Dr Jing-Hao Xue (J.-H. Xue)
Professor of Statistical Pattern Recognition,
Department of Statistical Science,
University College London,
London WC1E 6BT, UK; jinghao.xue -aT- ucl.ac.uk
- Research Interests
- Statistical pattern recognition, machine learning, computer vision
- Editorial Boards
- Senior Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2025-)
- Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (2022-2024); IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2021-2023; Outstanding Associate Editor of 2022); IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2021-2024; Best Associate Editor Award of 2021); Neurocomputing (2020-2021); Digital Signal Processing (2020-2021)
- Guest Editorials
- Selected Conference Publications
Wang, H. and Xue, J.-H. (2025)
360PanT: Training-free text-driven 360-degree panorama-to-panorama translation.
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV, round-1 acceptance rate 12.1%).
Yang, S., Li, X., Chang, D., Ma, Z. and Xue, J.-H. (2024)
Channel-spatial support-query cross-attention for fine-grained few-shot image classification.
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM, acceptance rate 26.2%), 9175-9183.
Xia, W., de Charette, R., Öztireli, C. and Xue, J.-H. (2024)
UMBRAE: Unified multimodal brain decoding.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, acceptance rate 27.9%), 242-259.
Yan, S., Qiu, X., Liao, Q., Xue, J.-H. and Liu, S. (2024)
Reschedule diffusion-based bokeh rendering.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI, acceptance rate 14.0%), 1543-1551.
Zhang, Z., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H. and Wang, H. (2024)
Spatial-contextual discrepancy information compensation for GAN inversion.
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, acceptance rate 23.75%), 38(7), 7432-7440.
Qiu, L., Chen, S., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Wang, D.-H.. and Zhu, S. (2024)
High-order structure based middle-feature learning for visible-infrared person re-identification.
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, acceptance rate 23.75%), 38(5), 4596-4604.
Xia, W., de Charette, R., Öztireli, C. and Xue, J.-H. (2024)
DREAM: Visual decoding from reversing human visual system.
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV, acceptance rate 41.5%), 8226-8235.
Wang, H., Xiang, X., Fan, Y. and Xue, J.-H. (2024)
Customizing 360-degree panoramas through text-to-image diffusion models.
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV, acceptance rate 41.5%), 4933-4943.
Past Publications
- Journal Publications
Ding, H., Yan, Y., Lu, Y., Xue, J.-H. and Wang, H. (2024+)
Uncertainty-aware label refinement on hypergraphs for personalized federated facial expression recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
Li, X., Lu, P., Zhu, R., Ma, Z., Cao, J. and Xue, J.-H. (2024+)
Rise by lifting others: Interacting features to uplift few-shot fine-grained classification.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
Chen, R., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Lu, Y. and Wang, H. (2024+)
Augmentation matters: A mix-paste method for X-ray prohibited item detection under noisy annotations.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
Chen, X., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Wang, N. and Wang, H. (2025)
Consistency-driven feature scoring and regularization network for visible-infrared person re-identification.
Pattern Recognition, 159, 111131.
Wang, X., Zhu, R. and Xue, J.-H. (2025)
GKF-PUAL: A group kernel-free approach to positive-unlabeled learning with variable selection.
Information Sciences, 690, 121574.
Zhang, Z., Chang, D., Zhu, R., Li, X., Ma, Z. and Xue, J.-H. (2024+)
Query-aware cross-mixup and cross-reconstruction for few-shot fine-grained image classification.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
Li, X., Wang, X., Zhu, R., Ma, Z., Cao, J. and Xue, J.-H. (2024+)
Selectively augmented attention network for few-shot image classification.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
Xuan, F., Liu, H., Xue, J.-H., Li, Y., Huang, X., Tan, Z., Abd Elbasit, M.A.M., Gu, X. and Su, W. (2024)
The novel triangular spectral indices for characterizing winter wheat drought.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 134, 104151.
Chien, J.-T., Chen, M.-Y., Lee, C.-H. and Xue, J.-H. (2024)
Meta soft prompting and learning.
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, 13(5), e402.
Huang, G., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Zhu, W. and Luo, X. (2024+)
Interpretable heterogeneous teacher-student learning framework for hybrid-supervised pulmonary nodule detection.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
Li, X., Guo, Z., Zhu, R., Ma, Z., Guo, J. and Xue, J.-H. (2024)
A simple scheme to amplify inter-class discrepancy for improving few-shot fine-grained image classification.
Pattern Recognition, 156, 110736.
Zhang, X., Cheng, I., Jing, Y., Shi, J., Li, C., Xue, J.-H., Tam, L.-S. and Yu, W. (2024)
DCES-PA: Deformation-controllable elastic shape model for 3D bone proliferation analysis using hand HR-pQCT images.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 175, 108533.
Li, X., Li, Z., Xie, J., Yang, X., Xue, J.-H. and Ma, Z. (2024)
Self-reconstruction network for fine-grained few-shot classification.
Pattern Recognition, 153, 110485.
Lv, Y., Huang, G., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Chen, S. and Wang, H. (2024)
Visual-textual attribute learning for class-incremental facial expression recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 26, 8038-8051.
Wu, W., Shao, Y., Gao, C., Xue, J.-H. and Sang, N. (2024)
Query-centric distance modulator for few-shot classification.
Pattern Recognition, 151, 110380.
Myung, W., Su, N., Xue, J.-H. and Wang, G. (2024)
DeGCN: Deformable graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 33, 2477-2490.
Lv, Y., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Chen, S. and Wang, H. (2024)
Relationship-guided knowledge transfer for class-incremental facial expression recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 33, 2293-2304.
Yang, F., Jiang, R., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Wang, B. and Wang, H. (2024)
Dual-mode learning for multi-dataset X-ray security image detection.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19, 3510-3524.
Xu, Y., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Hua, Y. and Wang, H. (2024)
Unpaired caricature-visual face recognition via feature decomposition-restoration-decomposition.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 34(7), 5693-5703.
Zhang, J., Liao, Q., Ma, H., Xue, J.-H., Yang, W. and Liu, S. (2024)
Exploit the best of both end-to-end and map-based methods for multi-focus image fusion.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 26, 6411-6423.
Zhao, P., Song, Y., Wang, S., Xue, J.-H., Zhao, S., Liao, Q. and Yang, W. (2024)
VPCFormer: A transformer-based multi-view finger vein recognition model and a new benchmark.
Pattern Recognition, 148, 110170.
Jiang, R., Yan, Y., Xue, J.-H., Chen, S., Wang, N. and Wang, H. (2023+)
Knowledge distillation meets label noise learning: Ambiguity-guided mutual label refinery.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
Xia, W. and Xue, J.-H. (2024)
A survey on deep generative 3D-aware image synthesis.
ACM Computing Surveys, 56(4), 90.
Past Publications
- Acknowledgements
Mentors: Prof Hall, P.; Prof Titterington, D.M.
PhD graduates: Dr Dong, M. (2013-2018; Lecturer, Bath, 2024); Dr Kazakeviciute, A. (2013-2017; Lecturer, Brunel, 2018); Dr Wang, Z. (2013-2017); Dr Zhu, R. (2013-2017; Lecturer, Kent, 2017; Senior Lecturer, City, 2021); Dr Lu, X. (2015-2020); Dr Ling, Y. (2016-2022); Dr Yang, X. (2016-2020; Lecturer, Glasgow, 2020); Dr Wang, X. (2020-2024)
Alma maters: Tsinghua University; KU Leuven; University of Glasgow
The Alan Turing Institute (Turing Fellow, 2018-2023)