The Names of the Moons.

Old almanacs in England used a series of poetic names to refer to each moon of the year. This began with the "Moon after Yule", the name given to the first full moon after the winter solstice, and finished with the "Moon before Yule", the last full moon before the following winter solstice. There are twelve full moons in most years, which means that three full moons occur during most seasons. One season in ten, however, contains four full moons; the third moon that occurs in such a season is called a "blue moon" (I note that this is not the only definition of the term "blue moon" that is now in common use).

The final quarter of 2010 is an example of a season that contains a blue moon, as the term is used in this article. The ninth full moon of that year follows the autumn equinox by a little more than six hours; it is the first full moon following the autumn equinox, so it is termed the "Harvest Moon" of 2010. The twelfth full moon precedes the winter solstice by just over 15 hours, so it is termed the "Moon Before Yule". Thus, during 2010, the close proximity of the ninth full moon to the autumn equinox, and the twelfth full moon to the winter solstice, leaves room in the season for an 'extra' moon. This is the "Blue Moon" that fell on 2010 November 21st.

The names of the moons, and the dates on which they are full, appear below for the years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027.

All times are expressed as Universal Time (UT). This article presents only one set of lunar names: those which were popular in England between the 17th and 19th centuries. Other systems have been in use at other times and in other parts of the world.

The source used for the times of all phenomena during 2004 to 2022 was The Astronomical Almanac (London, The Stationery Office).

The times of all phenomena during 2023 onwards were predicted using the app LunaSolCal Mobile 6.8.4 (Volker Voecking Software Engineering, 2022). The predictions of the app may vary by up to a couple of minutes from the times that will be published eventually in the The Astronomical Almanac.

Moons of 2004 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 22, 07:04 (2003)
0 Moon After Yule January 7, 15:40
1 Wolf Moon February 6, 08:47
2 Lenten Moon March 6, 23:14

Spring Equinox: 2004 March 20, 06:49
3 Egg Moon April 5, 11:03
4 Milk Moon May 4, 20:33
5 Flower Moon June 3, 04:20

Summer Solstice: 2004 June 21, 00:57
6 Hay Moon July 2, 11:09
7 Grain Moon July 31, 18:05
8 Fruit Moon August 30, 02:22

Autumn Equinox: 2004 September 22, 16:30
9 Harvest Moon September 28, 13:09
10 Hunter's Moon October 28, 03:07
11 Moon Before Yule November 26, 20:07

Moons of 2005 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 12:42 (2004)
0 Moon After Yule December 26, 15:06 (2004)
1 Wolf Moon January 25, 10:32
2 Lenten Moon February 24, 04:54

Spring Equinox: 2005 March 20, 12:33
3 Egg Moon March 25, 20:58
4 Milk Moon April 24, 10:06
5 Flower Moon May 23, 20:18

Summer Solstice: 2005 June 21, 06:46
6 Hay Moon June 22, 04:14
7 Grain Moon July 21, 11:00
8 Blue Moon August 19, 17:53
9 Fruit Moon September 18, 02:01

Autumn Equinox: 2005 September 22, 22:23
10 Harvest Moon October 17, 12:14
11 Hunter's Moon November 16, 00:57
12 Moon Before Yule December 15, 16:15

Moons of 2006 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 18:35 (2005)
0 Moon After Yule January 14, 09:48
1 Wolf Moon February 13, 04:44
2 Lenten Moon March 14, 23:35

Spring Equinox: 2006 March 20, 18:26
3 Egg Moon April 13, 16:40
4 Milk Moon May 13, 06:51
5 Flower Moon June 11, 18:03

Summer Solstice: 2006 June 21, 12:26
6 Hay Moon July 11, 03:02
7 Grain Moon August 9, 10:54
8 Fruit Moon September 7, 18:42

Autumn Equinox: 2006 September 23, 04:03
9 Harvest Moon October 7, 03:13
10 Hunter's Moon November 5, 12:58
11 Moon Before Yule December 5, 00:25

Moons of 2007 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 22, 00:22 (2006)
0 Moon After Yule January 3, 13:57
1 Wolf Moon February 2, 05:45
2 Lenten Moon March 3, 23:17

