   30     20
##     2    0      1
## , , nrooms = 6
##      sex
## kids0 male female
##     0 2029   1104
##     1   60     27
##     2    1      0
prop.table(xtabs(~sex + kids0), margin = 1)  # proportion of kids0 by sex
##         kids0
## sex              0         1         2
##   male   0.9704396 0.0290551 0.0005053
##   female 0.9724089 0.0272374 0.0003537
prop.table(xtabs(~sex + kids0), margin = 2)  # proportion of kids0 within age
##         kids0
## sex           0      1      2
##   male   0.5829 0.5990 0.6667
##   female 0.4171 0.4010 0.3333
detach(dat)  # remove dat from search path

Merge Data

dat.inc <- merge(dat, inc, by = c("hhref"))  # if multiple keys: by=c('hhref','year')
head(dat.inc)  # note new column hhinc
##   hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34 kids510
## 1     1      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0       0
## 2     2      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0       0
## 3     3      1        0        0        0     0     0     0      0       0
## 4     4      2        1        1        0     0     0     0      0       0
## 5     5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0       0
## 6     6      1        0        1        0     0     0     0      0       0
##   kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
## 1        0        0     1      6  66 female
## 2        1        0     0      4  38   male
## 3        0        0     0      3  25   male
## 4        0        0     0      3  80 female
## 5        1        0     2      6  40   male
## 6        0        0     1      4  50 female
##                                  marstat ageced educ hours foodin foodout
## 1                                Widowed     15    0     0  64.21   26.27
## 2                             cohabiting     16    0    39  75.67   10.99
## 3 Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    6     0  11.86    6.67
## 4                               Divorced     14    0     0  58.23    8.09
## 5            Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42   53.47
## 6                               Divorced     15    0     5  19.73    5.32
##     alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc   ndex lndex year
## 1 15.07 240.39   45.34    37.65  0.2247  0.09194 0.05274 285.73 5.655 2005
## 2 26.07 257.56   10.50    13.99  0.2823  0.04100 0.09727 268.06 5.591 2005
## 3  0.00  38.13    0.00     0.00  0.3110  0.17493 0.00000  38.13 3.641 2005
## 4 23.61 142.49  226.82    86.35  0.1577  0.02191 0.06393 369.32 5.912 2005
## 5 24.74 321.29   36.74   139.17  0.1771  0.14936 0.06910 358.02 5.881 2005
## 6 19.91  79.15    0.00     0.00  0.2492  0.06721 0.25148  79.15 4.371 2005
##    hhinc
## 1 279.95
## 2 467.07
## 3  40.00
## 4 285.46
## 5 610.95
## 6  27.18

Create Bins: cut() an interval

dat.inc$age.cat <- cut_interval(dat.inc$age, length = 5)  # add col with age category
dat.inc$ced.cat <- cut_interval(dat.inc$ageced, length = 5)  # add col with age at educ completion category
str(dat.inc$age.cat)  # is a factor?
##  Factor w/ 13 levels "[15,20]","(20,25]",..: 11 5 2 13 5 7 3 3 3 6 ...
## [15,20] (20,25] (25,30] (30,35] (35,40] (40,45] (45,50] (50,55] (55,60] 
##      43     258     412     600     704     730     595     579     645 
## (60,65] (65,70] (70,75] (75,80] 
##     520     489     431     779
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

##    [0,5]   (5,10]  (10,15]  (15,20]  (20,25]  (25,30]  (30,35]  (35,40] 
##      103        4     2201     3471      931       55        7        0 
##  (40,45]  (45,50]  (50,55]  (55,60]  (60,65]  (65,70]  (70,75]  (75,80] 
##        1        0        0        0        0        0        0        0 
##  (80,85]  (85,90]  (90,95] (95,100] 
##        0        0        0       12

Create Bins 2: decile of income?

inc.dec <- quantile(dat.inc$hhinc, prob = seq(0, 1, length = 11))  # income deciles
##      0%     10%     20%     30%     40%     50%     60%     70%     80% 
##  -993.1   132.6   193.3   250.4   314.5   392.3   482.0   576.4   703.8 
##     90%    100% 
##   924.9 38736.5
dat.inc$inc.cat <- cut(dat.inc$hhinc, inc.dec, labels = FALSE)
head(dat.inc[, c("hhinc", "inc.cat")])  # look at columns hhinc and inc.cat
##    hhinc inc.cat
## 1 279.95       4
## 2 467.07       6
## 3  40.00       1
## 4 285.46       4
## 5 610.95       8
## 6  27.18       1
##   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10 
## 678 678 679 678 679 678 678 679 678 679

Summaries by groups of Variables: library(plyr)

summarise() and transform()

# summarise an entire data.frame
summarise(dat.inc, mhhinc = mean(hhinc), vhhinc = sd(hhinc), mnumads = mean(numads))
##   mhhinc vhhinc mnumads
## 1  499.2    649   1.797
# add 'income rank' to dat.inc. head(...,10) to see first 10 lines only
head(transform(dat.inc, inc.rank = rank(hhinc)), 10)
##    hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
## 1      1      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 2      2      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0
## 3      3      1        0        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 4      4      2        1        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 5      5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0
## 6      6      1        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 7      7      2        0        2        1     1     0     0      0
## 8      8      2        0        2        0     0     0     0      0
## 9      9      1        0        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 10    10      4        0        3        0     0     0     0      0
##    kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
## 1        0        0        0     1      6  66 female
## 2        0        1        0     0      4  38   male
## 3        0        0        0     0      3  25   male
## 4        0        0        0     0      3  80 female
## 5        0        1        0     2      6  40   male
## 6        0        0        0     1      4  50 female
## 7        0        0        0     1      5  29   male
## 8        0        0        0     1      4  26 female
## 9        0        0        0     0      3  27   male
## 10       0        0        0     2      5  41 female
##                                   marstat ageced educ hours foodin foodout
## 1                                 Widowed     15    0     0  64.21   26.27
## 2                              cohabiting     16    0    39  75.67   10.99
## 3  Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    6     0  11.86    6.67
## 4                                Divorced     14    0     0  58.23    8.09
## 5             Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42   53.47
## 6                                Divorced     15    0     5  19.73    5.32
## 7             Married spouse in household     21    0    30  36.97    7.65
## 8                              cohabiting     17    0    38  11.64   22.36
## 9  Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0  32.57   15.80
## 10            Married spouse in household     15    0     0  35.77   46.25
##       alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc   ndex lndex
## 1  15.070 240.39   45.34    37.65 0.22474  0.09194 0.05274 285.73 5.655
## 2  26.075 257.56   10.50    13.99 0.28229  0.04100 0.09727 268.06 5.591
## 3   0.000  38.13    0.00     0.00 0.31104  0.17493 0.00000  38.13 3.641
## 4  23.610 142.49  226.82    86.35 0.15767  0.02191 0.06393 369.32 5.912
## 5  24.740 321.29   36.74   139.17 0.17713  0.14936 0.06910 358.02 5.881
## 6  19.905  79.15    0.00     0.00 0.24921  0.06721 0.25148  79.15 4.371
## 7   8.235 179.33  139.79    75.14 0.11586  0.02397 0.02581 319.12 5.766
## 8  21.995 182.79    2.62    13.96 0.06275  0.12059 0.11863 185.41 5.223
## 9   0.000  64.98   14.98     0.00 0.40733  0.19760 0.00000  79.96 4.382
## 10 37.025 387.78   68.24    15.45 0.07845  0.10142 0.08119 456.02 6.123
##    year  hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat inc.rank
## 1  2005 279.95 (65,70] (10,15]       4     2361
## 2  2005 467.07 (35,40] (15,20]       6     3972
## 3  2005  40.00 (20,25]   [0,5]       1       40
## 4  2005 285.46 (75,80] (10,15]       4     2419
## 5  2005 610.95 (35,40] (15,20]       8     4961
## 6  2005  27.18 (45,50] (10,15]       1       23
## 7  2005 639.37 (25,30] (20,25]       8     5109
## 8  2005 445.00 (25,30] (15,20]       6     3806
## 9  2005  91.92 (25,30] (15,20]       1      243
## 10 2005 772.30 (40,45] (10,15]       9     5679

