Trevor Sweeting

List of publications

Murugiah, S. and Sweeting, T. J. (2012). Selecting the precision parameter prior in Dirichlet process mixture model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 1947-1959. doi: 10.1016/j.jspi.2012.02.013

Castro-Seoane, R., Hummerich, H., Sweeting, T., Tattum, H., Sandberg, M., Collinge, J. and Klöhn, P. (2012). Plasmacytoid dendritic cells sequester high prion titres at early stages of prion infection. PLOS Pathog., 8(2): e1002538. DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1002538

Sweeting, T. J. (2011). Invited discussion of M. Ghosh : Objective priors: an introduction for frequentists. Statistical Science 26, 206-209. doi: 10.1214/11-STS338B

Hosseini, M., Cox, I., Milic-Frayling, N., Vinay, V., Sweeting, T. (2011). Selecting a subset of queries for acquisition of further relevance judgements. Advances in Information Retrieval Theory, Lecture Notes in Computing Science, 6031/2011, 113–124. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23318-0_12

Hosseini, M., Cox, I., Milic-Frayling, N., Sweeting, T. and Vinay, V. (2011). Prioritizing relevance judgments to improve the construction of IR test collections. In Proceeding of 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM’11, October 24–28 Glasgow.

Kharroubi, S. A. and Sweeting, T. J. (2010). Posterior simulation via the signed root log-likelihood ratio. Bayesian Anal., 5, 787-815.

Castro-Seoane, R., Hummerich, H., Sweeting, T. J., Sandberg, M., Collinge, J., Klöhn, P-C. (2010). Quantification of infectious titres using a generalized linear model. Prion, 4, 219-219. Proceedings of PRION 2010, September 8 - 11 Salzburg.

Smith, A. M., F. Z. Rahman, B. H. Hayee, S. J. Graham, D. J. B. Marks, G. W. Sewell, C. D. Palmer, J. Wilde, B. M. J. Foxwell, I. S. Gloger, T. J. Sweeting, M. Marsh, A. P. Walker, Stuart L. Bloom and A. W. Segal (2009). Disordered macrophage cytokine secretion underlies impaired acute inflammation and bacterial clearance in Crohn's disease. J. Exp. Med. 206:1883–1897 (doi:10.1084/jem.20091233)

Hayee B., Rahman F., Smith, A. M., Marks, D. J., Sweeting, T. J., Bloom, S. L., Segal, A. (2009). Neutrophil Accumulation and Bacterial Clearance Is Delayed in Patients with Crohn's Disease. Digestive Disease Week/110th Annual Meeting of the American-Gastroenterological-Association, Chicago, IL, 30 May 2009 - 4 Jun 2009. Gastroenterology. W B Saunders co-Elsevier Inc. 136: A169-A169.

Hayee, B., Rahman, F. Z., Smith, A. M., Marks, D. J. B., Sewell, G. W., Sweeting, T. J., Bloom, S. L., Segal, A. W. (2009). Bacterial clearance is delayed in patients with Crohn's disease. Annual Meeting of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Glasgow. Gut. BMJ Publishing Group 58: A14-A15.

Sweeting, T. J. (2008). On predictive probability matching priors. IMS Collections: Pushing the Limits of Contemporary Statistics: Contributions in Honor of Jayanta K. Ghosh (B. Clarke and S. Ghosal, eds.), 3, 46-59.

Sweeting, T. J. and Bradley, A. (2007). Robust predictive inference under partial prior information. Bull. Int. Statist. Inst., 56th Session of the ISI, Lisbon [CD-ROM].

Sweeting, T. J. (2007). Discussion of S. Handcock, A. E. Raftery and J. M. Tantrum: Model-based clustering for social networks. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 170, 327-328.

Stevens, R. J. and Sweeting, T. J. (2007). Estimation across multiple models with application to Bayesian computing and software development. Statistics & Computing 17, 245-252.

Ghosh, M., Datta, G. S., Dalho Kim and Sweeting, T. J. (2006). Likelihood-based inference for the ratios of regression coefficients in linear models. Ann. Inst. Stat. Math. , 58, 457-473.

Sweeting, T. J., Datta, G. S. and Ghosh, M. (2006). Nonsubjective priors via predictive relative entropy loss. Ann. Statist. , 34, 441-468.

Datta, G. S. and Sweeting, T. J. (2005). Probability matching priors. Handbook of Statistics, 25: Bayesian Thinking: Modeling and Computation (D. K. Dey and C. R. Rao, eds.), Elsevier, 91-114.

Sweeting, T. J. and Kharroubi, S. A. (2005). Application of a predictive distribution formula to Bayesian computation for incomplete data models. Statistics & Computing, 15, 167-178.

Sweeting, T. J. (2005). On the implementation of local probability matching priors for interest parameters. Biometrika, 92, 47-57.

Sweeting, T. J., Datta, G. S. and Ghosh, M. (2004). Predictive relative entropy loss and prior specification. 2004 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Bayesian Statistical Science Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 5012-5019.

