New blog functionality
New blog functionality blog
At the behest of Pieter Belmans, I have now added an RSS feed to the blog to make it easier for people to follow. I have also added a blogroll. Below, I include the shell script which I used to generate the RSS feed for the blog.
#!/bin/bash cat > ~/blog/html/rss.xml <<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="../aux/rss.css"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Mathematical Field Notes</title> <link></link> <description>Blog of the UCL-based mathematician Jonny Evans</description> EOF headingnum=0 linked=0 rootaddress='' while read -r line do if echo "$line" | grep "^\*\s" &> /dev/null then if [ $linked == 0 ]; then echo "<link>$rootaddress</link>" >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml fi linked=0 if [ $headingnum != 0 ]; then echo "</item>" >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml fi let headingnum=$headingnum+1 title=$(echo "$line" | perl -pe 's|^\*\s(.*?)\s*:[a-zA-Z:]*:|\1|' | gawk '{print "<item><title>",$0,"</title>"}' ) tags=$(echo "$line" | perl -pe 's|^.*?(:[a-zA-Z:]*:)|\1|' | gawk -F':' '{for (k=2;k<=NF-1;k++) print "<category>",$k,"</category>"}' ) echo "$title" >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml echo "$tags" >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml fi if echo "$line" | grep "\[[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}\s[A-Za-z]\{3\}\]" &> /dev/null then pubdate=$(echo "$line" | sed 's|\[\(.*\)\]|\1|' | gawk '{print "<pubDate>",$0,"</pubDate>"}' ) echo "$pubdate" >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml fi if echo "$line" | grep "\[Read on.*\]\]" &> /dev/null then linked=1 link=$(echo "$line" | sed 's|^\[\[\./\(.*\)\.org\]\[Read on.*\]\].*$|\1|' | gawk -v x=$rootaddress '{print "<link>"x$0".html</link>"}' ) echo "$link" >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml fi done < ~/blog/org/ if [ $linked == 0 ]; then echo "<link>$rootaddress</link>" >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml fi cat >> ~/blog/html/rss.xml <<EOF </item> </channel> </rss> EOF
This script is not without its flaws. For example, if a blog post is only on the index page and doesn't have as separate file to link to, I have just linked to the blog index (I should really include an anchor to link to… maybe another day). Probably, I should use ox-rss or some other elisp solution, but I find shell scripts easier to deal with.
One more piece of fun: I recently acquired an Android smartphone (so that I could send photos of my new baby to his grandparents via whatsapp). I became much more enamoured of this phone when I realised I could install a terminal emulator (Termux), use this to install Emacs and Git, and so I can now make blog posts from my phone.