summarise() and transform() by groups?

  1. how can we get the income rank for all categories of, say, marstat?
  2. can we express everybody’s income as a percentage of the highest income in each category of marstat?
  3. what is the median ratio of durable to nondurable expenditure by number of rooms?
  4. what is it by incoem decile?
  5. what is it by both?

transform() by groups: ddply()

  1. add income rank for each household for all categories of marstat to dat
head(ddply(.data = dat.inc, .variables = "marstat", .fun = transform, 
    rank.marstat = rank(hhinc)), 10)
##    hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
## 1      5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0
## 2      7      2        0        2        1     1     0     0      0
## 3     10      4        0        3        0     0     0     0      0
## 4     12      2        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 5     13      2        0        2        2     0     0     0      0
## 6     18      2        2        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 7     20      3        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 8     21      2        2        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 9     24      2        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 10    25      2        0        1        1     0     1     0      0
##    kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
## 1        0        1        0     2      6  40   male
## 2        0        0        0     1      5  29   male
## 3        0        0        0     2      5  41 female
## 4        0        0        0     1      4  50   male
## 5        0        2        0     1      5  40   male
## 6        0        0        0     1      5  73   male
## 7        0        0        0     1      6  59   male
## 8        0        0        0     0      6  73   male
## 9        0        0        0     0      5  56   male
## 10       0        0        0     1      4  22 female
##                        marstat ageced educ hours foodin foodout    alc
## 1  Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42   53.47 24.740
## 2  Married spouse in household     21    0    30  36.97    7.65  8.235
## 3  Married spouse in household     15    0     0  35.77   46.25 37.025
## 4  Married spouse in household     20    0     0   6.53    9.72  0.000
## 5  Married spouse in household     16    0    40  16.14   32.59 56.785
## 6  Married spouse in household     14    0     0  35.47   20.24  2.495
## 7  Married spouse in household     15    0     0 107.10   13.27 99.505
## 8  Married spouse in household     15    0     0  47.58   11.15 25.190
## 9  Married spouse in household     16    0    37  44.26    7.35 19.630
## 10 Married spouse in household     16    0     0  16.50   18.53  0.000
##    nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout     walc  ndex lndex year
## 1   321.3   36.74  139.170 0.17713  0.14936 0.069102 358.0 5.881 2005
## 2   179.3  139.79   75.135 0.11586  0.02397 0.025805 319.1 5.766 2005
## 3   387.8   68.24   15.450 0.07845  0.10142 0.081193 456.0 6.123 2005
## 4   188.5   63.99   54.560 0.02586  0.03849 0.000000 252.5 5.532 2005
## 5   637.4   96.25  166.420 0.02200  0.04442 0.077396 733.7 6.598 2005
## 6   353.6   21.25   20.935 0.09462  0.05398 0.006656 374.9 5.927 2005
## 7   377.6   56.48   73.340 0.24673  0.03056 0.229237 434.1 6.073 2005
## 8   138.9   32.75    1.495 0.27723  0.06496 0.146759 171.6 5.145 2005
## 9   148.4   25.62   31.970 0.25431  0.04223 0.112777 174.1 5.159 2005
## 10  114.1    0.00    3.000 0.14470  0.16246 0.000000 114.1 4.737 2005
##    hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat rank.marstat
## 1  610.9 (35,40] (15,20]       8         1991
## 2  639.4 (25,30] (20,25]       8         2097
## 3  772.3 (40,45] (10,15]       9         2490
## 4  318.7 (45,50] (15,20]       5          710
## 5  737.4 (35,40] (15,20]       9         2407
## 6  283.2 (70,75] (10,15]       4          542
## 7  395.6 (55,60] (10,15]       6         1053
## 8  297.5 (70,75] (10,15]       4          621
## 9  334.8 (55,60] (15,20]       5          776
## 10 327.6 (20,25] (15,20]       5          747
  1. express everybody’s income as a percentage of the highest income in each category of marstat
head(ddply(dat.inc, "marstat", transform, perc.of.max = hhinc/max(hhinc)), 
##    hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
## 1      5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0
## 2      7      2        0        2        1     1     0     0      0
## 3     10      4        0        3        0     0     0     0      0
## 4     12      2        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 5     13      2        0        2        2     0     0     0      0
## 6     18      2        2        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 7     20      3        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 8     21      2        2        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 9     24      2        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
## 10    25      2        0        1        1     0     1     0      0
##    kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
## 1        0        1        0     2      6  40   male
## 2        0        0        0     1      5  29   male
## 3        0        0        0     2      5  41 female
## 4        0        0        0     1      4  50   male
## 5        0        2        0     1      5  40   male
## 6        0        0        0     1      5  73   male
## 7        0        0        0     1      6  59   male
## 8        0        0        0     0      6  73   male
## 9        0        0        0     0      5  56   male
## 10       0        0        0     1      4  22 female
##                        marstat ageced educ hours foodin foodout    alc
## 1  Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42   53.47 24.740
## 2  Married spouse in household     21    0    30  36.97    7.65  8.235
## 3  Married spouse in household     15    0     0  35.77   46.25 37.025
## 4  Married spouse in household     20    0     0   6.53    9.72  0.000
## 5  Married spouse in household     16    0    40  16.14   32.59 56.785
## 6  Married spouse in household     14    0     0  35.47   20.24  2.495
## 7  Married spouse in household     15    0     0 107.10   13.27 99.505
## 8  Married spouse in household     15    0     0  47.58   11.15 25.190
## 9  Married spouse in household     16    0    37  44.26    7.35 19.630
## 10 Married spouse in household     16    0     0  16.50   18.53  0.000
##    nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout     walc  ndex lndex year
## 1   321.3   36.74  139.170 0.17713  0.14936 0.069102 358.0 5.881 2005
## 2   179.3  139.79   75.135 0.11586  0.02397 0.025805 319.1 5.766 2005
## 3   387.8   68.24   15.450 0.07845  0.10142 0.081193 456.0 6.123 2005
## 4   188.5   63.99   54.560 0.02586  0.03849 0.000000 252.5 5.532 2005
## 5   637.4   96.25  166.420 0.02200  0.04442 0.077396 733.7 6.598 2005
## 6   353.6   21.25   20.935 0.09462  0.05398 0.006656 374.9 5.927 2005
## 7   377.6   56.48   73.340 0.24673  0.03056 0.229237 434.1 6.073 2005
## 8   138.9   32.75    1.495 0.27723  0.06496 0.146759 171.6 5.145 2005
## 9   148.4   25.62   31.970 0.25431  0.04223 0.112777 174.1 5.159 2005
## 10  114.1    0.00    3.000 0.14470  0.16246 0.000000 114.1 4.737 2005
##    hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat perc.of.max
## 1  610.9 (35,40] (15,20]       8    0.015772
## 2  639.4 (25,30] (20,25]       8    0.016506
## 3  772.3 (40,45] (10,15]       9    0.019937
## 4  318.7 (45,50] (15,20]       5    0.008226
## 5  737.4 (35,40] (15,20]       9    0.019037
## 6  283.2 (70,75] (10,15]       4    0.007311
## 7  395.6 (55,60] (10,15]       6    0.010213
## 8  297.5 (70,75] (10,15]       4    0.007681
## 9  334.8 (55,60] (15,20]       5    0.008643
## 10 327.6 (20,25] (15,20]       5    0.008458

