What's new? (3 November, 2021)
- Fixed a bug that sometimes crashes the script when extracting H1-H2. (31 July, 2021)
- Corrected an error in CCP measurement: "Get peak prominence..." from PowerCepstrum, rather than "Get peak...". (19 July, 2021)
- Fixed a bug that may prevent Average across speakers from performing properly. (24 Apr, 2020)
- You can now get cross-speaker averages even when there is only 1 repetition of each category in your data. But you need to first change number of repetitions from 0 to 1 in the Ensemble files Options window. (7 July, 2019)
- You can now choose a working folder other than where the ProsodyPro.praat script is saved. This means that you could use a single copy of the script to process all your data in different folders. (10 May, 2019)
- Resolved a long-hidden bug that led to erroneously large velocity values at some interval boundaries. (29 September, 2018)
- Fixed a bug introduced in 5.7.8 that resulted in inaccurate estimation of consonant perturbation.
5.7.8 (13 July, 2018)
- Fixed a bug so that data can be properly saved to mean_BID.txt for cases where number_of_prepetitions = 1.
5.7.7 (14 November, 2017)
- Added an extra option that allows users to capture consonant perturbation of f0 at a micro-temoral level at voice onset.
- Added cross-speaker averages of continuous tracking of time-normalized intensity.
5.7.6 (23 September, 2017)
- Added continuous tracking of f0 acceleration (second derivative of f0).
5.7.5 (1 September, 2017)
- Fixed a bug that prevents users from opening a sound file with an extension other than .wav.
5.7.4 (7 August, 2017)
- The title row in normf0.txt now displays normalized time only in numerical values rather than, e.g., "3 (value in column 1 of row 3)".
5.7.3 (17 July, 2017)
- Fixed an issue that leads to an error alert if an interval label contains a non-alphabetic or numerical symbol when "Generating BID measurements" is checked. It is still preferable to avoid symbolic annotations, however.
5.7.2 (11 May, 2017)
- Can now generate BID measurements even if a sound is not properly segmented, e.g., if the named interval contains voiceless sounds or even silence.
- Note, however, for best BID measurements, segmentation should be done at the vocalic level, i.e., one vowel per named interval. Measurements from improperly segmented utterances will have low quality.
5.7.1 (16 March, 2017)
- Fixed a bug that fails to use user-specified target tier for voice quality analysis.
5.7.0 (4 March, 2017)
- Added two peak alignment measurements: Maxf0_loc_ms and Maxf0_loc_ratio. The first measures the time of the f0 peak relative to the onset of an interval in milliseconds. The second measures the relative location of the f0 peak as a proportion to the duration of the interval.
- Changed the initial interface to shorten the window which is too long for many computer screens.
5.6.3 (21 November, 2016)
- Fixed a bug that generates the same values for h1-h2, h1*-h2*, H1-A1, H1-A3 and cpp when segments have identical interval labels.
- Fixed a minor bug that causes the script to quit if it cannot find a formant file.
5.6.2 (15 May, 2016)
- Fixed a number of minor bugs.
- Get BID measures is now unchecked by default, to save time for those who do not need these measurements.
- Increased default F0 range from 75-500 to 75-600, as female pitch often exceeds 500 Hz.
5.6.1 (20 January, 2016)
- 16 new emotion-relevant measurements added: BID (Bio-informational Dimensions) measurements.
6.1.3 beta (13 January, 2016)
- Now also has the 5.5.7 new features.
5.5.7 (22 December, 2015)
- Fixed a bug that caused ProsodyPro to skip the last sound in the folder when saving results.
- ProsodyPro now allows users to specify which tier to use as the segmentation tier. The default tier is is still 1, however.
- Added a textbox to allow users to specify a slience marker such as SIL.
- Task selection is now controlled by Option Menu to shorten the initial dialogue window so that more computers can display the full window. Some computers may still be unable to show the full window, however.
- Removed two radio buttons to further shorten the initial dialogue window: Save output files and
Set initial normalized time to 0. If you strongly need them back, please let me know.
5.5.6 & beta 6.1.2 (30 August, 2015)
- ProsodyPro will now ignore intervals with a single space symbol or a new line symbol.
5.5.5 & beta 6.1.1 (26 July, 2015)
- ProsodyPro now generates normtime_semitonef0, which was promised before on the final output list but never delivered. All the semitone values were computed with reference f0 = 1 Hz.
5.5.4 (17 May, 2015)
- Fixed a bug introduced in version 5.5.3 that caused problems with Process all sounds without pause and Get ensemble files.
5.5.3 (8 May, 2015)
- Improved pausing interface. The control of the progress flow is now more logical and intuitive.
6.0 beta (27 July, 2014)
- Users can now leave individual sentences in the original recording, without extracting them to separate sound files. To use it, tick "Keep sentences in recording" and choose Task 1.
- The new version is backward compatible, and the default setting is still for processing separate sentence-sized sound files.
- Users can now identify the folder to be analyzed at the start of ProsodyPro. They therefore only need to keep a single copy of the script.
