(*Linear Algebra*)
(*matrix operations and converting into matrices  ====================================================*)

e[i_, j_, m_, n_] := 
  Table[If[k == i && l == j, 1, 0], {k, 1, m }, {l, 1, n}]; (*basis for matrices*)

conjugate[X_, Y_, char_] := 
  If[char == 0, Inverse[Y].X.Y, 
   Mod[Inverse[Y, Modulus -> char].X.Y, 
    char]]; (*this definition of conjugate is made to apply the left representation of Gamma_Delta and hence a right representation of Pi1(L_Delta)*)

matrixify[operator_, domainbasis_, targetbasis_, char_] := 
  Module[{A = 
      Table[Flatten[targetbasis[[i]]], {i, 1, 
   If[char == 0, 
     Table[LinearSolve[A, Flatten[operator[domainbasis[[i]]]]], {i, 
       1, Length[domainbasis]}]], 
     Table[LinearSolve[A, Flatten[operator[domainbasis[[i]]]], 
       Modulus -> char], {i, 1, Length[domainbasis]}]]]];

(*extracts a maximally linearly independent sublist of the given list*)

maxLinIndepSublist[list_List, char_] := 
 Module[{elementsOfListAsColumns = 
    Transpose[Table[Flatten[list[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[list]}]], 
   reduced, pivotingColumns},
  reduced = RowReduce[elementsOfListAsColumns, Modulus -> char];
  pivotingColumns = 
     FirstPosition[reduced[[i]], x_ /; x != 0, ## &[]], {i, 1, 

commutatorOperator[A_, B_, char_] := 
  If[char == 0, A.B - B.A, Mod[A.B - B.A, char]];
(*given a basis for a space V of m by m matrices, construct a basis \
for V^{\oplus power}. basisPower returns a list of power-tuples of \
matrices which spans the space of power-tuples of matrices*)

basisPower[m_, basis_, power_] := 
  If[power == 1, basis, 
     If[ k == i, basis[[j]], e[0, 0, m, m]], {i, 1, power}, {j, 1, 
      Length[basis]}, {k, 1, power}], 1]];
(*basisPowertest=basisPower[1, 1, {{{1}}}, 1]
basisPowertest = basisPower[2, {{{1, 0}, {0, 0}}, {{0, 1}, {0, 0}}, \
{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 1}}}, 2]
Table[MatrixForm /@ basisPowertest[[i]], {i, 1, \

(*unit test for matrixification------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(*testDomainBasis = Flatten[Table[e[i, j, 2, 2], {i, 1, 2}, {j, 1, 2}], 1]
testTargetBasis ={ {{1,0},{0, 1}},{{0, 1},{1,0}}}
testOperator[M_] := Module[{vectM = Flatten[M]}, 
{{vectM .Flatten[e[1,1,2,2]] + vectM .Flatten[e[2,2,2,2]], vectM.Flatten[e[1,2,2,2]] + vectM .Flatten[e[2,1,2,2]]},{vectM.Flatten[e[1,2,2,2]] + vectM .Flatten[e[2,1,2,2]],
vectM .Flatten[e[1,1,2,2]] + vectM .Flatten[e[2,2,2,2]]}}]
matrixify[testOperator[#]&, testDomainBasis, testTargetBasis] \
matrixify[testOperator[#]&, testDomainBasis, testTargetBasis, 0] \
(*end of test--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(*========================================The Chiang Lagrangian============================================================*)

(*==============================================DEFINING MORSE  DIFFERENTIALS===================================================================*)

(*Morse differential from Aprime to (A1prime, A2prime, A3prime)*)
d01[Aprime_, a_, b_, char_] := 
  If[char == 
    0, {-Aprime + conjugate[Aprime, b, char], +Aprime - 
     conjugate[Aprime, a.b, char], -Aprime + 
     conjugate[Aprime, a.a.b, char]}, 
   Mod[{-Aprime + conjugate[Aprime, b, char], 
     Aprime - conjugate[Aprime, a.b, char], -Aprime + 
      conjugate[Aprime, a.a.b, char]}, char]];
(*Morse differential from (A1prime, A2prime, A3prime) to (A1, A2, A3)*)