Spring Equinox: 2007 March 21, 00:07
3 Egg Moon April 2, 17:15
4 Milk Moon May 2, 10:09
5 Flower Moon June 1, 1:04

Summer Solstice: 2007 June 21, 18:06
6 Hay Moon June 30, 13:49
7 Grain Moon July 30, 0:48
8 Fruit Moon August 28, 10:35

Autumn Equinox: 2007 September 23, 09:50
9 Harvest Moon September 26, 19:45
10 Hunter's Moon October 26, 04:52
11 Moon Before Yule November 24, 14:30

Moons of 2008 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 22, 06:08 (2007)
0 Moon After Yule December 24, 01:16 (2007)
1 Wolf Moon January 22, 13:35
2 Lenten Moon February 21,03:30

Spring Equinox: 2008 March 20, 05:48
3 Egg Moon March 21, 18:40
4 Milk Moon April 20, 10:25
5 Blue Moon May 20, 02:11
6 Flower Moon June 18, 17:30

Summer Solstice: 2008 June 20, 23:59
7 Hay Moon July 18, 07:59
8 Grain Moon August 16, 21:16
9 Fruit Moon September 15, 09:13

Autumn Equinox: 2008 September 22, 15:44
10 Harvest Moon October 14, 20:02
11 Hunter's Moon November 13, 06:17
12 Moon Before Yule December 12, 16:37

Moons of 2009 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 12:04 (2008)
0 Moon After Yule January 11, 03:27
1 Wolf Moon February 9, 14:49
2 Lenten Moon March 11, 02:38

Spring Equinox: 2009 March 20, 11:44
3 Egg Moon April 9, 14:56
4 Milk Moon May 9, 04:01
5 Flower Moon June 7, 18:12

Summer Solstice: 2009 June 21, 05:46
6 Hay Moon July 7, 09:21
7 Grain Moon August 6, 00:55
8 Fruit Moon September 4, 16:03

Autumn Equinox: 2009 September 22, 21:19
9 Harvest Moon October 4, 06:10
10 Hunter's Moon November 2, 19:14
11 Moon Before Yule December 2, 07:30

Moons of 2010 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 17:47 (2009)
0 Moon After Yule December 31, 19:13 (2009)
1 Wolf Moon January 30, 06:18
2 Lenten Moon February 28, 16:38

Spring Equinox: 2010 March 20, 17:32
3 Egg Moon March 30, 02:25
4 Milk Moon April 28, 12:18
5 Flower Moon May 27, 23:07

Summer Solstice: 2010 June 21, 11:28
6 Hay Moon June 26, 11:30
7 Grain Moon July 26, 01:37
8 Fruit Moon August 24, 17:05

Autumn Equinox: 2010 September 23, 03:09
9 Harvest Moon September 23, 09:17
10 Hunter's Moon October 23, 01:37
11 Blue Moon November 21, 17:27
12 Moon Before Yule December 21, 08:13

Moons of 2011 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 23:38 (2010)
0 Moon After Yule January 19, 21:21
1 Wolf Moon February 18, 08:36
2 Lenten Moon March 19, 18:10

Spring Equinox: 2011 March 20, 23:21
3 Egg Moon April 18, 02:44
4 Milk Moon May 17, 11:09
5 Flower Moon June 15, 20:14

Summer Solstice: 2011 June 21, 17:16
6 Hay Moon July 15, 06:40
7 Grain Moon August 13, 18:57
8 Fruit Moon September 12, 09:27

Autumn Equinox: 2011 September 23, 09:05
9 Harvest Moon October 12, 02:06
10 Hunter's Moon November 10, 20:16
11 Moon Before Yule December 10, 14:36

Moons of 2012 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 22, 05:30 (2011)
0 Moon After Yule January 9, 07:30
1 Wolf Moon February 7, 21:54
2 Lenten Moon March 8, 09:39

Spring Equinox: 2012 March 20, 05:14
3 Egg Moon April 6, 19:19
4 Milk Moon May 6, 03:35
5 Flower Moon June 4, 11:12

Summer Solstice: 2012 June 20, 23:09
6 Hay Moon July 3, 18:52
7 Grain Moon August 2, 03:27
8 Fruit Moon August 31, 13:58