- There are now more options for navigating between sentences/sound files.
5.5.2 (16 April, 2014)
- Improved quality of f0 velocity analysis.
- Maximum velocity values in maxvelocity.txt are now consistent with velocity peaks and valleys in f0velocity.txt.
5.5.1 (2 November, 2013)
- Changed the default F0 range to 75-500 (originally 30-400), which is the default of Praat. The new range, especially the higher lower limit, seems to generate improved initial vocal pulse marking.
5.5 (30 October, 2013)
- You can now average across unequal number of repetitions by creating a file list in which repetition groups are separated by blank lines. You can also use this feature to skip sounds that you do not want to include in your final analysis.
- Fixed a bug that caused errors in averaging across repetitions.
5.4 (20 October, 2013)
- Two more cross-speaker mean files are now generated: mean_normtime_f0velocity_cross_speaker.txt and mean_normactutime_cross_speaker.txt.
- You can now tell ProsodyPro to skip extra repetitions by checking "Ignore extra repetition" when getting cross-repetition averages. Note however that this function assumes that your sound files end with a digit that indicates repetition.
5.3.2 (19 July, 2013)
- Fixed a bug that crashes ProsodyPro when a labeled interval is shorter than Smoothing window width.
5.3.1 (8 July, 2013)
- Fixed a bug that failed to spot inconsistency in the number of intervals across repetitions when getting ensemble files.
5.3 (10 June, 2013)
- ProsodyPro can now generate average f0 contours across speakers. To do this, first create a text file (speaker_folders.txt) containing the speaker folder names arranged in a single column. Then run ProsodyPro with the 4th task--Average across speakers--checked. The script will read mean_normf0.txt from all the speaker folders, average the f0 values on a logarithmic scale, and then convert them back to Hz. The grand averages are saved in "mean_normf0_cross_speaker.txt".
5.2.1 (4 June, 2013)
- Fixed a bug that prevents users from running ProsodyPro without labeling any interval in the TextGrid window. However, the warning message is still displayed.
5.2 (11 May, 2013)
- A number of improvements on the initial dialogue window.
- F0 velocity analysis is no longer optional.
- Added time-normalized velocity profiles.
- Added unit information to the instruction section at the beginning of the script. The same information is also added to the web page.
5.1 (16 January, 2013)
- Fixed a bug that crashes the script when getting ensemble files with the "Get f0 velocity" option checked.
5.0 (30 December, 2012)
In addition to mean_normf0.txt, ProsodyPro now generates the following output files containing mean measurements averaged across repetitions of identical sentences:
- mean_normf0.txt
- mean_timenormIntensity.txt
- mean_normactutime.txt
- mean_maxf0.txt
- mean_minf0.txt
- mean_excursionsize.txt
- mean_meanf0.txt
- mean_duration.txt
- mean_maxvelocity.txt
- mean_finalvelocity.txt
- mean_finalf0.txt
- mean_meanintensity.txt
To use this function, in the startup window, tick "Get ensemble files" and set "Nrepetitions" according to the number of repetitions in your data set. Make sure the number of labeled intervals are identical across the repetitions and the number of repetitions is the same across unique sentences/conditions. Otherwise ProsodyPro will quit and display an error message:
Averaging over repetitions failed. Current number of intervals (...) does not match previous number of intervals (...).
Please make sure to enter a correct Nrepetitions in the startup window
4.3 (15 August, 2012)
- Users can now run ProsodyPro without labeling any interval in the TextGrid window. However, a warning will be shown that this is not very useful for most purposes.
- Fixed a bug that crashes the script when an interval is smaller than Smoothing_window_width.
4.2 (14 July, 2012)
- Now mean_normf0 is generated by taking the log-average of the repeptitions: meanf0 = exp(average(ln(f01), ln(f02),..., ln(f0n)). In 4.0 and 4.1 the average was arithmetic: meanf0 = average(f01, f02,..., f0n).
- Fixed a bug that crashes the script when "Get f0 velocity" is selected.
4.1 (4 June, 2012)
- The time-normalized f0 contours are now smoothed by a 70-ms triangular window by default. The size of the smoothing window can be adjusted in the startup window.
- To prevent smoothing, set the smoothing window size to 0.
- The smoothed but not time-normalized f0 contours of individual sound files are saved in .smoothf0, while the .f0 file still contains trimmed but unsmoothed f0 contours.
4.0 (20 March, 2012)
- ProsodyPro can now generate mean normf0 contours averaged across repetitions of identical sentences. To use this function, set the value of Nrepetitions in the opening window according to the number of repetitions in your data set. Make sure that the number of labeled intervals are identical across the repetitions and the number of repetitions is the same across unique sentences/conditions.
3.5 (10 February, 2012)
- Fixed a bug that led to discrepancies between max_velocity reported in .means and velocity peaks in .f0velocity. The change also improved other velocity related measurements.
Please report bugs to yi.xu@ucl.ac.uk