d12[{A1prime_, A2prime_, A3prime_}, a_, b_, char_] := 
  If[char == 
    0, {A1prime + A2prime + conjugate[A2prime, a, char] + 
     conjugate[A3prime, a, char], 
    conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + A2prime + 
     conjugate[A3prime, a, char]  + A3prime, 
    conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + 
     conjugate[A1prime, a.a.a.b, char] + 
     conjugate[A2prime, a.a.a.b, char] + A3prime }, 
   Mod[{A1prime + A2prime + conjugate[A2prime, a, char] + 
      conjugate[A3prime, a, char], 
     conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + A2prime + 
      conjugate[A3prime, a, char]  + A3prime, 
     conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + 
      conjugate[A1prime, a.a.a.b, char] + 
      conjugate[A2prime, a.a.a.b, char] + A3prime }, char]];
(*Morse differential from (A1, A2, A3) to A*)
d23[{A1_, A2_, A3_}, a_, b_, char_] := 
  If[char == 0, -A1 + A2 - A3 + conjugate[A1, a.a.a.b, char] - 
    conjugate[A2, a.a.a.a.b, char] + 
    conjugate[A3, a.a.a.a.a.b, char],
   Mod[-A1 + A2 - A3 + conjugate[A1, a.a.a.b, char] - 
     conjugate[A2, a.a.a.a.b, char] + 
     conjugate[A3, a.a.a.a.a.b, char], char]];

(*Defining the Floer Differentials and the Obstruction*)
(*======================================FlOER \

(*Floer Differential from (Aprime, A1, A2, A3) to (A1prime, A2prime, A3prime, A)------------------------------------------------------------*)

dF0[{Aprime_, A1_, A2_, A3_}, a_, b_, char_] := Module[{mLoc},
   mLoc = Dimensions[a][[1]];
    If[char == 
     0, {-a.a.b.A1 + A1.a.a.a.a.b + a.a.b.A2 - 
      -a.a.b.A2 + A2.b + a.a.a.b.A3.a - A3.b,
      -a.a.a.a.b.A3 + A3.b + a.A1.a.a.a.b - a.a.a.a.a.b.A1.a.a.a.a.a,
      e[0, 0, mLoc, mLoc]} +
     {-Aprime + conjugate[Aprime, b, char], 
      +Aprime - conjugate[Aprime, a.b, char],
      -Aprime + conjugate[Aprime, a.a.b, char],
      -A1 + conjugate[A1, a.a.a.b, char] + A2 - 
       conjugate[A2, a.a.a.a.b, char] - A3 + 
       conjugate[A3, a.a.a.a.a.b, char]},
    Mod[{a.a.b.A1 - A1.a.a.a.a.b - a.a.b.A2 + a.a.a.a.a.A2.a.a.a.a.a.b,
       a.a.b.A2 - A2.b - a.a.a.b.A3.a + A3.b,
       a.a.a.a.b.A3 - A3.b - a.A1.a.a.a.b + a.a.a.a.a.b.A1.a.a.a.a.a,
       e[0, 0, mLoc, mLoc]} +
      {-Aprime + conjugate[Aprime, b, char], 
       Aprime - conjugate[Aprime, a.b, char],
       -Aprime + conjugate[Aprime, a.a.b, char],
       -A1 + conjugate[A1, a.a.a.b, char] + A2 - 
        conjugate[A2, a.a.a.a.b, char] - A3 + 
        conjugate[A3, a.a.a.a.a.b, char]}, char]]];
(*Floer Differential from (A1prime, A2prime, A3prime, A) to (Aprime, \
A1, A2, A3)--------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
dF1[{A1prime_, A2prime_, A3prime_, A_}, a_, b_, char_] := 
 Module[{mLoc}, mLoc = Dimensions[a][[1]]; 
  If[char == 
    0, {  b.A1prime + A2prime.a.a.a.a.b + a.a.b.A3prime - a.A - 
      A. a.a.a.a.a,
     -A.a.a.b} + 
    {e[0, 0, mLoc, mLoc], 
     A1prime + A2prime + conjugate[A2prime, a, char] + 
      conjugate[A3prime, a, char],
     conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + A2prime + 
      conjugate[A3prime, a, char] + A3prime,
     conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + 
      conjugate[A1prime, a.a.a.b, char] + 
      conjugate[A2prime, a.a.a.b, char] + A3prime },
      b.A1prime + A2prime.Inverse[a.b, Modulus -> char] + 
       a.a.b.A3prime - a.A - A. a.a.a.a.a,
      -A.a.a.b} + 
     {e[0, 0, mLoc, mLoc], 
      A1prime + A2prime + conjugate[A2prime, a, char] + 
       conjugate[A3prime, a, char],
      conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + A2prime + 
       conjugate[A3prime, a, char] + A3prime,
      conjugate[A1prime, a.a.b, char] + 
       conjugate[A1prime, a.a.a.b, char] + 
       conjugate[A2prime, a.a.a.b, char] + A3prime }, char]]]

(*the obstruction endomorphism m0 \circ alpha - \alpha \circ m0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

obstruction0[{Aprime_, A1_, A2_, A3_}, a_, b_, obstr_, char_] :=
 If[char == 
   0, {  (obstr.Aprime - Aprime.obstr), (obstr.A1 - 
     A1.obstr),  (obstr.A2 - A2.obstr), (obstr.A3 - A3.obstr)},
  Mod[{ ( obstr.Aprime - Aprime.obstr), ( obstr.A1 - A1.obstr), ( 
     obstr.A2 - A2.obstr), ( obstr.A3 - A3.obstr) }, char]]

obstruction1[{A1prime_, A2prime_, A3prime_, A_}, a_, b_, obstr_,  
  char_] :=
 If[char == 
   0, { (obstr.A1prime - A1prime.obstr), ( 
    obstr.A2prime - A2prime.obstr), ( 
    obstr.A3prime - A3prime.obstr), (obstr.A - A.obstr)},
  Mod[{ (obstr.A1prime - A1prime.obstr), ( 
     obstr.A2prime - A2prime.obstr), ( 
     obstr.A3prime - A3prime.obstr), (obstr.A - A.obstr )}, char]]

(*Defining and Testing Representations of the Binary Dihedral Group
characteristic = 2*)

(*a test whether something is a representation of binary dihedral - \
generated by the element a of order 6 and the element b of order 4*)

isARep[{dim_, a_, b_}, char_] := 
  If[char == 0, 
   If[(a.a.a.a.a.a == IdentityMatrix[dim] ) && (a.b == 
       b.Inverse[a]) && (b.b == a.a.a), True, False], 
   If[(Mod[a.a.a.a.a.a, char] == 
       IdentityMatrix[dim])  && (Mod[a.b, char] == 
       Mod[b.Inverse[a, Modulus -> char], char]) && (Mod[b.b, char] ==
        Mod[a.a.a, char]), True, False] ] ;

(*INDECOMPOSABLE REPS OVER ZZ/2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

(*V_1 - the trivial rep:*)
a1 = IdentityMatrix[1];
b1 = IdentityMatrix[1];
(*V_2 - second indecomposable C4 - rep *)
a2 = ( {
    {1, 0},
    {0, 1}
   } );
b2 = ( {
    {1, 1},
    {0, 1}
   } );
(*V_3 - third indecomposable C4 - rep*)
a3 = ( {
    {1, 0, 1},
    {0, 1, 0},
    {0, 0, 1}
   } );
b3 = ( {
    {1, 1, 0},
    {0, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1}
   } );
(*V_4 - fourth indecomposable C4 - rep AKA the regular C4 - rep*)

a4 = ( {
    {1, 0, 1, 0},
    {0, 1, 0, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 1}
   } );
b4 = ( {
    {1, 1, 0, 0},
    {0, 1, 1, 0},
    {0, 0, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 1}
   } );
(* D - the representation of the dihedral group *)
aD = ( {
    {0, 1},
    {1, 1}
   } );
bD = ( {
    {0, 1},
    {1, 0}
   } );
(* U4  - faithful indecomposable rep of dimension 4*)
cU4 = ( {
    {0, 1, 0, 0},
    {1, 1, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1}
   } );
bU4 = ( {
    {1, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 1, 0, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 0}
   } );
aU4 = Mod[cU4.cU4.bU4.bU4, characteristic];

listOfa = {a1, a2, a3, a4, aD, aU4};
listOfb = {b1, b2, b3, b4, bD, bU4} ;
MatrixForm /@ listOfa;
MatrixForm /@ listOfb;

(*Construct a representation from a specified vector of \
multiplicities for each of the six indecomposables in the order {V1, \
V2, V3, V4, D, U4}*)

repeat[m_, n_Integer] := Sequence @@ ConstantArray[m, n];
repConstructor[multiplicities_] := Module[{useListOfa, 
   useListOfb, aLoc, bLoc, mLoc },
  useListOfa =  
   Table[repeat[listOfa[[i]], multiplicities[[i]]], {i, 1, 
  useListOfb = 
   Table[repeat[listOfb[[i]], multiplicities[[i]]], {i, 1, 
  aLoc = Fold[ArrayFlatten[{{#1, 0}, {0, #2}}] &, useListOfa];
  bLoc = Fold[ArrayFlatten[{{#1, 0}, {0, #2}}] &, useListOfb];
  mLoc = Dimensions[aLoc][[1]];
  {mLoc, aLoc, bLoc}

(*Warning: to use the repConstructor,  characteristic must be 2!
Insert a vector of multiplicities of indecomposable representations in order: {V1, V2, V3, V4, D, U4}*)
 (*testing the repConstructor*)
(*vectorOfMultiplicitiesTest = {7, 0, 0, 0, 0,3};
repTest =repConstructor[vectorOfMultiplicitiesTest];
MatrixForm /@ repTest

(*Matrices in the image of the group ring------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

imagesOfElements[a_, b_, char_] := 
  If[char == 0, 
    Table[MatrixPower[a, i].MatrixPower[b, Quotient[i, 6]], {i, 0, 
      11}]], DeleteDuplicates[
    Table[Mod[MatrixPower[a, i].MatrixPower[b, Quotient[i, 6]], 
      char], {i, 0, 11}]]];
(*testing imagesOfElements*)(*
imagesOfElementsTest \
=imagesOfElements[repTest[[2]], repTest[[3]], characteristic];
basisTest = maxLinIndepSublist[imagesOfElementsTest, characteristic];
(*MatrixForm /@ imagesOfElementsTest
MatrixForm /@ basisTest*)

(*DEFINING BASES FOR MORSE COMPLEX=======================================================================================================================*)

fullBasisIndex0or3[m_] := 
  Flatten[Table[e[i, j, m, m], {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, m}], 1];
fullBasisIndex1or2[m_] := basisPower[m, fullBasisIndex0or3[m], 3]
(*Flatten[Table[If[ l \[Equal]k,e[i,j, m,m], e[0,0, m, m]], {l, 1, \
3},{i,1,m}, {j,1,m},{k, 1, 3}], 2];*)
(*MatrixForm /@ \
Table[MatrixForm /@ fullBasisIndex1or2[3][[i]], {i, 1, \

monodromyBasisIndex0or3[a_, b_, char_] := 
  maxLinIndepSublist[imagesOfElements[a, b, char], char];
(*monodromyBasisIndex0or3Test=monodromyBasisIndex0or3[repTest[[2]], \
repTest[[3]], characteristic];
monodromyBasisIndex1or2Test= basisPower[repTest[[1]], \
monodromyBasisIndex0or3Test, 3];
(*MatrixForm /@ monodromyBasisIndex0or3Test*)
(*Table[MatrixForm /@ monodromyBasisIndex1or2Test[[i]], {i, 1, \

(*THE OBSTRUCTION AND A BASIS FOR THE CENTRAL SUBCOMPLEX---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
m0[a_, b_, char_] := 
 If[char == 0, a.a.a.a .b + a.a.b + b, 
  Mod[a.a.a.a .b + a.a.b + b, char]]
(*m0Test = m0[repTest[[2]], repTest[[3]], characteristic];
(*Print["m0 = ",MatrixForm[m0Test]]
If[MatrixRank[m0Test, Modulus\[Rule]characteristic]\[Equal]0, \
Print[Style["m0 IS 0!", 20,Green]],Print[Style["m0 IS NOT 0!", \
20,Red]]] *)*)

centralBasisIndex0or3[a_, b_, m0_, char_] := 
 Module[{commutatorWithM0matrix, mLoc},
  mLoc = Dimensions[a][[1]];
  commutatorWithM0matrix = 
   matrixify[commutatorOperator[#, m0, char] &, 
    fullBasisIndex0or3[mLoc], fullBasisIndex0or3[mLoc], char] ;
  Partition[#, mLoc] & /@ 
   NullSpace[commutatorWithM0matrix, Modulus -> char]

(*tests - to use, uncomment all previous tests*)
(*centralBasisIndex0or3Test = centralBasisIndex0or3[repTest[[2]], \
repTest[[3]], m0Test, characteristic];
centralBasisIndex0or3Test = centralBasisIndex0or3[a2, b2, m0[a2, b2, \
2], 2]
centralBasisIndex1or2Test = basisPower[repTest[[1]], \
centralBasisIndex0or3Test, 3];
MatrixForm[#]& /@centralBasisIndex0or3Test
Length[maxLinIndepSublist[centralBasisIndex0or3Test, characteristic]]
Length[maxLinIndepSublist[centralBasisIndex1or2Test, characteristic]]*)
(*Table[MatrixForm /@ centralBasisIndex1or2Test[[i]], {i, 1, \

(*BASES FOR Z/2-GRADED FLOER COMPLEX---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\
fullBasisTotal[m_] := basisPower[m, fullBasisIndex0or3[m], 4]
(*Table[MatrixForm /@ fullBasisTotal[3][[i]], {i, 1, \

centralBasisTotal[a_, b_,  m0_, char_] := 
  centralBasisIndex0or3[a, b, m0, char], 4]
(*tests - to use uncomment all previous tests*)
(*centralBasisTotalTest = basisPower[repTest[[1]], \
centralBasisIndex0or3[repTest[[2]], repTest[[3]], m0Test, \
characteristic], 4];

monodromyBasisTotal[a_, b_, char_] := 
 basisPower[Dimensions[a][[1]], monodromyBasisIndex0or3[a, b, char], 4]
(*tests - to use uncomment previous tests*)
(*monodromyBasisTotalTest \
= basisPower[repTest[[1]], monodromyBasisIndex0or3[repTest[[2]], \
repTest[[3]], characteristic], 4];
(*Table[MatrixForm /@ monodromyBasisTotalTest[[i]], {i, 1, \

(*===============Calculating Morse and Floer Homologies======================================*)
(*basis code: \
1=full, 2=central, 3=monodromy*)

calculateHomologies[a_, b_, basis_, char_] := 
 Module[{mLoc, m0Loc, fullBasisIndex0or3Loc, centralBasisIndex0or3Loc,
    monodromyBasisIndex0or3Loc, usedBasisIndex0or3Loc, 
   sizeOfBasisAtaPointLoc, usedBasisIndex1or2Loc, usedBasisTotalLoc, 
   d01matrixLoc, d12matrixLoc, d23matrixLoc, rank01, rank12, rank23, 
   rankd12d01, rankd23d12, df0df1, df1df0, rankdf0df1, rankdf1df0, 
   dF0matrixLoc, dF1matrixLoc, obstruction0matrixLoc, 
   obstruction1matrixLoc, rankdf0, rankdf1, rankHM0, rankHM1, 
   rankHM2, rankHM3, rankHF0, rankHF1},
  {mLoc = Dimensions[a][[1]],
    m0Loc = m0[a, b, char],
    fullBasisIndex0or3Loc = fullBasisIndex0or3[mLoc],
    centralBasisIndex0or3Loc = 
     centralBasisIndex0or3[a, b, m0Loc, char],
    monodromyBasisIndex0or3Loc = monodromyBasisIndex0or3[a, b, char],
    usedBasisIndex0or3Loc = 
     If[basis == 1, fullBasisIndex0or3Loc, 
      If[basis == 2, centralBasisIndex0or3Loc, 
    usedBasisIndex1or2Loc = basisPower[mLoc, usedBasisIndex0or3Loc, 3],
    usedBasisTotalLoc = basisPower[mLoc, usedBasisIndex0or3Loc, 4],
     MatrixForm /@ usedBasisTotalLoc[[i]], {i, 1, 
    sizeOfBasisAtaPointLoc = Length[usedBasisIndex0or3Loc],
    Print["Size of" , 
     If[basis == 1, " FULL ", 
      If[basis == 2, " CENTRAL ", " MONODROMY "]], 
     "basis at a point = ", sizeOfBasisAtaPointLoc];
    (*COMPUTING MORSE DIFFERENTIALS AS MATRICES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
    d01matrixLoc = 
     matrixify[d01[#, a, b, char] &, usedBasisIndex0or3Loc, 
      usedBasisIndex1or2Loc, char],
    d12matrixLoc = 
     matrixify[d12[#, a, b, char] &, usedBasisIndex1or2Loc, 
      usedBasisIndex1or2Loc, char],
    d23matrixLoc = 
     matrixify[d23[#, a, b, char] &, usedBasisIndex1or2Loc, 
      usedBasisIndex0or3Loc, char],
    rank01 = MatrixRank[d01matrixLoc, Modulus -> char],
    rank12 = MatrixRank[d12matrixLoc, Modulus -> char],
    rank23 = MatrixRank[d23matrixLoc, Modulus -> char],
    rankd12d01 = 
     MatrixRank[d12matrixLoc.d01matrixLoc, Modulus -> char],
    rankd23d12 = 
     MatrixRank[d23matrixLoc.d12matrixLoc, Modulus -> char],
    (*COMPUTING THE FLOER DIFFERENTIALS AS MATRICES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

        dF0matrixLoc = 
     If[char == 0, 
      matrixify[dF0[#, a, b, char] &, usedBasisTotalLoc, 
       usedBasisTotalLoc, char], 
      Mod[matrixify[dF0[#, a, b, char] &, usedBasisTotalLoc, 
        usedBasisTotalLoc, char], char]],
    dF1matrixLoc = 
     If[char == 0, 
      matrixify[dF1[#, a, b, char] &, usedBasisTotalLoc, 
       usedBasisTotalLoc, char], 
      Mod[matrixify[dF1[#, a, b, char] &, usedBasisTotalLoc, 
        usedBasisTotalLoc, char], char]],
    (*COMPUTING THE SQUARE OF THE FLOER DIFFERENTIAL------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

        df1df0 = 
     If[char == 0, dF1matrixLoc.dF0matrixLoc, 
      Mod[dF1matrixLoc.dF0matrixLoc, char]],
    df0df1 = 
     If[char == 0, dF0matrixLoc.dF1matrixLoc, 
      Mod[dF0matrixLoc.dF1matrixLoc, char]],
    rankdf0df1 = 
     If[char == 0, MatrixRank[df0df1], 
      MatrixRank[df0df1, Modulus -> char]],
    rankdf1df0 = 
     If[char == 0, MatrixRank[df1df0], 
      MatrixRank[df1df0, Modulus -> char]],
    (*COMPUTING OBSTRUCTION ENDOMORPHISMS AS MATRICES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

        obstruction0matrixLoc = 
     If[characteristic == 0, 
      matrixify[obstruction0[#, a, b, m0Loc,  char] &, 
       usedBasisTotalLoc, usedBasisTotalLoc, char], 
      Mod[matrixify[obstruction0[#, a, b, m0Loc, char] &, 
        usedBasisTotalLoc, usedBasisTotalLoc, char], char]],
    obstruction1matrixLoc = 
     If[char == 0, 
      matrixify[obstruction1[#, a, b, m0Loc, char] &, 
       usedBasisTotalLoc, usedBasisTotalLoc, char], 
       matrixify[obstruction1[#, a, b, m0Loc, char] &, 
        usedBasisTotalLoc, usedBasisTotalLoc, char], char]],
    (*RESULTS FOR MORSE----------------------------------------*)
    rankHM0 = Length[usedBasisIndex0or3Loc] - rank01,
    rankHM1 = Length[usedBasisIndex1or2Loc] - rank12 - rank01,
    rankHM2 = Length[usedBasisIndex1or2Loc] - rank23 - rank12,
    rankHM3 = Length[usedBasisIndex0or3Loc] - rank23}
   (*Print["d01 = ", MatrixForm[d01matrixLoc]]
   Print["rank[d01] = ",rank01]
   Print["d12 = ",MatrixForm[d12matrixLoc]]
   Print["rank[d12] = ",rank12]
   Print["d23 = ",MatrixForm[d23matrixLoc]]
   Print["rank[d23] = ",rank23]
   Print["d12.d01 = ", MatrixForm[If[char\[Equal]0, Simplify[
   d12matrixLoc.d01matrixLoc], Mod[Simplify[
   d12matrixLoc.d01matrixLoc], char]]]]
   Print["d23.d12 =", MatrixForm[If[char\[Equal]0, Simplify[
   d23matrixLoc.d12matrixLoc], Mod[Simplify[
   d23matrixLoc.d12matrixLoc], char]]]]
    If[(rankd12d01\[Equal]0)&&(rankd23d12\[Equal]0), Print[Style[
   "dM^2 = 0", 16, Green]], Print[Style["dM^2 IS NOT 0!", 16, Red]]];*)