Autumn Equinox: 2012 September 22, 14:49
9 Harvest Moon September 30, 03:19
10 Hunter's Moon October 29, 19:49
11 Moon Before Yule November 28, 14:46

Moons of 2013 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 11:12 (2012)
0 Moon After Yule December 28, 10:21 (2012)
1 Wolf Moon January 27, 04:38
2 Lenten Moon February 25, 20:26

Spring Equinox: 2013 March 20, 11:02
3 Egg Moon March 27, 09:27
4 Milk Moon April 25, 19:57
5 Flower Moon May 25, 04:25

Summer Solstice: 2013 June 21, 05:04
6 Hay Moon June 23, 11:32
7 Grain Moon July 22, 18:16
8 Blue Moon August 21, 01:45
9 Fruit Moon September 19, 11:13

Autumn Equinox: 2013 September 22, 20:44
10 Harvest Moon October 18, 23:38
11 Hunter's Moon November 17, 15:16
12 Moon Before Yule December 17, 09:28

Moons of 2014 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 17:11 (2013)
0 Moon After Yule January 16, 04:52
1 Wolf Moon February 14, 23:53
2 Lenten Moon March 16, 17:08

Spring Equinox: 2014 March 20, 16:57
3 Egg Moon April 15, 07:42
4 Milk Moon May 14, 19:16
5 Flower Moon June 13, 04:11

Summer Solstice: 2014 June 21, 10:51
6 Hay Moon July 12, 11:25
7 Grain Moon August 10, 18:09
8 Fruit Moon September 9, 01:38

Autumn Equinox: 2014 September 23, 02:29
9 Harvest Moon October 8, 10:51
10 Hunter's Moon November 6, 22:23
11 Moon Before Yule December 6, 12:27

Moons of 2015 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 21, 23:03 (2014)
0 Moon After Yule January 5, 04:53
1 Wolf Moon February 3, 23:09
2 Lenten Moon March 5, 18:05

Spring Equinox: 2015 March 20, 22:45
3 Egg Moon April 4, 12:06
4 Milk Moon May 4, 03:42
5 Flower Moon June 2, 16:19

Summer Solstice: 2015 June 21, 16:38
6 Hay Moon July 2, 02:20
7 Grain Moon July 31, 10:43
8 Fruit Moon August 29, 18:35

Autumn Equinox: 2015 September 23, 08:21
9 Harvest Moon September 28, 02:50
10 Hunter's Moon October 27, 12:05
11 Moon Before Yule November 25, 22:44

Moons of 2016 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: December 22, 04:48 (2015)
0 Moon After Yule December 25, 11:11 (2015)
1 Wolf Moon January 24, 01:46
2 Lenten Moon February 22, 18:20

Spring Equinox: 2016 March 20, 04:30
3 Egg Moon March 23, 12:01
4 Milk Moon April 22, 05:24
5 Blue Moon May 21, 21:14
6 Flower Moon June 20, 11:02

Summer Solstice: 2016 June 20, 22:34
7 Hay Moon July 19, 22:57
8 Grain Moon August 18, 09:27
9 Fruit Moon September 16, 19:05

Autumn Equinox: 2016 September 22, 14:21
10 Harvest Moon October 16, 04:23
11 Hunter's Moon November 14, 13:52
12 Moon Before Yule December 14, 00:06

Moons of 2017 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2016 December 21, UT 10:44
0 Moon After Yule January 12, 11:34
1 Wolf Moon February 11, 00:33
2 Lenten Moon March 12, 14:54

Spring Equinox: 2017 March 20, UT 10:29
3 Egg Moon April 11, 06:08
4 Milk Moon May 10, 21:42
5 Flower Moon June 9, 13:10

Summer Solstice: 2017 June 21, UT 04:24
6 Hay Moon July 9, 04:07
7 Grain Moon August 7, 18:11
8 Fruit Moon September 6, 07:03

Autumn Equinox: 2017 September 22, UT 20:02
9 Harvest Moon October 5, 18:40
10 Hunter's Moon November 4, 05:23
11 Moon Before Yule December 3, 15:47

Moons of 2018 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2017 December 21, UT 16:28
0 Moon After Yule January 2, 02:24
1 Wolf Moon January 31, 13:27
2 Lenten Moon March 2, 00:51

