ECSL6003 Post-War Cultural Movements and Texts

ECSL6004 Context and Comparison in Post-War Literature





Anatomies of desire

(Spring Term)

Teacher: Dr Novella Mercuri


This seminar will look at three very different historical novels in which three contemporary women authors from different cultural traditions recreate the lives of women who lived centuries ago. The starting point for these imaginative reconstructions are art masterpieces - Vermeer's and Gentileschi's paintings and Mantegna's fresco ‘La Camera degli Sposi’ (slides of these and other visual material will be shown). All three books recreate the time and setting of these lives with wonderful richness. All three are reflections on thwarted lives of women, severely limited and constricted regardless of the differences in time and place and social condition, and on the measure of fulfillment these female characters manage to obtain nevertheless. We shall look at these texts not only from a thematic but also from a narratological perspective (narrative voice, point of view, narrative levels) and reflect on the extent to which the conscious choice of tools made by the author contributes to the distinctive nature of each work, to the telling of the story and to the effectiveness of the female portrait.

Required reading:

Anna Banti, Artemisia, trans. by Shirley D’Ardia Caracciolo, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1988 (rep. Serpent’s Tail, 1995, 2004)
Tracy Chevalier, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Harper Collins, 1999 (paperback 2000)
Marie Ferranti, The Princess of Mantua, trans. by Andrew Brown, Hesperus Press, 2005

Required viewing:

'Artemisia', dir. Agnes Merlet (France, 1998) (Week 8)
'Girl with a Pearl Earring', dir. Peter Webber (USA/Luxembourg, 2003) (Week 10)

Session 1 Introduction: Art fiction

Session 2 Ferranti (The Court of Mantua and Mantegna)

Session 3 Ferranti (Historical and fictional characters)

Session 4 Ferranti (Writing ‘docufiction’)

Session 5 Banti (Caravaggismo and the Gentileschis)


Session 6 Banti (Text analysis)

Session 7 Banti (Story and history)

Session 8 Chevalier (Dutch painting and Vermeer)

Session 9 Chevalier (Female characters)

Session 10 Chevalier (Narrative)




Last update: 15July 2008 by Novella Mercuri.