summarise() by groups

  1. median ratio of durable to nondurable expenditure by number of rooms
ddply(dat.inc, c("nrooms"), summarise, med.nondur.dur = median(nondur/durables, 
    na.rm = TRUE))
##   nrooms med.nondur.dur
## 1      1          40.98
## 2      2          26.74
## 3      3          56.71
## 4      4          17.65
## 5      5          15.02
## 6      6          10.49
  1. by income decile
ddply(dat.inc, c("inc.cat"), summarise, med.nondur.dur = median(nondur/durables, 
    na.rm = T))
##    inc.cat med.nondur.dur
## 1        1         55.923
## 2        2         46.671
## 3        3         20.446
## 4        4         16.653
## 5        5         17.453
## 6        6         11.652
## 7        7         10.394
## 8        8          7.555
## 9        9          7.727
## 10      10          6.765
## 11      NA         31.173
  1. by both
ddply(dat.inc, c("nrooms", "inc.cat"), summarise, med.nondur.dur = median(nondur/durables))
##    nrooms inc.cat med.nondur.dur
## 1       1       1         29.514
## 2       1       2          3.441
## 3       1       3            Inf
## 4       1       4            Inf
## 5       2       1         55.923
## 6       2       2        264.305
## 7       2       3         70.520
## 8       2       4         14.303
## 9       2       5         95.747
## 10      2       6         26.736
## 11      2       7          5.952
## 12      2       8          4.920
## 13      2       9         13.812
## 14      2      10            Inf
## 15      3       1             NA
## 16      3       2         68.800
## 17      3       3        154.473
## 18      3       4         22.531
## 19      3       5         66.409
## 20      3       6         34.023
## 21      3       7         24.682
## 22      3       8         29.883
## 23      3       9         14.360
## 24      3      10            Inf
## 25      4       1         46.028
## 26      4       2         56.398
## 27      4       3         16.572
## 28      4       4         21.661
## 29      4       5         19.852
## 30      4       6         12.512
## 31      4       7          9.620
## 32      4       8          7.562
## 33      4       9          6.118
## 34      4      10          7.868
## 35      5       1         54.167
## 36      5       2         57.002
## 37      5       3         22.446
## 38      5       4         13.884
## 39      5       5         13.223
## 40      5       6          9.310
## 41      5       7         10.243
## 42      5       8          6.880
## 43      5       9          9.338
## 44      5      10          8.861
## 45      6       1         48.133
## 46      6       2         34.481
## 47      6       3         11.674
## 48      6       4         17.718
## 49      6       5         15.791
## 50      6       6         11.948
## 51      6       7         10.505
## 52      6       8          7.740
## 53      6       9          7.374
## 54      6      10          6.549
## 55      6      NA         31.173

more ddply{plyr}

ddply(.data = dat.inc, .variables = "sex", .fun = summarise, inc = mean(hhinc))  # mean income by sex?
##      sex   inc
## 1   male 552.9
## 2 female 424.0
ddply(dat.inc, c("sex", "numads"), summarise, alc = mean(alc), foodin = mean(foodin), 
    foodout = mean(foodout))
##       sex numads     alc foodin foodout
## 1    male      1  12.335  21.64  12.512
## 2    male      2  16.085  53.34  24.060
## 3    male      3  24.062  68.01  35.314
## 4    male      4  36.492  74.62  50.590
## 5    male      5  30.686 109.28  54.595
## 6    male      6  54.084 133.02  81.595
## 7    male      7   0.000 158.16   5.625
## 8    male      8   0.000  82.87  35.075
## 9    male      9 156.450  95.94  25.695
## 10 female      1   4.710  28.72   9.080
## 11 female      2  16.455  51.37  24.505
## 12 female      3  23.975  60.93  35.894
## 13 female      4  30.336  81.28  42.586
## 14 female      5  39.619  81.89  49.511
## 15 female      6   6.657  85.10  54.789

ddply{plyr} 2

ddply(dat.inc, "sex", summarise, age.range = median(age), car.rooms = max(ncars/nrooms))
##      sex age.range car.rooms
## 1   male        52       1.4
## 2 female        50       1.0
ddply(subset(dat.inc, numhhkid > 1), "ncars", function(x) data.frame(dur.inc = mean(x$dur/x$hhinc), 
    nondur.inc = mean(x$nondur/x$hhinc)))  # instead of summarise(), supply an 'anonymous' function
##   ncars  dur.inc nondur.inc
## 1     0 0.105007     0.6959
## 2     1 0.114872     0.6514
## 3     2 0.131991     0.6045
## 4     3 0.144138     0.6760
## 5     4 0.175777     1.5216
## 6     5 0.148054     0.5776
## 7     7 0.005687     0.6105