Spring Equinox: 2018 March 20, UT 16:15
3 Egg Moon March 31, 12:37
4 Milk Moon April 30, 00:58
5 Flower Moon May 29, 14:20

Summer Solstice: 2018 June 21, UT 10:07
6 Hay Moon June 28, 04:53
7 Grain Moon July 27, 20:20
8 Fruit Moon August 26, 11:56

Autumn Equinox: 2018 September 23, UT 01:54
9 Harvest Moon September 25, 02:52
10 Hunter's Moon October 24, 16:45
11 Moon Before Yule November 23, 05:39

Moons of 2019 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2018 December 21, UT 22:23
0 Moon After Yule December 22, 17:49 (2018)
1 Wolf Moon January 21, 05:16
2 Lenten Moon February 19, 15:54

Spring Equinox: 2019 March 20, UT 21:58
3 Egg Moon March 21, 01:43
4 Milk Moon April 19, 11:12
5 Blue Moon May 18, 21:11
6 Flower Moon June 17, 08:31

Summer Solstice: 2019 June 21, UT 15:54
7 Hay Moon July 16, 21:38
8 Grain Moon August 15, 12:29
9 Fruit Moon September 14, 04:33

Autumn Equinox: 2019 September 23, UT 07:50
10 Harvest Moon October 13, 21:08
11 Hunter's Moon November 12, 13:34
12 Moon Before Yule December 12, 05:12

Moons of 2020 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2019 December 22, UT 04:19
0 Moon After Yule January 10, 19:21
1 Wolf Moon February 9, 07:33
2 Lenten Moon March 09, 17:48

Spring Equinox: 2020 March 20, UT 03:50
3 Egg Moon April 8, 02:35
4 Milk Moon May 7, 10:45
5 Flower Moon June 5, 19:12

Summer Solstice: 2020 June 20, UT 21:44
6 Hay Moon July 5, 04:44
7 Grain Moon August 3, 15:59
8 Fruit Moon September 2, 05:22

Autumn Equinox: 2020 September 22, UT 13:31
9 Harvest Moon October 1, 21:05
10 Hunter's Moon October 31, 14:49
11 Moon Before Yule November 30, 09:30

Moons of 2021 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2020 December 21, UT 10:02
0 Moon After Yule December 30, 03:28 (2020)
1 Wolf Moon January 28, 19:16
2 Lenten Moon February 27, 08:17

Spring Equinox: 2021 March 20, UT 09:37
3 Egg Moon March 28, 18:48
4 Milk Moon April 27, 03:32
5 Flower Moon May 26, 11:14 Lunar eclipse: UT 09:45 to 12:53

Summer Solstice: 2021 June 21, UT 03:32
6 Hay Moon June 24, 18:40
7 Grain Moon July 24, 02:37
8 Blue Moon August 22, 12:02
9 Fruit Moon September 20, 23:55

Autumn Equinox: 2021 September 22, UT 19:21
10 Harvest Moon October 20, 14:57
11 Hunter's Moon November 19, 08:57 Partial lunar eclipse: UT 07:18 to 10:47
12 Moon Before Yule December 19, 04:36

Moons of 2022 (lunations 1225 to 1236, inclusive) (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2021 December 21, UT 15:59
0 Moon After Yule January 17, 23:48
1 Wolf Moon February 16, 16:56
2 Lenten Moon March 18, 07:18

Spring Equinox: 2022 March 20, UT 15:33
3 Egg Moon April 16, 18:55
4 Milk Moon May 16, 04:14 Lunar eclipse: UT 02:28 to 05:55
5 Flower Moon June 14, 11:52

Summer Solstice: 2022 June 21, UT 09:14
6 Hay Moon July 13, 18:38
7 Grain Moon August 12, 01:36
8 Fruit Moon September 10, 09:59

Autumn Equinox: 2022 September 23, UT 01:04
9 Harvest Moon October 9, 20:55
10 Hunter's Moon November 8, 11:02 Lunar eclipse: UT 09:09 to 12:49
11 Moon Before Yule December 8, 04:08

