Rosie Coleman

PhD Student

UCL Institute of Child Health


PhotoMy research focuses on the plasticity and recovery of language networks following surgical intervention for epilepsy. Such surgery aims to resect epileptogenic tissue in order to reduce seizure frequency and severity in those who don't respond to traditional drug therapy. Post-surgical deficits in various cognitive domains are common, in particular language and memory. How these impairments change over time is poorly understood. We know that higher cognitive functions arise as a result of the efficient interaction of multiple cortical areas. As such, the investigation of disruption and dysfunction of these domains must take a network approach in order to fully appreciate how damage impacts these circuits. In the paediatric brain, functional networks show a greater degree of plasticity. Understanding the temporal dynamics of network plasticity, and how this corresponds to behavioural and cognitive function will allow us to better understand how damage shapes the developing brain.

I am conducting a long-term MRI follow up study of paediatric epilepsy surgery patients from Great Ormond Street Hospital, using both structural and functional methods of network analysis. Dynamic causal modelling is a method of interrogating the effective connectivity between cortical areas, allowing inference about temporal dynamics and connection strength at a neuronal level. I'm pairing this approach with diffusion tensor imaging to reconstruct and analyse the integrity of white matter networks, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the long-term plastic changes of the language system. 

I work in the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit in the Institute of Child Health. My research is supported by a Child Health Research Appeal Trust studentship.

I am supervised by Dr Torsten Baldeweg (Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit) and Dr Jon Clayden (Imaging and Biophysics Unit).

Currently Recruiting...

We are currently recruiting for healthy control subjects between the ages of 16-22. The study involves an MRI scan, and neuropsychological assessment. If you're interested in taking part in our research, please contact me for more information.


MSc Neuroscience - Kings College London

Thesis - The neuroanatomical basis of handedness; a tractography investigation.
Supervised by Dr Marco Catani

BSc Psychology - Royal Holloway, University of London

Thesis  - A critical analysis of orbitofrontal function
Supervised by Dr Narendar Ramnani


Centre for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit

Great Ormond Street Hospital



Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit

UCL Institute of Child Health

30 Guilford Street