Sweeting, T. J. and Kharroubi, S. A. (2003). Some new formulae for posterior expectations and Bartlett corrections. Test, 12, 497-521.

Phillips, M. J. and Sweeting, T. J. (2001). Estimation from censored data with supplementary incomplete information. Lifetime Data Analysis, 7, 279-288.

Sweeting, T. J. (2001). Coverage probability bias, objective Bayes and the likelihood principle. Biometrika, 88, 657-675.

Datta, G. S., Mukerjee, R., Ghosh, M. and Sweeting, T. J. (2000). Bayesian prediction with approximate frequentist validity. Ann. Statist. , 28, 1414-1426.

Sweeting, T. J. (1999). On the construction of Bayes-confidence regions. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 61, 849-861.

Sweeting, T. J. (1998). Discussion of A. R. Barron: Information-theoretic characterization of Bayes performance and the choice of priors in parametric and nonparametric problems. Bayesian Statistics 6 (J. M. Bernardo, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, A. F. M. Smith, eds.), Oxford: University Press, 46-48.

Phillips, M. J. and Sweeting, T. J. (1996). Estimation for censored exponential data when the censoring times are subject to error. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 58, 775-783.

Sweeting, T. J. (1996). Approximate Bayesian computation based on signed roots of log-density ratios (with discussion). Bayesian Statistics 5 (J. M. Bernardo, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, A. F. M. Smith, eds.), Oxford: University Press, 427-444.

Sweeting, T. J. (1996). Discussion of N. Reid: Likelihood and Bayesian approximation methods. Bayesian Statistics 5 (J. M. Bernardo, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, A. F. M. Smith, eds.), Oxford: University Press, 365-366.

Sweeting, T. J. (1996). Discussion of B. D. Olin and W. Q. Meeker: Applications of statistical methods to nondestructive evaluation. Technometrics, 38, 124-126.

Sweeting, T. J. and Phillips, M. J. (1995). An application of nonstandard asymptotics to the analysis of repairable systems data. Technometrics, 37, 428-435.

Sweeting, T. J. (1995). Statistical models for non-destructive evaluation. Int. Statist. Review, 63, 199-214.

Sweeting, T. J. (1995). A framework for Bayesian and likelihood approximations in statistics. Biometrika, 82, 1-23.

Sweeting, T. J. (1995). A Bayesian approach to approximate conditional inference. Biometrika, 82, 25-36.

Grieve, A. P., Meredith, A. and Sweeting, T. J. (1994). Measuring your posterior belief that you can count properly. The Statistician, 43, 1-12.

Sweeting, T. J. (1994). Discussion of M. A. Newton and A. E. Raftery: Approximate Bayesian inference with the weighted likelihood bootstrap. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 56, 29-30.

Sweeting, T. J. (1993). Statistical models for non-destructive testing data. Bull. Int. Statist. Inst. , 49th Session of the ISI, 457-458.

Sweeting, T. J. and Finn, A. F. (1992). A Monte Carlo method based on first- and second-order reliability approximations. Structural Safety, 11, 203-212.

Seillier-Moiseiwitsch, F., Sweeting, T. J. and Dawid, A. P. (1992). Prequential tests of model fit. Scand. J. Statist. , 19, 45-60.

Sweeting, T. J. (1992). A method for the construction of safe S-N curves. Fatigue Fract. Engng Mater. Struct. , 14, 391-398.

Sweeting, T. J. (1992). On the asymptotic normality of posterior distributions in the multiparameter case. Bayesian Statistics 4: Proceedings of the Fourth Valencia International Meeting, 825-835.

Sweeting, T. J. (1992). Parameter-based asymptotics. Biometrika, 79, 219-230.

Sweeting, T. J. (1992). Asymptotic ancillarity and conditional inference for stochastic processes. Ann. Statist. , 20, 580-589.

Sweeting, T. J. (1992). Discussion of D. A. Pierce and D. Peters: Practical use of higher-order asymptotics for multiparameter exponential families. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 54, 732-733.

Sweeting, T. J. (1992). Discussion of R. E. Kass and E. H. Slate: Reparameterization and diagnostics of posterior non-normality. Bayesian Statistics 4, 301-303. Proceedings of the Fourth Valencia International Meeting.

Crowder, M. J., Kimber, A. C., Smith, R. L. and Sweeting, T. J. (1991). The Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data. Chapman and Hall, London.

Sweeting, T. J. (1991). Discussion of M. Aitkin: Posterior Bayes factors. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 53, 138.

Sweeting, T. J. (1991). Discussion of A. P. Dawid: Fisherian inference in likelihood and prequential frames of reference. J. R. Statist. Soc. B , 53, 106-107.

Crowder, M. J. and Sweeting, T. J. (1989). Bayesian inference for a bivariate Binomial distribution. Biometrika, 76, 599-603.

Sweeting, T. J. (1989). On conditional weak convergence. J. Theoret. Prob. , 2, 461-474.

