reGEN is a curatorial initiative that supports generative artists in fighting degenerative diseases. reGEN artists have so far raised more than half a million dollars for charities around the world. Curated by Alex Estorick and Foteini Valeonti.
$ 657,000

Cure3 2023 NFT Exhibition

A New Model of Charitable Giving in Web3

Jan 2023   $ 297,000

Cure Parkinson's Trust Link 1 Link 2

Raised by: Anna Carreras, Anna Lucia, Lunarean, Nat Sarkissian, Marcelo Soria Rodriguez, Iskra Velitchkova, Yazid

reGEN × Art Blocks

reGEN | Generative Artists Fighting Degenerative Diseases

Oct 2023   $ 100,000

Cure Alzheimer's Fund Link 1

Raised by: Melissa Wiederrecht, Sputniko!, Nat Sarkissian, Robert Hodgin, Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez