About Me

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My research interests include: development and evaluation of digital interventions; behaviour change; alcohol consumption as a behaviour change target; quantitative research.

My research focuses on the development and evaluation of a theory-based smartphone application to reduce excessive alcohol consumption (drinklessalcohol.com). This is being done through analysis of drinking behaviour and effective interventions to reduce hazardous and/or harmful drinking using the COM-B model of behaviour (capability, opportunity, motivation – behaviour); a systematic review of digital interventions for excessive alcohol use; studies to develop and test app modules, and a factorial RCT to evaluate the app modules.



2013-2016: PhD in Health Psychology (Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, UCL) funded by the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies

2014: UCL Sulley Scholarship

2012-2013: MSc in Research Methods in Psychology (Merit, 69%), UCL

2009-2012: BA in Natural Sciences Tripos. Part II Experimental Psychology (Class 2.1), University of Cambridge