Sweeting, T. J. (1989). Recent results on asymptotic expansions in extreme-value theory. Lecture Notes in Statistics, 51, 10-20. Proceedings of Oberwolfach Meeting on Extreme Value Theory.

Sweeting, T. J. (1989). Discussion of J. I. Ansell and M. J. Phillips: Practical problems in the statistical analysis of reliability data. Appl. Statist. , 38, 234-235.

Sweeting, T. J. (1988). Approximate posterior distributions in censored regression models. Bayesian Statistics 3: Proceedings of the Third Valencia International Meeting, 791-799. Oxford University Press.

Sweeting, T. J. (1988). Discussion of G. Wahba: Partial and interaction spline models. Bayesian Statistics 3, 488-489. Proceedings of the Third Valencia International Meeting.

Sweeting, T. J. and Adekola, A. O. (1987). Asymptotic posterior normality for stochastic processes revisited. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 49, 215-222.

Sweeting, T. J. (1987). Approximate Bayesian analysis of censored survival data. Biometrika, 74, 809-816.

Sweeting, T. J. (1987). Seconder, vote of thanks, D. R. Cox and N. Reid: Parameter orthogonality and approximate conditional inference. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 49, 20-21.

Sweeting, T. J. (1986). Asymptotically independent scale-free spacings with applications to discordancy testing. Ann. Statist. , 14, 1485-1496.

Sweeting, T. J. (1986). On a converse to Scheffé's theorem. Ann Statist. , 14, 1252-1256.

Sweeting, T. J. (1986). Asymptotic conditional inference for the offspring mean of a supercritical Galton-Watson process. Ann. Statist. , 14, 925-933.

Peronius, N. and Sweeting, T. J. (1985). On the correlation of minimum porosity with particle size distribution. Powder Technology, 2, 113-121.

Sweeting, T. J. (1985). On domains of uniform local attraction in extreme value theory. Ann. Probab. , 13, 196-205.

Sweeting, T. J. (1985). Consistent prior distributions for transformed models. Bayesian Statistics 2: Proceedings of the Second Valencia International Meeting, 755-762. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam.

Sweeting, T. J. (1985). Discussion of L. Stewart: Multiparameter Bayesian inference using Monte Carlo integration - some techniques for bivariate analysis. Bayesian Statistics 2, 506-507. Proceedings of the Second Valencia International Meeting.

Sweeting, T. J. (1985). Discussion of H. K. Van Dijk and T. Kloek: Experiments with some alternatives for importance sampling in Monte Carlo integration. Bayesian Statistics 2, 527. Proceedings of the Second Valencia International Meeting.

Sweeting, T. J. (1984). On the choice of prior distribution for the Box-Cox transformed linear model. Biometrika, 71, 127-134.

Sweeting, T. J. (1984). Approximate inference in location-scale regression models. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. , 79, 847-852.

Sweeting, T. J. (1984). The Bayesian analysis of random coefficient regression models. J. Nat. Acad. Math. , 2, 67-80.

Sweeting, T. J. (1983). On estimator efficiency in stochastic processes. Stoch. Proc. Appl. , 15, 93-99.

Sweeting, T. J. (1983). Independent scale-free spacings for the exponential and uniform distributions. Statist. Probab. Letters, 1, 115-119.

Sweeting, T. J. (1982). A Bayesian analysis of some pharmacological data using a random coefficient regression model. Appl. Statist. , 31, 205-213.

Thomas, M., Gabe, I. T., Kimber, H., Mills, C. J. and Sweeting, T. J. (1981). Does beta-blockage directly reduce myocardial oxygen consumption? Cardiovascular Research, 15, 254-261.

Sweeting, T. J. (1981). Scale parameters: a Bayesian treatment. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 43, 333-338.

Sweeting, T. J. (1980). Uniform asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator. Ann. Statist. , 8, 1375-1381.

Sweeting, T. J. (1980). Speeds of convergence and asymptotic expansions in the central limit theorem: a treatment by operators. Ann. Probab. , 58, 281-297.

Sweeting, T. J. (1978). On efficient tests for branching processes. Biometrika, 65, 123-127.

Sweeting, T. J. (1977). Speeds of convergence for the multidimensional central limit theorem. Ann. Probab., 5, 28-41.

Other articles

Sweeting, T. J. (1998). A Career in Statistics. Leading article, RSS NEWS, 25, no. 6.

Bridges, J. W. and Sweeting, T. J. (1998). Report on the effect of air pollution around Heathrow upon human health. Proof of evidence, Heathrow Terminal 5 public enquiry (presented by J. W. Bridges).

Kimber, A. C. and Sweeting, T. J. (1992). Discussion of P. M. Neumann and H. Wynn: The future of Honours Degree courses in Mathematics. J. R. Statist. Soc. A, 155, 213.

Sweeting, T. J. and Major, A. C. (1991). A consistent numerical method for the construction of safe S-N curves. Technical Memorandum, Royal Aerospace Establishment.

Sweeting, T. J. (1989). The CEGB planning margin. Proof of evidence, Hinkley "C" public enquiry.

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