Moons of 2023 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2022 December 21, UT 21:48
0 Moon After Yule January 6, 23:09
1 Wolf Moon February 5, 18:30
2 Lenten Moon March 7, 12:42

Spring Equinox: 2023 March 20, UT 21:24
3 Egg Moon April 6, 05:37
4 Milk Moon May 5, 18:36
5 Flower Moon June 4, 04:43

Summer Solstice: 2023 June 21, UT 15:57
6 Hay Moon July 3, 12:40
7 Grain Moon August 1, 19:33
8 Fruit Moon August 31, 02:37

Autumn Equinox: 2023 September 23, UT 07:50
9 Harvest Moon September 29, 10:58
10 Hunter's Moon October 28, 21:24
11 Moon Before Yule November 27, 09:16

Moons of 2024 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2023 December 22, UT 03:27
0 Moon After Yule December 27, 00:33 (2023)
1 Wolf Moon January 25, 17:54
2 Lenten Moon February 24, 12:31

Spring Equinox: 2024 March 20, UT 03:06
3 Egg Moon March 25, 07:01
4 Milk Moon April 24, 00:51
5 Flower Moon May 23, 14:55

Summer Solstice: 2024 June 20, UT 21:51
6 Hay Moon June 22, 02:10
7 Grain Moon July 21, 11:19
8 Blue Moon August 19, 19:28
9 Fruit Moon September 18, 03:36

Autumn Equinox: 2024 September 22, UT 13:44
10 Harvest Moon October 17, 12:27
11 Hunter's Moon November 15, 21:29
12 Moon Before Yule December 15, 09:02

Moons of 2025 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2024 December 21, UT 09:20
0 Moon After Yule January 13, 22:27
1 Wolf Moon February 12, 13:54
2 Lenten Moon March 14, 06:55

Spring Equinox: 2025 March 20, UT 09:01
3 Egg Moon April 13, 01:23
4 Milk Moon May 12, 17:58
5 Flower Moon June 11, 08:46

Summer Solstice: 2025 June 21, UT 03:42
6 Hay Moon July 10, 21:38
7 Grain Moon August 9, 08:57
8 Fruit Moon September 7, 19:10

Autumn Equinox: 2025 September 22, UT 19:19
9 Harvest Moon October 7, 04:48
10 Hunter's Moon November 5, 13:20
11 Moon Before Yule December 4, 23:15

Moons of 2026 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2025 December 21, UT 15:03
0 Moon After Yule January 3, 10:04
1 Wolf Moon February 1, 22:10
2 Lenten Moon March 3, 11:39

Spring Equinox: 2026 March 20, UT 14:45
3 Egg Moon April 2, 03:13
4 Milk Moon May 1, 18:24
5 Flower Moon May 31, 09:46

Summer Solstice: 2026 June 21, UT 09:25
6 Hay Moon June 30, 00:58
7 Grain Moon July 29, 15:37
8 Fruit Moon August 28, 05:19

Autumn Equinox: 2026 September 23, UT 01:05
9 Harvest Moon September 26, 17:50
10 Hunter's Moon October 26, 04:13
11 Moon Before Yule November 24, 14:55

Moons of 2027 (Back to top of article)

Winter Solstice: 2026 December 21, UT 20:50
0 Moon After Yule December 24, 01:29 (2026)
1 Wolf Moon January 22, 12:18
2 Lenten Moon February 20, 23:24

Spring Equinox: 2027 March 20, UT 20:25
3 Egg Moon March 22, 10:44
4 Milk Moon April 20, 23:27
5 Blue Moon May 20, 11:59
6 Flower Moon June 19, 01:45

Summer Solstice: 2027 June 21, UT 15:10
7 Hay Moon July 18, 16:46
8 Grain Moon August 17, 08:30
9 Fruit Moon September 16, 00:05

Autumn Equinox: 2027 September 23, UT 07:01
10 Harvest Moon October 15, 14:48
11 Hunter's Moon November 14, 03:27
12 Moon Before Yule December 13, 16:10

Winter Solstice: 2027 December 22, UT 02:42

Stephen Boyle, UCL Observatory, University College London (e-mail: s.boyle at
Date of first version of this article: 2004.
Date of latest modification of this article: 2022 April 19.
Copyright © 2022 Stephen Boyle.