Symmetries &
2017 Jan 4–7: University College London

Photo courtesy of Prof Yoshihiro Ohnita.

This was the 18th UK-Japan Winter School in Mathematics, and brought together researchers in symplectic geometry, mirror symmetry, calibrated submanifolds and geometric analysis.


Wednesday to Friday: Talks were held at University College London in the Roberts Building G06 Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre. Coffee and registration were held in the foyer of the Roberts Building, just outside the lecture theatre. The reception on Thursday evening was in the Wilkins Garden Room

Saturday: Talks were held at University College London in the Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre.

Timetable and titles/abstracts

About the conference

The topic this year was the interface between symplectic topology and geometric analysis, including mirror symmetry and calibrated submanifolds. The winter school provides a forum for both young and established researchers, particularly from the UK and Japan, to meet, exchange ideas and to learn about current developments in an active area of mathematics from leading experts in the field.

There were three minicourses, a variety of research talks and a poster session for PhD students to present their work.

List of speakers

Hotel suggestions

Charlotte Street Hotel, Crescent, Imperial, President or Strand Continental.

Scientific (organising) committee:
Standing committee for UK-Japan winter schools: Scientific (advisory) committee: Past UK-Japan Winter Schools.

We gratefully acknowledge support and cooperation from EPSRC, the London Mathematical Society, University College London, and the Keio Core-to-Core Program