ERB conversions

This HTML document (modified by JT from a semitone conversion form written and provided by J.R. de Pijper, IPO, Eindhoven) allows you to convert frequency values expressed in Hertz to ERBs (equivalent rectangular bandwidths) which express frequency in terms of psychophysical metrics (based on the measurements of auditory bandwidths) (see Patterson, 1976; Moore & Glasberg, 1983; Glasberg & Moore, 1990). The formula by Glasberg & Moore (1990, p. 114, [21.4* log10(0.00437*f+1)]) is used here. Conversion from ERBs to Hz is also possible.

For a more complete and user-friendly conversion page, please consult Hartmut Traunmüller's page at

Your browser must be JavaScript enabled to deal with this form. Both Netscape and Internet Explorer should do.

Usage: Fill in one of the fields, then press the "Calculate" button to calculate the second.


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Click here to access Semitone conversion script (Semitones to Hz, and vice versa).
Click here to access MEL conversion script (MEL to Hz, and vice versa).