      Print[Style["rank[HM^0(E,E)] = ", 14, Orange], rankHM0];
  Print[Style["rank[HM^1(E,E)] = ", 14, Orange], rankHM1];
  Print[Style["rank[HM^2(E,E)] = ", 14, Orange], rankHM2];
  Print[Style["rank[HM^3(E,E)] = ", 14, Orange], rankHM3];
  (*RESULTS FOR FLOER--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

  (*Print["dF0 = ", MatrixForm[dF0matrix]];*)
  (*Print["rank dF0 = ",
  (*Print["dF1 = ",MatrixForm[dF1matrix]];*)
  "rank dF1 = ",rankdf1];*)
  (*Print["dF1.dF0 = ", MatrixForm[[
  Print["dF0.dF1 = ", MatrixForm[[df0df1]]];*)
  If[(rankdf0df1 == 0 && rankdf1df0 == 0), 
    {Print[Style["dF^2 = 0", 20, Darker[Green]]],
     {rankdf0 = 
       If[char == 0, MatrixRank[dF0matrixLoc], 
        MatrixRank[dF0matrixLoc, Modulus -> char]],
      rankdf1 = 
       If[char == 0, MatrixRank[dF1matrixLoc], 
        MatrixRank[dF1matrixLoc, Modulus -> char]],
      rankHF0 =  Length[usedBasisTotalLoc] - rankdf0 - rankdf1,
      rankHF1 =  Length[usedBasisTotalLoc] - rankdf0 - rankdf1},
      Style["rank[HF^0(E,E)] = rank[HF^1(E,E)] = ", 16, Orange], 
      rankHF0]}, Print[Style["dF^2 IS NOT 0!", 20, Darker[ Red]]]]
   (*COMPARISON WITH OBSTRUCTION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
   If[(MatrixRank[obstruction0matrixLoc, Modulus -> char] == 
       0) && (MatrixRank[obstruction1matrixLoc, Modulus -> char] == 
       0), Print[Style["Obstruction vanishes!", 20, Darker[Green]]], 
    Print[Style["OBSTRUCTED!", 20, Darker[ Red]]]];
  If[(MatrixRank[df1df0 - obstruction0matrixLoc, Modulus -> char] == 
      0) && (MatrixRank[df0df1 - obstruction1matrixLoc, 
       Modulus -> char] == 0), 
   Print[Style["dF^2 = obstruction", 20, Darker[Green]]], 
   Print[Style["dF^2 IS NOT THE CLAIMED OBSTRUCTION!", 20, 
     Darker[ Red]]]]

(*======================NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS======================================*)
(*basis code 1=full; 2=central; 3=monodromy*)

(*test run-------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
calculateHomologies[aU4, bU4, 2, 2]

(*using repConstructor over characteristic 2*)
(*Insert a vector of \
multiplicities of indecomposable representations in \
characteristic = 2;

  basis_] := Module[{aLoc, bLoc},
  aLoc = repConstructor[vectorOfMultiplicities][[2]];
  bLoc  = repConstructor[vectorOfMultiplicities][[3]];
  Print["Representation is ", vectorOfMultiplicities];
  calculateHomologies[aLoc, bLoc, basis, characteristic]]  
calculateHomologiesFromMultiplicities[{0,2,0,0,0,0}, 1]

(*(*calculating all homologies for all reps - runs for an eternity*)

listOFSingleMultiplicities = Drop[Flatten[Table[{i, j, k, l, m, n}, {n, 0, 1},{m, 0, 1},{l, 0, 1},{k, 0, 1},{j, 0, 1},{i, 0, 1}], 5], 1];
Table[calculateHomologiesFromMultiplicities[listOFSingleMultiplicities[[i]], j], {i, 1, Length[listOFSingleMultiplicities]}, {j, 1, 3}];