Asif U Tamuri
Principal Research Software Engineer, Centre for Advanced Research Computing, UCL
Affiliate of the Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, UCL
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Thanzi La Onse / TLOmodel
Selected publications
- Hallett TB, Mangal TD, Tamuri AU, et al. Estimates of resource use in the public-sector health-care system and the effect of strengthening health-care services in Malawi during 2015–19: a modelling study (Thanzi La Onse) The Lancet Global Health (2024) paper
- Álvarez-Carretero S, Tamuri AU, Battini M et al. A Species-Level Timeline of Mammal Evolution Integrating Phylogenomic Data Nature (2022) paper / code
- Tamuri AU & dos Reis M. A Mutation–Selection Model of Protein Evolution under Persistent Positive Selection Mol. Biol. Evol. (2021) paper
- Vialle RA, Tamuri AU, Goldman N. Alignment modulates ancestral sequence reconstruction accuracy
Mol. Biol. Evol. (2018) paper
- Tamuri AU, Goldman N, dos Reis M. A Penalized Likelihood Method for Estimating the Distribution of
Selection Coefficients from Phylogenetic Data Genetics vol. 197 257-271 (2014). paper / code
- Tamuri AU, dos Reis M, Goldstein RA. Estimating the Distribution of Selection Coefficients from
Phylogenetic Data Using Sitewise Mutation-Selection Models Genetics vol. 190 no. 3 1101-1115
(2012). paper
/ code, tutorial & data
Last updated 14 Nov 2024