Alternatives to ddply

summary by group with data.table

dat.tab <- data.table(dat.inc)
##      NAME     NROW MB
## [1,] dat.tab 6,785 2 
##      COLS                                                                            
## [1,] hhref,numads,numadret,numadern,numhhkid,kids0,kids1,kids2,kids34,kids510,kids111
##      KEY
## [1,]    
## Total: 2MB
dat.tab[, list(median.age = as.numeric(median(age)), cars.over.rooms = median(ncars/nrooms)), 
    by = sex]
##       sex median.age cars.over.rooms
## 1: female         50          0.1667
## 2:   male         52          0.2000
# adding a column 'by reference' with :=
dat.tab[, `:=`(rel.inc, hhinc/median(hhinc))]  # I typed 'rel.inc := hhinc/median(hhinc)' here.
##       hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
##    1:     1      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    2:     2      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0
##    3:     3      1        0        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    4:     4      2        1        1        0     0     0     0      0
##    5:     5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0
##   ---                                                                 
## 6781:  6781      4        0        3        2     0     0     0      0
## 6782:  6782      2        0        1        2     0     0     0      0
## 6783:  6783      1        0        0        2     0     0     0      0
## 6784:  6784      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 6785:  6785      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
##       kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
##    1:       0        0        0     1      6  66 female
##    2:       0        1        0     0      4  38   male
##    3:       0        0        0     0      3  25   male
##    4:       0        0        0     0      3  80 female
##    5:       0        1        0     2      6  40   male
##   ---                                                  
## 6781:       0        1        1     3      6  42   male
## 6782:       0        1        1     1      6  49   male
## 6783:       0        2        0     1      5  33 female
## 6784:       0        0        0     0      5  76 female
## 6785:       0        0        0     0      5  24 female
##                                      marstat ageced educ hours foodin
##    1:                                Widowed     15    0     0  64.21
##    2:                             cohabiting     16    0    39  75.67
##    3: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    6     0  11.86
##    4:                               Divorced     14    0     0  58.23
##    5:            Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42
##   ---                                                                
## 6781:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0 122.00
## 6782:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0  22.48
## 6783:                               Divorced     18    0     0  18.45
## 6784:                                Widowed     15    0     0  35.31
## 6785: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0   0.00
##       foodout    alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc
##    1:   26.27  15.07 240.39   45.34   37.650 0.22474  0.09194 0.05274
##    2:   10.99  26.07 257.56   10.50   13.995 0.28229  0.04100 0.09727
##    3:    6.67   0.00  38.13    0.00    0.000 0.31104  0.17493 0.00000
##    4:    8.09  23.61 142.49  226.82   86.355 0.15767  0.02191 0.06393
##    5:   53.47  24.74 321.29   36.74  139.170 0.17713  0.14936 0.06910
##   ---                                                                
## 6781:   50.25 120.50 641.52   64.52   98.320 0.17280  0.07117 0.17067
## 6782:   88.90  31.35 393.19   71.12    9.620 0.04840  0.19147 0.06751
## 6783:    5.90   0.00 206.65   67.00    6.995 0.06744  0.02156 0.00000
## 6784:    0.00   0.00  95.53    0.00    1.255 0.36964  0.00000 0.00000
## 6785:    0.00   0.00  97.00    0.00  165.000 0.00000  0.00000 0.00000
##         ndex lndex year  hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat rel.inc
##    1: 285.73 5.655 2005  280.0 (65,70] (10,15]       4  0.7136
##    2: 268.06 5.591 2005  467.1 (35,40] (15,20]       6  1.1905
##    3:  38.13 3.641 2005   40.0 (20,25]   [0,5]       1  0.1020
##    4: 369.32 5.912 2005  285.5 (75,80] (10,15]       4  0.7276
##    5: 358.02 5.881 2005  610.9 (35,40] (15,20]       8  1.5572
##   ---                                                         
## 6781: 706.04 6.560 2005 1184.2 (40,45] (15,20]      10  3.0185
## 6782: 464.31 6.141 2005  388.2 (45,50] (15,20]       5  0.9896
## 6783: 273.65 5.612 2005  248.6 (30,35] (15,20]       3  0.6337
## 6784:  95.53 4.559 2005  113.5 (75,80] (10,15]       1  0.2893
## 6785:  97.00 4.575 2005  120.0 (20,25] (15,20]       1  0.3059
dat.tab[, `:=`(rel.inc.sex, hhinc/median(hhinc)), by = sex]
##       hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
##    1:     1      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    2:     2      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0
##    3:     3      1        0        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    4:     4      2        1        1        0     0     0     0      0
##    5:     5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0
##   ---                                                                 
## 6781:  6781      4        0        3        2     0     0     0      0
## 6782:  6782      2        0        1        2     0     0     0      0
## 6783:  6783      1        0        0        2     0     0     0      0
## 6784:  6784      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 6785:  6785      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
##       kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
##    1:       0        0        0     1      6  66 female
##    2:       0        1        0     0      4  38   male
##    3:       0        0        0     0      3  25   male
##    4:       0        0        0     0      3  80 female
##    5:       0        1        0     2      6  40   male
##   ---                                                  
## 6781:       0        1        1     3      6  42   male
## 6782:       0        1        1     1      6  49   male
## 6783:       0        2        0     1      5  33 female
## 6784:       0        0        0     0      5  76 female
## 6785:       0        0        0     0      5  24 female
##                                      marstat ageced educ hours foodin
##    1:                                Widowed     15    0     0  64.21
##    2:                             cohabiting     16    0    39  75.67
##    3: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    6     0  11.86
##    4:                               Divorced     14    0     0  58.23
##    5:            Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42
##   ---                                                                
## 6781:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0 122.00
## 6782:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0  22.48
## 6783:                               Divorced     18    0     0  18.45
## 6784:                                Widowed     15    0     0  35.31
## 6785: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0   0.00
##       foodout    alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc
##    1:   26.27  15.07 240.39   45.34   37.650 0.22474  0.09194 0.05274
##    2:   10.99  26.07 257.56   10.50   13.995 0.28229  0.04100 0.09727
##    3:    6.67   0.00  38.13    0.00    0.000 0.31104  0.17493 0.00000
##    4:    8.09  23.61 142.49  226.82   86.355 0.15767  0.02191 0.06393
##    5:   53.47  24.74 321.29   36.74  139.170 0.17713  0.14936 0.06910
##   ---                                                                
## 6781:   50.25 120.50 641.52   64.52   98.320 0.17280  0.07117 0.17067
## 6782:   88.90  31.35 393.19   71.12    9.620 0.04840  0.19147 0.06751
## 6783:    5.90   0.00 206.65   67.00    6.995 0.06744  0.02156 0.00000
## 6784:    0.00   0.00  95.53    0.00    1.255 0.36964  0.00000 0.00000
## 6785:    0.00   0.00  97.00    0.00  165.000 0.00000  0.00000 0.00000
##         ndex lndex year  hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat rel.inc rel.inc.sex
##    1: 285.73 5.655 2005  280.0 (65,70] (10,15]       4  0.7136     0.92498
##    2: 268.06 5.591 2005  467.1 (35,40] (15,20]       6  1.1905     1.01540
##    3:  38.13 3.641 2005   40.0 (20,25]   [0,5]       1  0.1020     0.08696
##    4: 369.32 5.912 2005  285.5 (75,80] (10,15]       4  0.7276     0.94320
##    5: 358.02 5.881 2005  610.9 (35,40] (15,20]       8  1.5572     1.32818
##   ---                                                                     
## 6781: 706.04 6.560 2005 1184.2 (40,45] (15,20]      10  3.0185     2.57446
## 6782: 464.31 6.141 2005  388.2 (45,50] (15,20]       5  0.9896     0.84404
## 6783: 273.65 5.612 2005  248.6 (30,35] (15,20]       3  0.6337     0.82140
## 6784:  95.53 4.559 2005  113.5 (75,80] (10,15]       1  0.2893     0.37499
## 6785:  97.00 4.575 2005  120.0 (20,25] (15,20]       1  0.3059     0.39649
dat.tab[, `:=`(rel.inc.sex.nrooms, hhinc/median(hhinc)), by = list(sex, 
##       hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
##    1:     1      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    2:     2      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0
##    3:     3      1        0        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    4:     4      2        1        1        0     0     0     0      0
##    5:     5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0
##   ---                                                                 
## 6781:  6781      4        0        3        2     0     0     0      0
## 6782:  6782      2        0        1        2     0     0     0      0
## 6783:  6783      1        0        0        2     0     0     0      0
## 6784:  6784      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
## 6785:  6785      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
##       kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
##    1:       0        0        0     1      6  66 female
##    2:       0        1        0     0      4  38   male
##    3:       0        0        0     0      3  25   male
##    4:       0        0        0     0      3  80 female
##    5:       0        1        0     2      6  40   male
##   ---                                                  
## 6781:       0        1        1     3      6  42   male
## 6782:       0        1        1     1      6  49   male
## 6783:       0        2        0     1      5  33 female
## 6784:       0        0        0     0      5  76 female
## 6785:       0        0        0     0      5  24 female
##                                      marstat ageced educ hours foodin
##    1:                                Widowed     15    0     0  64.21
##    2:                             cohabiting     16    0    39  75.67
##    3: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    6     0  11.86
##    4:                               Divorced     14    0     0  58.23
##    5:            Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42
##   ---                                                                
## 6781:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0 122.00
## 6782:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0  22.48
## 6783:                               Divorced     18    0     0  18.45
## 6784:                                Widowed     15    0     0  35.31
## 6785: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0   0.00
##       foodout    alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc
##    1:   26.27  15.07 240.39   45.34   37.650 0.22474  0.09194 0.05274
##    2:   10.99  26.07 257.56   10.50   13.995 0.28229  0.04100 0.09727
##    3:    6.67   0.00  38.13    0.00    0.000 0.31104  0.17493 0.00000
##    4:    8.09  23.61 142.49  226.82   86.355 0.15767  0.02191 0.06393
##    5:   53.47  24.74 321.29   36.74  139.170 0.17713  0.14936 0.06910
##   ---                                                                
## 6781:   50.25 120.50 641.52   64.52   98.320 0.17280  0.07117 0.17067
## 6782:   88.90  31.35 393.19   71.12    9.620 0.04840  0.19147 0.06751
## 6783:    5.90   0.00 206.65   67.00    6.995 0.06744  0.02156 0.00000
## 6784:    0.00   0.00  95.53    0.00    1.255 0.36964  0.00000 0.00000
## 6785:    0.00   0.00  97.00    0.00  165.000 0.00000  0.00000 0.00000
##         ndex lndex year  hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat rel.inc rel.inc.sex
##    1: 285.73 5.655 2005  280.0 (65,70] (10,15]       4  0.7136     0.92498
##    2: 268.06 5.591 2005  467.1 (35,40] (15,20]       6  1.1905     1.01540
##    3:  38.13 3.641 2005   40.0 (20,25]   [0,5]       1  0.1020     0.08696
##    4: 369.32 5.912 2005  285.5 (75,80] (10,15]       4  0.7276     0.94320
##    5: 358.02 5.881 2005  610.9 (35,40] (15,20]       8  1.5572     1.32818
##   ---                                                                     
## 6781: 706.04 6.560 2005 1184.2 (40,45] (15,20]      10  3.0185     2.57446
## 6782: 464.31 6.141 2005  388.2 (45,50] (15,20]       5  0.9896     0.84404
## 6783: 273.65 5.612 2005  248.6 (30,35] (15,20]       3  0.6337     0.82140
## 6784:  95.53 4.559 2005  113.5 (75,80] (10,15]       1  0.2893     0.37499
## 6785:  97.00 4.575 2005  120.0 (20,25] (15,20]       1  0.3059     0.39649
##       rel.inc.sex.nrooms
##    1:             0.6235
##    2:             1.4289
##    3:             0.1760
##    4:             1.6725
##    5:             1.0829
##   ---                   
## 6781:             2.0990
## 6782:             0.6882
## 6783:             0.9589
## 6784:             0.4378
## 6785:             0.4629

