Problem Set #4 Solutions


1. a) The coordination number of Si is 4.  The coordination number of Al is 6.  One expects the coordination number of Ca to be relatively large (6-8) because it is a large cation.


b) H2O groups are present.


c) The tetrahedra share corners in pairs.  Tetrahedra also share corners with octahedra.  Octahedra share edges.


d) Since we have recognized bi-tetrahedral units in the structure, it must be a sorosilicate.  Among the sorosilicates in our text, only one contains the right elements and possesses H2O groups: lawsonite.


e) The chemical formula of Lawsonite is


CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2(H2O) =

CaAl2Si2O8(H2O)(H2O) =

CaAl2Si2O8 + 2H2O


Where the first term is the chemical formula of anorthite.  The higher density of lawsonite is initially puzzling because H and O are relatively "light", that is they have a small atomic mass compared with the other atoms in the formula.  The higher density can be understood in terms of coordination number.  In anorthite , Al is in 4-fold coordination, whereas it is 6-fold coordination in lawsonite.  Higher coordination numbers are generally associated with higher density.


2. a) Lattice points are shown as small open circles; b) the unit cell by dark lines.  Notice that the unit cell is centered-rectangular.

c) Since all angles are unequal, the mineral is triclinic.




a) Forsterite: Mg2SiO4, orthorhombic, a=4.75 Å, b=10.20 Å, c=5.98 Å, Z=4.


The volume of the unit cell is


V = abc = 289.73 Å3


The mass of the unit cell is four times the mass of the formula


M = 4(2x24.305 g/mol + 28.0855 g/mol + 4x16 g/mol) = 562.782 g/mol


The density is the ratio of mass to volume


r = M/V = (562.782 g/mol)/( 289.73 Å3)(1 mol/6.022x1023)(108 Å/1 cm)3 = 3.23 g/cm3


b) Pyrope: Mg3Al2Si3O12, cubic, a=11.46 Å, Z=8.


V = a3 = 1505.1 Å3

M = 3225 g/mol

r = 3.56 g/cm3


c) Enstatite: MgSiO3, orthorhombic, a=18.22 Å, b=8.81 Å, c=5.17 Å, Z=16.


V = abc = 829.88 Å3

M = 803.112 g/mol

r =3.2 g/cm3


d) Beryl: Be3Al2Si6O18, hexagonal, a=9.23 Å, c=9.19 Å, Z=2.


The volume of a hexagonal cell is the height of the cell c multiplied by the area of the base.  The base is a trapezoid with sides of length a and an angle g between them.  The area of such a trapezoid is




Since g =60˚, we have for the volume of the unit cell


V=a2c√3/2=678.03 Å3

M=1075.006 g/mol

r =2.63 g/cm3


Calculated densities agree with reported specific gravity to within 1 %.  However, the calculated densities are systematically lower.  This may be due to the presence of vacancies or impurities in the structure.  Alternatively, it may indicate a small but systematic bias in x-ray diffraction determinations of the size of the unit cell.