data.tables and keys

setkey(dat.tab, numhhkid)
dat.tab[numhhkid == 1]
##      hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
##   1:     2      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0
##   2:     5      3        0        3        1     0     0     0      0
##   3:     7      2        0        2        1     1     0     0      0
##   4:    17      2        0        0        1     0     0     0      1
##   5:    25      2        0        1        1     0     1     0      0
##  ---                                                                 
## 898:  6751      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0
## 899:  6765      2        0        1        1     0     0     0      1
## 900:  6776      2        0        1        1     0     0     0      1
## 901:  6777      2        0        2        1     0     0     0      0
## 902:  6785      1        0        0        1     0     0     1      0
##      kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
##   1:       0        1        0     0      4  38   male
##   2:       0        1        0     2      6  40   male
##   3:       0        0        0     1      5  29   male
##   4:       0        0        0     0      5  22 female
##   5:       0        0        0     1      4  22 female
##  ---                                                  
## 898:       1        0        0     2      6  57   male
## 899:       0        0        0     1      6  33   male
## 900:       0        0        0     1      6  25   male
## 901:       0        1        0     2      6  47   male
## 902:       0        0        0     0      5  24 female
##                                     marstat ageced educ hours foodin
##   1:                             cohabiting     16    0    39  75.67
##   2:            Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42
##   3:            Married spouse in household     21    0    30  36.97
##   4:                             cohabiting     16    0     0  10.33
##   5:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0  16.50
##  ---                                                                
## 898:            Married spouse in household     21    0    40 148.51
## 899:                             cohabiting     19    0     0  46.60
## 900:            Married spouse in household     18    0    38  35.83
## 901:            Married spouse in household     21    0    37 100.82
## 902: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0   0.00
##      foodout    alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout     walc
##   1:   10.99 26.075 257.56   10.50    13.99  0.2823  0.04100 0.097274
##   2:   53.47 24.740 321.29   36.74   139.17  0.1771  0.14936 0.069102
##   3:    7.65  8.235 179.33  139.79    75.14  0.1159  0.02397 0.025805
##   4:    5.37  0.000  48.88    8.00     0.00  0.1816  0.09440 0.000000
##   5:   18.53  0.000 114.06    0.00     3.00  0.1447  0.16246 0.000000
##  ---                                                                 
## 898:   47.80  2.590 633.84   56.62     0.58  0.2151  0.06923 0.003751
## 899:   33.55 36.765 288.63   77.24   107.65  0.1274  0.09170 0.100487
## 900:   72.55 29.500 248.35   89.00     9.69  0.1062  0.21506 0.087448
## 901:   56.49  0.000 735.15  136.02    70.88  0.1157  0.06485 0.000000
## 902:    0.00  0.000  97.00    0.00   165.00  0.0000  0.00000 0.000000
##        ndex lndex year  hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat rel.inc rel.inc.sex
##   1: 268.06 5.591 2005  467.1 (35,40] (15,20]       6  1.1905      1.0154
##   2: 358.02 5.881 2005  610.9 (35,40] (15,20]       8  1.5572      1.3282
##   3: 319.12 5.766 2005  639.4 (25,30] (20,25]       8  1.6297      1.3900
##   4:  56.88 4.041 2005  182.2 (20,25] (15,20]       2  0.4645      0.6021
##   5: 114.06 4.737 2005  327.6 (20,25] (15,20]       5  0.8351      1.0826
##  ---                                                                     
## 898: 690.46 6.537 2005 1192.1 (55,60] (20,25]      10  3.0385      2.5915
## 899: 365.87 5.902 2005  405.8 (30,35] (15,20]       6  1.0344      0.8823
## 900: 337.35 5.821 2005  321.6 (20,25] (15,20]       5  0.8198      0.6992
## 901: 871.17 6.770 2005  903.6 (45,50] (20,25]       9  2.3032      1.9644
## 902:  97.00 4.575 2005  120.0 (20,25] (15,20]       1  0.3059      0.3965
##      rel.inc.sex.nrooms
##   1:             1.4289
##   2:             1.0829
##   3:             1.5904
##   4:             0.7028
##   5:             1.4260
##  ---                   
## 898:             2.1129
## 899:             0.7193
## 900:             0.5701
## 901:             1.6016
## 902:             0.4629
##      numhhkid hhref numads numadret numadern kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
##   1:        1     2      2        0        2     0     0     0      0
##   2:        1     5      3        0        3     0     0     0      0
##   3:        1     7      2        0        2     1     0     0      0
##   4:        1    17      2        0        0     0     0     0      1
##   5:        1    25      2        0        1     0     1     0      0
##  ---                                                                 
## 898:        1  6751      2        0        2     0     0     0      0
## 899:        1  6765      2        0        1     0     0     0      1
## 900:        1  6776      2        0        1     0     0     0      1
## 901:        1  6777      2        0        2     0     0     0      0
## 902:        1  6785      1        0        0     0     0     1      0
##      kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
##   1:       0        1        0     0      4  38   male
##   2:       0        1        0     2      6  40   male
##   3:       0        0        0     1      5  29   male
##   4:       0        0        0     0      5  22 female
##   5:       0        0        0     1      4  22 female
##  ---                                                  
## 898:       1        0        0     2      6  57   male
## 899:       0        0        0     1      6  33   male
## 900:       0        0        0     1      6  25   male
## 901:       0        1        0     2      6  47   male
## 902:       0        0        0     0      5  24 female
##                                     marstat ageced educ hours foodin
##   1:                             cohabiting     16    0    39  75.67
##   2:            Married spouse in household     16    0    50  63.42
##   3:            Married spouse in household     21    0    30  36.97
##   4:                             cohabiting     16    0     0  10.33
##   5:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0  16.50
##  ---                                                                
## 898:            Married spouse in household     21    0    40 148.51
## 899:                             cohabiting     19    0     0  46.60
## 900:            Married spouse in household     18    0    38  35.83
## 901:            Married spouse in household     21    0    37 100.82
## 902: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0     0   0.00
##      foodout    alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout     walc
##   1:   10.99 26.075 257.56   10.50    13.99  0.2823  0.04100 0.097274
##   2:   53.47 24.740 321.29   36.74   139.17  0.1771  0.14936 0.069102
##   3:    7.65  8.235 179.33  139.79    75.14  0.1159  0.02397 0.025805
##   4:    5.37  0.000  48.88    8.00     0.00  0.1816  0.09440 0.000000
##   5:   18.53  0.000 114.06    0.00     3.00  0.1447  0.16246 0.000000
##  ---                                                                 
## 898:   47.80  2.590 633.84   56.62     0.58  0.2151  0.06923 0.003751
## 899:   33.55 36.765 288.63   77.24   107.65  0.1274  0.09170 0.100487
## 900:   72.55 29.500 248.35   89.00     9.69  0.1062  0.21506 0.087448
## 901:   56.49  0.000 735.15  136.02    70.88  0.1157  0.06485 0.000000
## 902:    0.00  0.000  97.00    0.00   165.00  0.0000  0.00000 0.000000
##        ndex lndex year  hhinc age.cat ced.cat inc.cat rel.inc rel.inc.sex
##   1: 268.06 5.591 2005  467.1 (35,40] (15,20]       6  1.1905      1.0154
##   2: 358.02 5.881 2005  610.9 (35,40] (15,20]       8  1.5572      1.3282
##   3: 319.12 5.766 2005  639.4 (25,30] (20,25]       8  1.6297      1.3900
##   4:  56.88 4.041 2005  182.2 (20,25] (15,20]       2  0.4645      0.6021
##   5: 114.06 4.737 2005  327.6 (20,25] (15,20]       5  0.8351      1.0826
##  ---                                                                     
## 898: 690.46 6.537 2005 1192.1 (55,60] (20,25]      10  3.0385      2.5915
## 899: 365.87 5.902 2005  405.8 (30,35] (15,20]       6  1.0344      0.8823
## 900: 337.35 5.821 2005  321.6 (20,25] (15,20]       5  0.8198      0.6992
## 901: 871.17 6.770 2005  903.6 (45,50] (20,25]       9  2.3032      1.9644
## 902:  97.00 4.575 2005  120.0 (20,25] (15,20]       1  0.3059      0.3965
##      rel.inc.sex.nrooms
##   1:             1.4289
##   2:             1.0829
##   3:             1.5904
##   4:             0.7028
##   5:             1.4260
##  ---                   
## 898:             2.1129
## 899:             0.7193
## 900:             0.5701
## 901:             1.6016
## 902:             0.4629
dat.tab[J(2), `:=`(twokid.foodin, log(foodin)/log(foodout))]
##       hhref numads numadret numadern numhhkid kids0 kids1 kids2 kids34
##    1:     1      1        1        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    2:     3      1        0        0        0     0     0     0      0
##    3:     4      2        1        1        0     0     0     0      0
##    4:     6      1        0        1        0     0     0     0      0
##    5:     8      2        0        2        0     0     0     0      0
##   ---                                                                 
## 6781:  3230      3        0        2        7     0     1     0      1
## 6782:  3466      6        0        0        7     0     0     1      5
## 6783:  4824      4        0        3        7     0     0     0      2
## 6784:  6629      2        0        1        7     0     0     0      1
## 6785:  4787      1        0        1        8     1     0     2      0
##       kids510 kids1116 kids1718 ncars nrooms age    sex
##    1:       0        0        0     1      6  66 female
##    2:       0        0        0     0      3  25   male
##    3:       0        0        0     0      3  80 female
##    4:       0        0        0     1      4  50 female
##    5:       0        0        0     1      4  26 female
##   ---                                                  
## 6781:       2        3        0     0      5  43   male
## 6782:       0        0        1     1      6  43 female
## 6783:       3        2        0     3      6  41 female
## 6784:       4        2        0     1      6  46   male
## 6785:       2        3        0     0      6  36 female
##                                      marstat ageced educ hours foodin
##    1:                                Widowed     15    0     0  64.21
##    2: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91      0    6     0  11.86
##    3:                               Divorced     14    0     0  58.23
##    4:                               Divorced     15    0     5  19.73
##    5:                             cohabiting     17    0    38  11.64
##   ---                                                                
## 6781:            Married spouse in household     20    0    36  23.97
## 6782:                              Separated     97    0     0 153.38
## 6783:            Married spouse in household     16    0     0  85.31
## 6784:            Married spouse in household     16    0    44  95.18
## 6785: Single,nev marr inc wid,div,sep pre 91     16    0    20  92.93
##       foodout   alc nondur semidur durables wfoodin wfoodout    walc
##    1:   26.27 15.07 240.39   45.34    37.65 0.22474  0.09194 0.05274
##    2:    6.67  0.00  38.13    0.00     0.00 0.31104  0.17493 0.00000
##    3:    8.09 23.61 142.49  226.82    86.35 0.15767  0.02191 0.06393
##    4:    5.32 19.91  79.15    0.00     0.00 0.24921  0.06721 0.25148
##    5:   22.36 22.00 182.79    2.62    13.96 0.06275  0.12059 0.11863
##   ---                                                               
## 6781:   11.17  0.00 118.97   16.49     3.08 0.17690  0.08249 0.00000
## 6782:   76.65  0.00 479.57  123.40   276.12 0.25438  0.12712 0.00000
## 6783:   30.32  8.72 498.84   32.83   105.32 0.16045  0.05704 0.01640
## 6784:   10.77 13.70 328.66   15.83     0.00 0.27631  0.03126 0.03977
## 6785:   46.83  4.49 317.51   40.85    51.16 0.25931  0.13068 0.01253
##         ndex lndex year   hhinc age.cat  ced.cat inc.cat rel.inc
##    1: 285.73 5.655 2005  279.95 (65,70]  (10,15]       4 0.71356
##    2:  38.13 3.641 2005   40.00 (20,25]    [0,5]       1 0.10195
##    3: 369.32 5.912 2005  285.46 (75,80]  (10,15]       4 0.72761
##    4:  79.15 4.371 2005   27.18 (45,50]  (10,15]       1 0.06928
##    5: 185.41 5.223 2005  445.00 (25,30]  (15,20]       6 1.13425
##   ---                                                           
## 6781: 135.47 4.909 2005  482.50 (40,45]  (15,20]       7 1.22983
## 6782: 602.97 6.402 2005  611.20 (40,45] (95,100]       8 1.55787
## 6783: 531.67 6.276 2005 1576.87 (40,45]  (15,20]      10 4.01924
## 6784: 344.49 5.842 2005  541.65 (45,50]  (15,20]       7 1.38060
## 6785: 358.35 5.882 2005  518.42 (35,40]  (15,20]       7 1.32139
##       rel.inc.sex rel.inc.sex.nrooms twokid.foodin
##    1:     0.92498             0.6235            NA
##    2:     0.08696             0.1760            NA
##    3:     0.94320             1.6725            NA
##    4:     0.08981             0.1183            NA
##    5:     1.47033             1.9368            NA
##   ---                                             
## 6781:     1.04893             1.2002            NA
## 6782:     2.01947             1.3612            NA
## 6783:     5.21014             3.5119            NA
## 6784:     1.17752             0.9601            NA
## 6785:     1.71291             1.1546            NA

Graphics and R

Base R plots

plot(y = log(dat.inc$ndex), x = log(dat.inc$hhinc))  # many options. see ?plot and ?par
## Warning: NaNs produced
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

plot(factor(dat.inc$ncars))  # plot depends on data types
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

Plots with ggplot

p <- ggplot(data = dat.inc, aes(x = log(hhinc), y = log(ndex)))  # not a plot yet: misses a geom
p + geom_point()  # now that's a plot
## Warning: NaNs produced
## Warning: NaNs produced
## Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

ggplot 2

dat <- subset(dat.inc, hhinc > 0 & ndex > 0)  # get rid of some negative values
# add another layer: color points by marstat, and decrease opacity to 0.4
p <- ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = log(hhinc), y = log(ndex)))  # not a plot yet: misses a geom
p + geom_point(aes(color = marstat), alpha = 0.4)
plot of chunk gg1

plot of chunk gg1

p + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~sex)  # split plot by factor sex
plot of chunk gg1

plot of chunk gg1

More ggplots

ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = log(hhinc), y = log(ndex))) + geom_point(aes(color = age.cat), 
    alpha = 0.4)
plot of chunk gg2

plot of chunk gg2

ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = log(hhinc), y = log(ndex))) + geom_smooth(aes(color = age.cat), 
    method = "lm", se = FALSE)
plot of chunk gg2

plot of chunk gg2

sdat <- subset(dat, ced.cat %in% c("(10,15]", "(15,20]", "(20,25]") & 
    log(hhinc) > 3 & log(hhinc) < 9)  # select a subset of ced
ggplot(data = sdat, aes(x = log(hhinc), y = log(ndex))) + geom_point(aes(color = ced.cat), 
    alpha = 0.3) + geom_smooth(aes(color = ced.cat), se = FALSE, size = 1)
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is >=1000, so using
## gam with formula: y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"). Use 'method = x' to change the
## smoothing method.
plot of chunk gg2

plot of chunk gg2

# split by sex?
ggplot(data = sdat, aes(x = log(hhinc), y = log(ndex))) + geom_point(aes(color = ced.cat), 
    alpha = 0.3) + geom_smooth(aes(color = ced.cat), se = FALSE, size = 1) + 
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is >=1000, so using
## gam with formula: y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"). Use 'method = x' to change the
## smoothing method.
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is >=1000, so using
## gam with formula: y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"). Use 'method = x' to change the
## smoothing method.
plot of chunk gg2

plot of chunk gg2

Regression Models

mod.1 <- lm(formula = lndex ~ log(hhinc), data = dat)
## Call:
## lm(formula = lndex ~ log(hhinc), data = dat)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -3.481 -0.307 -0.004  0.309  4.467 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  1.22476    0.05123    23.9   <2e-16 ***
## log(hhinc)   0.70251    0.00859    81.8   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 0.556 on 6776 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.497,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.497 
## F-statistic: 6.7e+03 on 1 and 6776 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

update() a model

mod.2 <- update(mod.1, . ~ . - 1)  # leave formula as is, but substract the intercept
mod.3 <- update(mod.1, . ~ . + age + I(age^2))  # add age and age squared
coef(summary(mod.2))  # use coef() function to extract coefs only
##            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## log(hhinc)    0.906   0.001179   768.5        0
##               Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)  0.9492539  7.710e-02   12.31 1.805e-34
## log(hhinc)   0.6422908  8.854e-03   72.55 0.000e+00
## age          0.0336750  2.667e-03   12.62 3.942e-36
## I(age^2)    -0.0003756  2.525e-05  -14.88 2.767e-49

predict() data from a model

newdat <- expand.grid(hhinc = c(200, 300), age = c(20, 50, 80))
cbind(newdat, predict(mod.3, newdat))
##   hhinc age predict(mod.3, newdat)
## 1   200  20                  4.876
## 2   300  20                  5.136
## 3   200  50                  5.097
## 4   300  50                  5.358
## 5   200  80                  4.643
## 6   300  80                  4.903

ggplot model coeficients

p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = log(hhinc), y = lndex))
p + geom_point() + geom_abline(intercept = coef(mod.1)[1], slope = coef(mod.1)[2], 
    col = "red")
plot of chunk gg3

plot of chunk gg3

update() a model 2: add a dummy variable

mod.4 <- update(mod.3, . ~ . + factor(nrooms))
## Call:
## lm(formula = lndex ~ log(hhinc) + age + I(age^2) + factor(nrooms), 
##     data = dat)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -3.751 -0.307 -0.008  0.303  3.477 
## Coefficients:
##                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)      9.09e-01   1.64e-01    5.56  2.9e-08 ***
## log(hhinc)       5.74e-01   9.36e-03   61.37  < 2e-16 ***
## age              2.66e-02   2.64e-03   10.09  < 2e-16 ***
## I(age^2)        -3.16e-04   2.49e-05  -12.72  < 2e-16 ***
## factor(nrooms)2  3.37e-01   1.58e-01    2.13  0.03334 *  
## factor(nrooms)3  3.12e-01   1.48e-01    2.11  0.03504 *  
## factor(nrooms)4  5.27e-01   1.47e-01    3.59  0.00034 ***
## factor(nrooms)5  5.91e-01   1.47e-01    4.02  5.9e-05 ***
## factor(nrooms)6  7.53e-01   1.47e-01    5.12  3.1e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
## Residual standard error: 0.526 on 6769 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.55,    Adjusted R-squared: 0.549 
## F-statistic: 1.03e+03 on 8 and 6769 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

Hyothesis Testing, IV models

Create an Age Profile for consumption

ggplot(subset(dat, ndex < 1000), aes(x = ndex)) + geom_density(aes(color = age.cat))
plot of chunk gg4

plot of chunk gg4

Age Profile: Quantile Regression

qreg50 <- rq(formula = ndex ~ age, data = dat, tau = 0.5)  # median regression
qreg <- rq(formula = ndex ~ age, data = dat, tau = seq(0.05, 0.95, 
    le = 10))  # quantile reg at several quantiles
plot(summary(qreg))  # very nice plotting method
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

Age Profile: Compare OLS and Quantile Reg

form    <- ndex ~ age + I(age^2) + I(age^3) + I(age^4) + I(age^5)
lin.mod <- lm(formula = form, data=dat)
taus    <- seq(0.1,0.9,le=9) # desired quantiles
qr.mod  <- rq(formula= form,data=dat,tau=taus)
ages    <- sort(unique(dat$age)) # vector of ages in data
# create data.frame with cols "age", and a prediction for each model
preds   <- data.frame(age = ages, OLS= predict(lin.mod, newdata = data.frame(age = ages)))
# add qreg predictions
preds   <- cbind(preds, predict(qr.mod,data.frame(age=ages)))
##   age   OLS tau= 0.1 tau= 0.2 tau= 0.3 tau= 0.4 tau= 0.5 tau= 0.6 tau= 0.7
## 1  17 267.1    51.39    78.01    122.5    150.5    186.3    221.6    336.6
## 2  18 252.6    54.85    80.65    121.0    149.3    183.9    217.6    318.8
## 3  19 242.2    58.70    84.21    121.2    149.7    183.4    215.9    305.4
## 4  20 235.4    62.85    88.51    122.8    151.5    184.7    216.2    295.8
## 5  21 231.7    67.20    93.42    125.5    154.5    187.4    218.4    289.6
## 6  22 230.9    71.66    98.77    129.3    158.6    191.5    222.1    286.5
##   tau= 0.8 tau= 0.9
## 1    371.4    484.3
## 2    355.9    457.0
## 3    344.8    437.0
## 4    337.5    423.5
## 5    333.6    415.9
## 6    332.8    413.3

Plot OLS vs Quantile Reg Age Profiles

mpreds <- melt(preds, id.vars = "age")  # now the data is long
##   age variable value
## 1  17      OLS 267.1
## 2  18      OLS 252.6
## 3  19      OLS 242.2
## 4  20      OLS 235.4
## 5  21      OLS 231.7
## 6  22      OLS 230.9
ggplot(subset(mpreds, age > 22), aes(x = age, y = value, color = variable)) + 
    geom_line() + scale_y_continuous(name = "predicted nondurable expenditure")
plot of chunk gg5

plot of chunk gg5

R and Time Series

UK <- UKDriverDeaths
##  Time-Series [1:192] from 1969 to 1985: 1687 1508 1507 1385 1632 ...
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

R and panel data

R and multinomial logit

R and Foreign Languages

R and Fortran

    subroutine bar(n, x)
        integer n
        double precision x(n)
        integer i
        do 100 i = 1, n
            x(i) = x(i) ** 2 
    100 continue
cd ~/git/R-demo
how.many <- 5L # L means integer
y        <- rnorm(how.many)
r.result <- y^2
# ideally we have a wrapper on .Fortran to check sanity of input
f.result <- .Fortran("bar", n=how.many, x=y) # .Fortran returns a list
identical(r.result,f.result$x) #identical?
## [1] TRUE

R and C/C++

R and C++ inline

my.cpp.code <- "NumericVector xx(x); 
                return wrap( std::accumulate( xx.begin(), xx.end(), 0.0));"
my.cpp.fun  <- cxxfunction( signature( x="numeric"), body=my.cpp.code, plugin="Rcpp")
y           <- seq(1,10,0.5)
r.result    <- sum(y)
c.result    <- my.cpp.fun(y)
## [1] TRUE
# if you want to see what's going on under the hood:
my.cpp.fun  <- cxxfunction( signature( x="numeric"), body=my.cpp.code, plugin="Rcpp", verbose=TRUE)
##  >> setting environment variables: 
## PKG_LIBS =  /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/Rcpp/lib/x86_64/libRcpp.a
##  >> LinkingTo : Rcpp
## CLINK_CPPFLAGS =  -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/Rcpp/include" 
##  >> Program source :
##    1 : 
##    2 : // includes from the plugin
##    3 : 
##    4 : #include <Rcpp.h>
##    5 : 
##    6 : 
##    7 : #ifndef BEGIN_RCPP
##    8 : #define BEGIN_RCPP
##    9 : #endif
##   10 : 
##   11 : #ifndef END_RCPP
##   12 : #define END_RCPP
##   13 : #endif
##   14 : 
##   15 : using namespace Rcpp;
##   16 : 
##   17 : 
##   18 : // user includes
##   19 : 
##   20 : 
##   21 : // declarations
##   22 : extern "C" {
##   23 : SEXP file90625393cbd( SEXP x) ;
##   24 : }
##   25 : 
##   26 : // definition
##   27 : 
##   28 : SEXP file90625393cbd( SEXP x ){
##   29 : BEGIN_RCPP
##   30 : NumericVector xx(x); 
##   31 :                 return wrap( std::accumulate( xx.begin(), xx.end(), 0.0));
##   32 : END_RCPP
##   33 : }
##   34 : 
##   35 : 
## Compilation argument:
##  /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD SHLIB file90625393cbd.cpp 2> file90625393cbd.cpp.err.txt

How to report results

How to make this set of slides